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Who's got the strange basses here...


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This is the Cuban mahogany mid/back section of the new RockBeach chambered body CamelBack Bass I have been developing for a customer. It is going to be topped with highly figured and bookmatched purpleheart and have a purpleheart access cover. The neck is bubinga with ebony fingerboard. Scale length is 35" and it will be a 5-string with Hipshot TripleLoc individual string bridges. As I get it closer to completion, I will post it in another thread. It will not be headless... The extension on the neck pocket and the bottom are for jigging for secondary operations. They will be machined off to shape after all secondary operations are completed. For this one, there will be a single Bartolini MMC series pickup in the middle position. The pickup rout will not be done until the top is glued on.


The first pic is the top view where the purpleheart will cover it. The second pic is the back which will be finished. The through rout is where the electronics cavity is and it will be covered with purpleheart after the recess for it is cut. The third pic is the CNC router doing its thing cutting it. Enjoy!







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Got any pics?

Or it didn't happen...


Nah... I did it in high school. A friend of mine sold me his Affinity for like $50 bucks. Did a cool metal spray finish on it, then "textured" it like those Fender Relics... which at that time were just starting to really come onto the market. I did an odd little "pinstripe" swoop where the neck met the body to the 12th fret in the same silver paint, then hand painted Anarchy signs and such on the body using a pencil eraser and acrylic paint.


I then cleaned up the pots a bit, re-soldered the jack, and flipped it for about $250. :freak:

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I want that Ironbird!

I've been keeping an eye out for one of those for a long time. My bro has a MIJ NJ Ironbird guitar that looks awesome and sounds it too.


That isn't the original neck on the bass,the origianl was twisted badly,so a friend bought me this neck and it has an incurable front bow,so I'll be getting a new neck custom built for it,by the guys that used to build the USA B.C.Riches in the 70's:)

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Hey Super Bass


That isn't the original neck on the bass,the original was twisted badly,so a friend bought me this neck and it has an incurable front bow,so I'll be getting a new neck custom built for it,by the guys that used to build the USA B.C.Riches in the 70's:)


BTW,being an Irishman,you might have liked to have owned the Trans Brown Mockingbird-here is the last Irishman to use my bass





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Hey Super Bass

That isn't the original neck on the bass,the original was twisted badly,so a friend bought me this neck and it has an incurable front bow,so I'll be getting a new neck custom built for it,by the guys that used to build the USA B.C.Riches in the 70's:)

BTW,being an Irishman,you might have liked to have owned the Trans Brown Mockingbird-here is the last Irishman to use my bass



Wow thats an awesome bass to have. I hope you rock it as much as Phillo!

Where'd you come across the bass? :cool:


Kinda sucks about the bow on the neck of the Ironbird though, although it is awesome that you can get the original guys to build a new one! :thu:

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Wow thats an awesome bass to have. I hope you rock it as much as Phillo!

Where'd you come across the bass?

Kinda sucks about the bow on the neck of the Ironbird though, although it is awesome that you can get the original guys to build a new one!


I work on the Unofficial B.C.Rich serial Number Archive,have done for about 4 years now,anyway,I search for serial numbers of B.C.Riches 24/7


An American friend of mine posted a thread about a Thin Lizzy Video where they were all playing BCR's,including the drummer Brian!




Anyway,during my searches I found a guy who had a Mockingbird,started emailing him,asking for pictures and the serial number,he said I could go and see the bass at his parent's house in Northampton U.K. as he moved to South Africa in 1982 and left the bass in the attic there.

Well I live in Devon,and wasn't about to do a round trip of 500 miles to just look at a bass LOL


It turns out that Thin Lizzy were lent the guitars by a London company called EFR guitars,Phil scratched the Bass and this guy got it for

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You LUCKY S.O.B.!!

Thats an amazing story.

Btw, I'll tell my brother about your website when he gets back from his holidays. I'm sure he'll be interested in the BC Rich forum and want to show his guitar. I think its from '97 or '98


Cool-I look forward to autherizing his account,like I haven't got enough to do with the Archive,I'm one of the Admins on the forum:lol:

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