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Wikipedia to complaining Muslims: suck it


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Good for them! And good for the Danish newspaper editors for that matter; take a stand for freedom of speech and information. I'm not into baiting any group or deliberately going out of my way to annoy people, but we must stand up for our right to express ourselves without censorship or fear of violence.

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An unreasonable request!. I agree with Wiki, is a global encyclopedia. Why should they censor for one group.



Because as you well know, if someone does something Muslims don't like, it's the hugest issue that's ever happened and everyone must apologize immediately. But it's cool for them to declare Jihad, call for our eradication, and teach their children that they need to kill us.


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Because as you well know, if someone does something Muslims don't like, it's the hugest issue that's ever happened and everyone must apologize immediately. But it's cool for them to declare Jihad, call for our eradication, and teach their children that they need to kill us.




well isn't this political . some may same about bush's stance on the " axis of evil"

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Because as you well know, if someone does something Muslims don't like, it's the hugest issue that's ever happened and everyone must apologize immediately. But it's cool for them to declare Jihad, call for our eradication, and teach their children that they need to kill us.




Exactly! Only people with something to hide act this defensive and irrational. They don't want the history of the Muslims available because they keep trying to play the "Islam is a peaceful religion" card. History has shown otherwise and it sure isn't helping that they still pull the same {censored} now.

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well isn't this political . some may same about bush's stance on the " axis of evil"



I wouldn't disagree, I think Bush is a horrible mockery of the US Presidential System. He has been more worried about starting wars he can't finish/win, than getting the US on track. This country is going down the tubes. I am not saying Bush caused it, but he sure isn't helping either.

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I didn't mean to sound like Islam is the only irrational and violent religion. Its just that it was brought up in this conversation.



yep ,there are extremists in a lot of religions . bush has thrown the religion card out there. does not mean all church goers hold his view. same with muslims .

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Actually, most if not all religions are peaceful at core.

The way people practice and use them is another story.



that was a reply on the history thing.

i totally agree with you on that one. to quote my post before yours ; "yep ,there are extremists in a lot of religions . bush has thrown the religion card out there. does not mean all church goers hold his view. same with muslims ."

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Has anyone here read the Koran? I've yet to discover anything else so incoherent, rambling and self-contradictory.


Look up the history of the Koran. It was spread around by word of mouth for a long while before it was written down, so that's why it's such a mess.

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But it's ok for Islams to kill non-Islams because in the eyes of their religion we aren't really people.




yes ,just like it was ok for god fearing folk to come into aussie and slaughter the aborigine , because in there eyes they aren't really people

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But it's ok for Islams to kill non-Islams because in the eyes of their religion we aren't really people.

Islam isn't even peaceful at it's core, it is a blight upon this world and lessens any person who practises it, peaceful or otherwise.

That's ignorant bull{censored}.

Muslims are even allowed to marry people from other monotheist religions without having them convert.

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That's ignorant bull{censored}.

Muslims are even allowed to marry people from other monotheist religions without having them convert.




Sorry but the way they treat women as second class citizens makes them less than tolerant. Women don't even go to heaven in their religion!! They are treated as property.

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Sorry but the way they treat women as second class citizens makes them less than tolerant. Women don't even go to heaven in their religion!! They are treated as


You're confusing culture with religion. The way they treat women in some countries is appalling, but considering that Benazir Bhutto stood a good chance of being elected as leader of Pakistan again...a Muslim country...she was hardly "property". Yes, a fanatic exploded themselves to kill her, but it doesn't mean she couldn't have been elected. She was loved by many in that country. She was killed because of who she was...not because she was a woman. Might as well say that Anwar Sadat was killed because he was a man. :rolleyes:


Now, in other countries she wouldn't even have been considered being able to run for election. It's the culture, not the religion. It's like trying to show that Christianity is backwards and abhors technology and outsiders because all you're using for a basis are the Amish.

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You're confusing culture with religion. The way they treat women in some countries is appalling, but considering that Benazir Bhutto stood a good chance of being elected as leader of Pakistan...a Muslim country...she was hardly "property". Yes, a fanatic exploded themselves to kill her, but it doesn't mean she couldn't have been elected. She was loved by many in that country. She was killed because of who she was...not because she was a woman. Might as well say that Anwar Sadat was killed because he was a man.

Now, in other countries she wouldn't even have been considered being able to run for election. It's the culture, not the religion. It's like trying to show that Christianity is backwards and abhors technology and outsiders because all you're using for a basis are the Amish.



That's the problem with the muslim religion. It is routinely spewed out as intolerant by the mullahs who do the preaching! They use the Koran as the basis of their hate and gain followers. Who opposes them within the musilm religion? The few who do make it, get on a murder list that is published worldwide and those threats are made by the muslim religious community.

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