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Sorry, I know there have been quite a bit of threads like this in the past, but I will try to keep this brief...


I work as an accountant for a restaurant franchising company. I do the accounting for 7 restaurants, and am the primary contact for the owners of these restaurants.


One particular restaurant was not doing so well before the economy took a dive, and is doing pretty bad in general right now. They barely make a profit (more often than not its a loss) each month. The proprietor (owner) has been nothing but a flat out dick to me since I took over.


The accountant before me did a pretty lame job at keeping the balance sheet and such up to date, and making sure that all accruals and amortizations were taken care of. When I took over, I had no choice but to expense most of it over the rest of the months of the year.


Naturally the guy fought all of them (I would too), but what really chaps my ass is how this guy handles this. It started out as not trusting my knowledge in accounting. He would call my managers and a former manager about all this stuff (Still fine for the first few months, I was new to the position). It quickly moved to him accusing me of trying to rip him off. I, as well as the managers, assured him that I was not doing that. Over the months he continued complaining to managers, and pretty much telling anybody he can that I am an idiot, and screws everything up, which I was not. I have done everything by policy and I have even bent a couple of rules because his sales were so bad one month.


He has called me, and asked "what the {censored} is your problem?", hes called me an asshole and an idiot. Everytime I try to explain something to him he always counters with something that does not make sense in accounting and gives a smarmy "mmmm hmmmm."


I have done nothing to attack this guy, but he will not let up. Maybe its because I am mild mannered, and quiet and non confrontational :idk:. Today he has crossed the line. He called up a different accountant, and asked her to be his accountant. She obviously told me what he said, and so have the managers and other accountants.


How should I handle this? I trust you all's opinionI am at my wits end. Its coming to the time where we will be rotating restaurants (I got stuck with the most difficult proprietors) so I might have the option to get rid of this restaurant, but I don't want him to win. SHould I just let it go?

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Run, don't walk, from this ass. Pricks like that never "win", they spend their lives trying to make others as miserable as they are. Life is too short and no matter what you do everything that goes wrong for this guy will wind up "your fault". {censored} 'em.

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Run, don't walk, from this ass. Pricks like that never "win", they spend their lives trying to make others as miserable as they are. Life is too short and no matter what you do everything that goes wrong for this guy will wind up "your fault". {censored} 'em.



Deal with a few of these a week, but on a rotating schedule.

I propose destroying this a-hole with kindness (something you likely have tried), or just giving it back to him with by the book replies to his unreasonable demands. This will drive him ape{censored} because he knows his only other course of action is to go somewhere else. (Good luck, buddy.)


He will come to hate the fact that he seems like an obvious asshole and slowly warm to you.


That, or punch his {censored}in lights out.;)

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I think thats what I needed to hear. I don't think I will stick it out with this guy, I've tried to be kind but its still not working. I think it would have negative effects on my health. He has an obvious problem, weather its his attitude or with me. I will make it known to his superior why I have switched responsibilities.


That, or punch his {censored}in lights out.


I am a nice guy, and never really want to hurt anybody, but this guy has made me want to drive to San Francisco and lay down an ass-whooping. I am a big guy (he seems like he is short, and have heard that he is, Napoleon complex). I won't though.

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Run, don't walk, from this ass. Pricks like that never "win", they spend their lives trying to make others as miserable as they are. Life is too short and no matter what you do everything that goes wrong for this guy will wind up "your fault". {censored} 'em.



I know what I must do... I think.

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Distance yourself. No good will ever come out of this. He is satan incarnate and the fact that you are worried about this on a wednesday night when you aren't at work is a huge sign. If you can't leave it there....get rid of it.




This is very encouraging. Thank you.

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Prepare a memorandum to file detailing the improper accruals and lack of amortization in the opening balance sheets that you inherited. Then go back and re-compute what his results would have been in the previous period if they had been properly recorded. Then re-compute the performance bonus he was paid for the good results in the previous period and send him a bill for a return of the bonus he did not truly earn.

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Prepare a memorandum to file detailing the improper accruals and lack of amortization in the opening balance sheets that you inherited. Then go back and re-compute what his results would have been in the previous period if they had been properly recorded. Then re-compute the performance bonus he was paid for the good results in the previous period and send him a bill for a return of the bonus he did not truly earn.



Concur, with above and all that said get out now. I would add document everything that has transpired till now and everything that is going to occur in the future, and keep it on file. This is a C.Y.O.A. because these things rarely go away completly. So when he comes back around to out flank you with his BS, you can slam him with the facts.

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Prepare a memorandum to file detailing the improper accruals and lack of amortization in the opening balance sheets that you inherited. Then go back and re-compute what his results would have been in the previous period if they had been properly recorded. Then re-compute the performance bonus he was paid for the good results in the previous period and send him a bill for a return of the bonus he did not truly earn.



