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thumbelinas photo shoot!


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This is kind of what I was suggesting. Sort of. Blown-out background...but perhaps with all the band's faces very close together to where they meld into the background.


Otherwise, looks like the shoot went well and it does look good and not some guy taking snapshots. :D



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Interesting shots. Look good. I like your individuals, too, although I swear I can almost see you smiling in one of the pics.


lol! possibly. the rest of the guys spent the majority of the time standing behind the camera man doing stupid things. so, i think it came through! ;):lol: we'll say its an evil smile though. just to make it all in context :p

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and they don't make the photo's look that crap do they?!


No... they're just sooooo over done! Check out that website venturawest posted a link to (The Hall Of Douchebags). If you spend 10 minutes looking through the pics... you'll never do a photo shoot in front of a brick wall again (or on railroad tracks, or with a chain-linked fence).

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No... they're just sooooo over done! Check out that website venturawest posted a link to (The Hall Of Douchebags). If you spend 10 minutes looking through the pics... you'll never do a photo shoot in front of a brick wall again (or on railroad tracks, or with a chain-linked fence).


Lol. We were taking some last minute band pics for the Newspaper. The only time the photographer could meet with us was at a gig. Soooo, was it going to be an at the bar pic? or hall way pic, or outside by the railway tracks pic, dirty alleyway pic? Brick wall pic??? We were so screwed!!!! We went with hallway and corner by the pool table pic. The whole time I was complaining "Oh man, no no no, we can't do a douchecbag brick wall picture! Ahh that sucks! No no not a bathroom pic, that's the emodouchebag brickwall setting!!!!"

Gosh, it's pretty tricky getting a decent band picture at a gig. I highly recommend hiring someone and scouting some good locations.


That being said, I don't think Chloe's pics look douchey at all. She's too pretty to look like a dork. She also bears a remarkable resemblance to my daughter, so I'm feeling quite biased. :wave:

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That being said, I don't think Chloe's pics look douchey at all. She's too pretty to look like a dork. She also bears a remarkable resemblance to my daughter, so I'm feeling quite biased. :wave:


thanks eve! i knew i could count on ya to stick up for me! wish my mum played bass. in a cool rockabilly band. that would rule. she plays violin. not bad but not QUITE the same!

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thanks eve! i knew i could count on ya to stick up for me! wish my mum played bass. in a cool rockabilly band. that would rule. she plays violin. not bad but not QUITE the same!


Depends. If she delicately plays violin, yes it's quite different. However, if she rocks the fiddle, that could be quite cool.:thu:

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I definately like this one the best:




Not only is it a good pose/shot and all that, but it will be much more versatile when used in different mediums. One thing you need to keep in mind with things like band photos and logos is that a great deal of the time you will have no control on how they are reproduced. Sometimes it will be on newsprint, sometimes on colored paper, sometimes as a web graphic, sometimes in the middle of a bunch of other photos on a festival poster, etc. And things like dark backgrounds without a lot of contrast, or really complicated details will cause problems. Faces in shadows will just end up as black splotches, things like that. A good example would be the next picture down from this (looking down the stairs outside?) - in a lot of situations that it would get printed, the guy all the way back/left would end up just being some vaguely face-shaped blob detached from everything else - not good.


This photo will work in lots of different settings, and at a lot of different levels of quality. You can see everyone clearly, and even if the printing is crappy it will work ok. As well, it's a good dramatic shot, an interesting angle that will draw folk's attention, and you guys look good in it. The composition is really good - nice tilt and angles juxtaposed with the vertical columns, the band members balance really well and are anchored nicely by the "X" figure of the woman in the center, great darks & lights working off each other, the little bit of overexposure/blowout coming from the center, etc. The "attitude" is definately still there without being overdone (like in that first shot you posted). All in all, this is an excellent band photo.


The only real issue is again the long haired guy. He might still end up a dark splotch in some printings. But what can you do with a guy that has darker skin, black hair, and thick facial features that insists on wearing a black tshirt and having his hair in his face? You might want to ask your photog to print the final copy of the pic with a bit of lightening on his face. Or use a photo that doesn't put him in the most shadowed parts of the frame.


So, this photog? - did he cost big dollars?

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its not a bad thing-hell i played the cello, piano and flute when i was growing up. i totally back what mum does-without her i wouldn't be playing at all. and she plays beautifully, her orchestra have done some knock out shows in the past. but for street cred, violin doesn't have half as much as the bass! sorry. i didn't mean to offend!

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its not a bad thing-hell i played the cello, piano and flute when i was growing up. i totally back what mum does-without her i wouldn't be playing at all. and she plays beautifully, her orchestra have done some knock out shows in the past. but for street cred, violin doesn't have half as much as the bass! sorry. i didn't mean to offend!



I dont think he's too torn up about it. He's an URB player too.

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its not a bad thing-hell i played the cello, piano and flute when i was growing up. i totally back what mum does-without her i wouldn't be playing at all. and she plays beautifully, her orchestra have done some knock out shows in the past. but for street cred, violin doesn't have half as much as the bass! sorry. i didn't mean to offend!



I just have to give somebody a hard time today! Classical was the only kind of music I knew about until i was about 13 years old. I personally think more people should start out playing only classical music.


Excellent pics BTW. I vote for the one with the pillars.

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Hey! There better be no making fun of fiddlers in this forum. :mad:


It's got 4 strings... what the hell? Lay off! :D




As to the brick wall picture... no, it's DEFINITELY not "Hall Of Douchebag" material. Yeah... it's a brick wall. Yeah... it's been done to death. But that is some excellent photography work. I do approve! :thu:


Out of the 3 band pics... I think I like the one with the columns the best.

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