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Happy Birthday

It was mine on Saturday, I was 22.
Someone told me I looked like I was in my 40's


Thanks, and happy belated. Nobody's told me I look like I'm in my 40's, or even 30's... But I'm feeling older now that I'm not a teenager anymore.

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Happy Birthday

It was mine on Saturday, I was 22.
Someone told me I looked like I was in my 40's


I saw a girl get on the bus this morning that caught my eye, looked around my age (34), maybe a hair older. Then more people got on at other stops and that's when I realized that she was heading off to High School, with her classmates. :freak:


There is looking older than you are, and then there is look old, which was this girls case. Not a good thing to be at that ripe age, it's only going to get worse.

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HAPPY-BDAY to you both... i'm 22 and still get carded for video games.. which I guess is a good thing. Maybe i'll look younger when i'm older.


For VIDEO GAMES? I take it you live in some crazy ass state that enforces ESRB ratings then? That's lame. 13 year olds should be allowed to buy GTA without parental consent. Get the hooker-beating out of their system before they're old enough to do it in person. :p

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I saw a girl get on the bus this morning that caught my eye, looked around my age (34), maybe a hair older. Then more people got on at other stops and that's when I realized that she was heading off to High School, with her classmates.

There is looking older than you are, and then there is look old, which was this girls case. Not a good thing to be at that ripe age, it's only going to get worse.


[Chris Hansen voice]Have a seat right in row 3 please.[/CHV]

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Happy Birthday. Being 20 sucks. At least you are only a year from when things stop sucking (or start sucking a lot more, but lets be optimists here).


Well, you at least have the ability to prescribe yourself a medication to numb the pain if things suck, in a year :D

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Old? !! ? Are you kidding?
:lol: I have three guitars and 4 amplifiers that are older then you are!!



Yeah, we've got a little amp and steel string slide guitar that are older than me sitting somewhere in the basement. But then, they're older than most of the people here, I'm sure. I think they were made in 1954, or somewhere around there.

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