Darn good idea.


And I'd never cover for anyone else's mistakes again. That guy's going down the dumpers and he'll take whoever is working for him with him. If it came down to court, he'd sacrifice his accountant in a minute.

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On an unrelated note, we either hang up the phone or ask a client to leave when they start using any sort of language.

It's up to them whether they want to come back or not.


Idiots who don't know what they're doing and know they're idiots are one thing.


Idiots who don't know what they're doing and don't know they're idiots are the worst. I get plenty.

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Couple of questions.


Since it's a franchise, is there anyone HE answers to? Is there a regional boss over him?


Also, how many people do you have on your side in this set of restaurants? Do all the other managers/owners appreciate your work and know you're doing a good job?




See, if you've already got everyone else on your side, and he's the ONLY one who has an issue with you...





With a big fat flipped-over desk.




Assholes need to be put in their place. The only way this happens, is by another bigger asshole.


Mind you, you only need to be a temporary asshole. Then everything will be fine.

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Couple of questions.

Since it's a franchise, is there anyone HE answers to? Is there a regional boss over him?



Yes, and this one is pretty reasonable (others don't care unless the something is really wrong with their money)



Also, how many people do you have on your side in this set of restaurants? Do all the other managers/owners appreciate your work and know you're doing a good job?



Well in my office, they all know whats up. Some have had to deal with the guy, and my managers always back me up, because I am doing everything according to policy.


As for managers of this store, I never talk to them, as he is always the one that calls me or when I call hes the one to pick up. (language barrier, I think)


all my other restaurants probably can vouch for me.


as far as the regional dude, they guy is pretty level headed, and I've never had trouble with him. He would understand, but I know the proprietor guy is just loading him with BS about me, so I guess thats why I will be preparing the above memo, which I will send out.



See, if you've already got everyone else on your side, and he's the ONLY one who has an issue with you...


With a big fat flipped-over desk.

Assholes need to be put in their place. The only way this happens, is by another bigger asshole.

Mind you, you only need to be a temporary asshole. Then everything will be fine.



I've always wanted to call someone a {censored}tard to their face, and flip over a desk. Someone else is going to have to go "diva" on him (The majority of people in my office are women, and some of them have scary attitude), I just can't bring myself to be an ass to anybody, even this guy who has made the passed 8 months a living hell.

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It sounds like you work remotely with this guy, so he has never had a chance o meet you. Have someone who outranks both of you tell him you are going to visit his store for a one day meet n'greet. Go in, shake hands, have a sandwich, talk to him about what a crap job the last guy did, show him your ledgers, and strongly hint that if things continue the way they have been, between store performance and his attitude, there may be a full audit headed his way. Then thank him for his time and leave. All while being unfailingly polite. Meeting {censored}tards face to face often nips alot of this crap in the bud. I used to do this to people who outranked me in the Army when they wanted to know why I was in charge of something and they weren't.


Or just cock punch him. thats fun too :)

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Jeepers. *snicker* You are horrible. Funny, but horrible.


SDM: Life is too short to have to deal with people like that. You have your records and anyone who takes the files from you will see that you are right and he is an ass. He's embarrassed and is lashing out because of it. Move on, you've already won. :thu:

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If I read the OP correctly, you are taking the actions of this other individual very personally. I'd just like to add that no matter what happens, if you always treat people properly and do the right thing, you have nothing to hang your head about. Intelligent, decent people usually see through monkey business. If I misinterpreted your OP, simply take this posting as a waste of cyberspace.

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If I read the OP correctly, you are taking the actions of this other individual very personally. I'd just like to add that no matter what happens, if you always treat people properly and do the right thing, you have nothing to hang your head about. Intelligent, decent people usually see through monkey business. If I misinterpreted your OP, simply take this posting as a waste of cyberspace.


Not a waste of cyberspace at all. All opinions/observations, etc. are welcome. :)


Usually with this guy I have been able to brush him off, but its wearing on me as of late. Its been non stop for 8 months. He kinda crossed the line with the last thing in my opinion. After so long of having to deal with the yelling, and accusations, and frankly moronic comments from this guy, its kinda making me feel like I am doing an awful job at customer service (kinda what I do). I know that I have done things right to the best of my ability, I just don't know what else I can do about HIM. I am not saying I am perfect, I think I am far from it. I am a nice guy though, and have treated him with respect always (after all my job is to handle the restaurants numbers and make sure they are correct for him). Just didn't know how to handle it professionally anymore.


I do not consider myself intelligent or decent, maybe thats why I posted the thread :poke:

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