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SX basses?


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Ok guys,

Being that I come from England I have had very little experience with SX stuff,

can anyone tell me why they are so popular?

I tried a SX guitar that an american friend had brought over here and tbh it sounded awful, even on the clean channel it sounded dirty because the pickups were so bad!

whats so special about them?

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Seen the reviews now. They look very tempting!

Can't seem to find the same J-bass as the ones reviewed? Theres plenty of 62 jazz basses. just can't find the one im looking at one ebay. Its got a 'K' on the model number.

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ah so its decent necks + bodies on them?

Kinda like the old squiers?



The necks are fine, though the fret ends *might* need a bit of dressing. The bodies are solid wood (2 or 3 pieces) and not particle board like you'd find in other basses in the price range.


The basses are good, cheap instruments that are fun and easy to mod for relatively little money. They're a great deal in the US.

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U get what U pay 4. The frets are a little rough and they tend to be a tad on the heavy side and pickups not very warm. Other than that, they sure look fetching:snax:


i found them totally the opposite. frets on mine were very good, no sharp frets. my bass and guitar are both pretty light. the pickup in the bass wasnt that bad. it sounded ok stock. :)


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The frets on mine are absolutely horrible. The damn things fell off during shipment!


Oh wait, nm... No complaints with my fretless SX. Well, except for the strings that came on it... Holy dear god.

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I own an SX 5 string bass and an SX Telecaster guitar copy. I'm highly satisfied with both; several people have played them and commented on how nice they played and felt. I had to overhaul the electronics on the bass but even so, I would gladly have paid $200 for just the bass without pickups and pots. It's that nicely built and finished.

Here's some pr0n:



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SX Makes Excellent quality Guitars at a Inexpensive price

I really dont see how they make such a good Instrument for so little dough. they must have a very fast production rate with few mistakes on the line.

from what I have seen the guitars are also constructed from high grade materials

and I really dont understand what the craze is all about modifying the instruments because they sound fantastic right out of the box!

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Rusty I have the SB301 and the SX SPJ-62 . Can't go wrong with either. The 301 is smaller/lighter of the two. I've really had great luck as far as quality goes with the SX line. Zero fret issues etc. Haven't made any mods to either.

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