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effects examples please


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I've asked a lot of questions about bass effects, but still never really found the answers I was looking for.

Maybe I should ask a different question.

Could you guys list examples of particular songs, and the effects that were used on them?

Thanks :]

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I haven't checked in awhile, but the Ibanez website used to have clips of most of their pedals. I think the Behringer site does as well.



I've listened to a of different effects on sites and such. I still have trouble picking some of them out in actual songs though.

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ok, so little miss dangerous is played using chorus

thats the kind of stuff I need to know

thanks for the other links and suggetions, but i'm looking more for examples of actual songs rather than what the effect sounds like on a soloed instrument.

for instance, for you guys that play covers and use effects, which effects do you use, and one which songs.

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thanks catphish... but I can't get it to play, what tune is that?



EDIT : never mind, did some copying and pasting and found it on youtube.

ok, so this is going to get expensive :p

so far I know I want chorus and fuzz

I have a zoom multi effects dealie, I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it or try to go with individual pedals, and then give my multi effects deal to my nephew who is getting his first bass for christmas

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Unfortunately I'm extremely busy at work and can't sit down to think about other songs or browse through youtube. Why don't you post some songs with cool sounding basslines and we can try to tell you what effects are present :idea:

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Unfortunately I'm extremely busy at work and can't sit down to think about other songs or browse through youtube. Why don't you post some songs with cool sounding basslines and we can try to tell you what effects are present


I'll make a list :] thanks :] and thanks to everyone else, I wasn't expecting you tube posts. that was above and beyond, I would have been happy with just written examples. like "so and so uses this effect on that song" etc or "when I play such and such a song, I use such and such an effect"

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another guitar one... meaning guitar with chorus, or a bass using a guitar chorus pedal?



Guitar. Cobain has a chorus on pretty much the entire song. The easiest part to hear it is after the chorus when he hits the two single notes that ring out (0:22)... But yeah, it's pretty much engaged the whole time.

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I think they all used acid on this one





Mr. Laswell is known for using a ton of effects , I think I hear a filter or a chorus here .



tremolo , may be a Marshall tremolo head ???



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Not entirely. That is a doubletracked part. The bassline itself is fuzzed with a miff-like pedal and the thicker, lower parts are actually done on a keyboard with a distorted synth patch.


Yup, this bassline is primarily a keyboard. :cry:


Chris wrote the part, he laid down the groove, but it was doubled on a keyboard. In his own words he laughs about it because if you listen carefully, you do hear the keys having solid timing and he has a little feel and groove to his part so they aren't perfectly syncopated.

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