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OK, I'm going to *try* to chill out on the politics *a bit*...


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Neither of the nominees are worth a {censored}, but you're hell bent on trashing Obama because he is supported by fools who don't know any better. If I was a conservative republican, I'd be more pissed at McCain supporters because they are fools who should know better.



+ 1million.

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Don't worry.
George W. Bush, the greatest president of this or any other century
, just won't let that happen.



Aha! Now I know you're a troll.


Because nobody could actually believe that overblown tripe and still have the intellectual prowess to work a computer mouse and keyboard.


And, before I get tagged with this "Obama is my messiah" horse{censored}, I don't like him either.


And that's one of the problems with political talk on this forum...a great percentage of the time, if someone speaks out against Bush or says something negative about McCain, there's a dozen guys who'll pile on them and say crap like "Clinton worshipper!" and "Obamamaniac!" and such nonsense.


There hasn't been a single presidential candidate in my lifetime that I actually care for enough to support. There are just some I dislike enough to vote against.

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I heard yet another soundbyte of Obama complaining that Palin requested some $200m from the fed gov while in office. Other people pointed out that Obama has requested some $380m from the fed gov.


Why open your mouth about something that will easily come back to bite you in the ass? Are either of these guys serious about winning? Is the winner the guy who slings the most mud? I honestly know less about these candidates platforms than any other candidates that I can remember.

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I heard yet another soundbyte of Obama complaining that Palin requested some $200m from the fed gov while in office. Other people pointed out that Obama has requested some $380m from the fed gov.


Why open your mouth about something that will easily come back to bite you in the ass? Are either of these guys serious about winning? Is the winner the guy who slings the most mud? I honestly know less about these candidates platforms than any other candidates that I can remember.


Obama isn't claiming that he's going to reduce the size of gov't or reduce wasteful spending. It's a feather in his cap to show how much he's asked the gov't to do for the people he represents. McCain/Palin, on the other hand, are claiming to be anti-pork.

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I heard yet another soundbyte of Obama complaining that Palin requested some $200m from the fed gov while in office. Other people pointed out that Obama has requested some $380m from the fed gov.


Why open your mouth about something that will easily come back to bite you in the ass? Are either of these guys serious about winning? Is the winner the guy who slings the most mud? I honestly know less about these candidates platforms than any other candidates that I can remember.

Actually Obama has requested close to $1 Billion is his short 3 years as a junior Senator. It's just like using the pig statement. He's also used the pig statement about the Surge. If I were him, I'd stick to the fish analogy.


As for her record, when she took office the earmarks/Alaskan ratio was $800. She has decreased that in a very short time to $295/Alaskan. He has to twist the facts to fit his campaign, not what her record/accomplishments show as Governor.

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