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Mesa Boogie M9 Carbine announced!!!

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To compete with the musicians I've played with, my median gig. I mean, honestly, if I had a good sound system I'd have no problem running a 100 watt amp, but I don't have that luxury.


Is the issue getting the sound to the crowd (if so, how does the drummer get that loud)? Is the issue stage monitoring (if so, I'm sorry for you :eek:)?

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Is the issue getting the sound to the crowd (if so, how does the drummer get that loud)? Is the issue stage monitoring (if so, I'm sorry for you



The case around town (with some notable exceptions) seems to be that all the money's poured into the mains/subs/amps, with very little set aside for monitoring. I've never had a problem being heard by the crowd, I almost ALWAYS have trouble hearing myself.


I'm not disagreeing with you in the slightest- I do believe that in an ideal situation all I'd need would be a 100 watt amp and a 2x10. However, an ideal situation is a rare enough occurrence that I like being prepared.


(as an aside my the sound man for my old gig didn't do almost any rock music so he had no clue how to throw a monitor mix that would cut through the wall of sound. All I want is kick drum and a little bit of guitar. Couldn't ever do that)

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I need to design a device that plugs in inline with speaker cables to safely and accurately measure output voltage (used to determine wattage). I would love to educate the masses. 100 watts will not cut if for everyone, but a lot of people would be shocked that they've been gigging with less.




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not without good sound reinforcement:facepalm:

Hey, if someone is playing large arena stages, that's a completely different animal than the vast majority of gigs. I've just witnessed way too many guitar heroes in my lifetime who use a halfstack as a viagra replacement in a regular ol' bar.

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Why would he do that with guitar? You've already mentioned that one of the guitards dimes his JCM800. Are you playing arena stages?



I didn't say the marshall guy. I just said guitars. It so happens that half the time I couldn't hear the rhythm player (the guy with the rectifier).

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I didn't say the marshall guy. I just said guitars. It so happens that half the time I couldn't hear the rhythm player (the guy with the rectifier).

What you are experiencing is pretty common. I hope you don't think I'm picking on you, Rev. That's not my intention. That you can't hear the Boogie still suggests an issue with the guy who dimes the Marshall, not necessarily the monitor mix. It should be pretty simple to get you a little kick and the other guitar. It could also be that your "rhythm player" is scooping his mids, which is a guarantee to get lost in the mix. There are lots of variables going on. The solution isn't necessarily to turn up the volume or bump an eq slider up. Often it is a better solution to turn down and/or cut frequencies.

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What you are experiencing is pretty common. I hope you don't think I'm picking on you, Rev. That's not my intention. That you can't hear the Boogie still suggests an issue with the guy who dimes the Marshall, not necessarily the monitor mix. It should be pretty simple to get you a little kick and the other guitar. It could also be that your "rhythm player" is scooping his mids, which is a guarantee to get lost in the mix. There are lots of variables going on. The solution isn't necessarily to turn up the volume or bump an eq slider up. Often it is a better solution to turn down and/or cut frequencies.




Trust me, I know. It's one of the reasons that in the later days of the band I bought a Hot Plate and made the Marshall guy use it. The Rectifier dude had an interesting setup- halfback angled Mesa Cab, and lower-gain humbuckers in his guitar. As a result I couldn't hear him a LOT of the time. Anything I could try didn't really fix the problem, because I couldn't ever get it in their heads that their entire paradigm of sound balancing was whack. I left the band shortly thereafter for a lot of reasons.


I still think my point stands, however. You've got retards on stage, and you've got retards on the board. Therefore, I'd like to still have that safety precaution of some extra oomph.

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I still think my point stands, however. You've got retards on stage, and you've got retards on the board. Therefore, I'd like to still have that safety precaution of some extra oomph.



Given those assumptions, I need 200+ watts into 6x10 or 2x15 or equivalent. Or I need 400+ watts into a 4x10 or equivalent.

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The only reason I'm having this discussion is because some people postulate that you only NEED 100 watts for the average gig. That's fine (although all of my audio training, with 4:1 wattage ratio was drilled into my head pretty damn hard) and all, and they're probably right, in the end.


However, I'd NEVER go to a gig with a 100 watt amp (unless I was doing something like driving a V4-B to the point of overdrive) because I don't feel like it's enough. If they do, that's fine, more power to them. But this is a circular argument at this point. You're never going to convince me I need less than 500 watts, and I'm not really interested in convincing anyone over to my viewpoint.


Also we've completely derailed the thread. The M-9 looks kickass and I can't wait to give it a try.

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I agree.

You know what you're doing and I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. he only reason I care about the discussion is you get a lot of people buying gear based on what they read on the internet. Many readers would be much better served with an intelligent discussion about how to best use their power than thinking "more is better" (how many players have the background in audio training you have?). Most player's cabinets aren't even capable of utilizing the power often being advocated regardless of what the manufacturers'
ratings say. There are people that should know better who will write on the forum that they NEED 900 watts (or whatever) when their cabinet sounds like fart city at a fraction of the power. All that says is the player has no understanding of gain structures and the difference between dynamic headroom and unused power. I don't want to see players pay for and carry more wattage than they need/use. My desires are unreasonable though and I know it.


Me too, but I don't know anyone buying one for me to try out yet.


I agree with everything you've said. If I could get the tone I want out of a DI, I'd gladly carry my whole rig in a backpack. It comes down to penis envy in the end, I believe. /I HAS 1200 WATTS LULZ/. Even I'm not immune to it- I really really want an SM1500. :cry:

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Hi Guys. I have been "out of the scene" for several years now, but thats about to change. I am pretty impressed with the m6 carbine. As I am now too old, fat ,bald and partially deaf to want a mega watt rig but still want a bit of grunt, any suggestions what the best cab is to run with this head

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Hi Guys. I have been "out of the scene" for several years now, but thats about to change. I am pretty impressed with the m6 carbine. As I am now too old, fat ,bald and partially deaf to want a mega watt rig but still want a bit of grunt, any suggestions what the best cab is to run with this head

I have an M-Pulse 600 that I run with a Genz Benz Neox 212T. It's a great combination, IMHO. The GB cab would probably go well with the Carbine, too.

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Hi Guys. I have been "out of the scene" for several years now, but thats about to change. I am pretty impressed with the m6 carbine. As I am now too old, fat ,bald and partially deaf to want a mega watt rig but still want a bit of grunt, any suggestions what the best cab is to run with this head



Welcome to the forum. "Best" is pretty subjective, but for me, it would be the Bergantino AE410.

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