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Work rant


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You hit the nail on the head with this one. Not all businesses are losing money, and some are making HUGE profits (AT&T made a $12 Billion profit last year). They are using the general climate of the economy as an excuse to take back wages from workers by eliminating cost of living increases, and reducing benefits. And where does all of the grabbed money go? Straight into the pockets of the 12 MF'ers sitting on the board, that's where.

I'm not going to argue, but rather present an alternative. If you don't like how others are running their businesses, start your own! :idea:

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You hit the nail on the head with this one. Not all businesses are losing money, and some are making HUGE profits (AT&T made a $12 Billion profit last year). They are using the general climate of the economy as an excuse to take back wages from workers by eliminating cost of living increases, and reducing benefits. And where does all of the grabbed money go? Straight into the pockets of the 12 MF'ers sitting on the board, that's where.

They can thank Apple and the iPhone for that'n! :thu:

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I'm not going to argue, but rather present an alternative. If you don't like how others are running their businesses, start your own!

It is not practical, nor even feasible for everyone to own their own business.

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Of course not. I was merely offering a different perspective.

Until I can hand-pick my clients, and still have my doors open, I'm not doing this. :)
I didn't have parents growing up b/c of this and in the end the extra $$ (IF you make it) isn't worth it to me to live 20+ hours in the office for 30 years.

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It is not practical, nor even feasible for everyone to own their own business.


Not only that, regulations make if difficult for those without clout because of our money-grubbing legislators, who constantly find new laws to write (to protect the super rich) when current laws (and the enforcement of) would suffice.

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So our bosses all call us in for a meeting. Seems the corperate bigshots have decided that they need to freeze our wages for at least a year! The raise in question was only supposed to be 2% (an insult actually),that I had already decided I was going to tell them to keep! I mean that is like going to a fine eating establishment,running up a $100.00 tab,and leaving $2.00,eight quarters for a tip!!!But that is not what really pissed me off. At the same meeting they tell us that we now are on mandatory 10 hour per week overtime until further notice!!! I mean WTF!!! Did I miss something here? Did hard working,middle class Americans wake one day {censored}ing STUPID? That was the most bull{censored} I've been asked to eat at one time in my entire adult life! So I had to ask the obvious."How is it you can't afford to give me a 2% raise,which is roughly a pack and a half of cigerettes a week,but can at the same time afford to pay me time and a half for ten hours a week?" They tell me I'm lucky to have a job in "Todays Economy". So now corperate America is gonna gouge us at work,not just the gas pumps,lumber yards,and typical places we get gouged,but right to the actual money we make,and blame the "Economy"!!!Un{censored}ingbelievable!!!

They probably need to freeze your wages so they can get their bonuses. :p

But don't forget the ass hammering you're getting from the government too (look at your payroll deductions). Payroll tax, property tax, school tax, phone tax, cable tax, electricity tax, gas tax, dog tax, driving tax, alcohol tax, death tax.....and on and on. And most, if not all are going up.

And the band plays on.:rawk:

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I hear ya dude. I was expecting a 7% raise, and got an email saying we'd be getting 1-2%. To make up for it, the profit sharing program will be given in 5% cash, 2% into a 401k, as opposed to the usual routine of dumping all of it into a 401k.

At least I get a nice bonus to get the {censored} taxed out of it. :idk::mad:

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But these {censored}ers are all still making money!!! That is the thing.They are making less than they expected to make,but they are still making money or the {censored}ing doors would close. It's all just horse{censored} to try to increase their bottom line at the expense of those who are making their product !!!

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But these {censored}ers are all still making money!!! That is the thing.They are making less than they expected to make,but they are still making money or the {censored}ing doors would close. It's all just horse{censored} to try to increase their bottom line at the expense of those who are making their product !!!

Everyone wants a piece of your ass and they will get it for as little as possible. The economy is shrinking regardless and they are in business to be making money. You as an employee are but a hindrance to that end.

It is no different for those whom you bitch about (not that it isn't justified). Big company or small they are running scared from the new and improved government :rolleyes:. My wife works for a very large and world class medical institution. They are making money hand over fist and are replete with endowments. The employees just received notice there will be no bonuses this year.

But the dust will eventually settle and they will learn to call a bonus by another name and continue on. They (most private firms) are far smarter than the government. :p

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Oh I know. I'm just saying I don't get paid salary, I get paid by how many hours I work and even over 40 I don't get paid any overtime which you're supposed to in a lot of professions.



You have a fileable claim. My brother did that to employees and he was fined $40,000 and had to cough up the time and half. Anything past 40 hours in the US is time and half if you are hourly. Period.

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Anyone want to work my sched for a while? I clocked in early Mon morning and won't clock out until Fri night late, away the entire time. Over 100 hours this week alone. This is routine, and can happen with only a few hours notice. An extra 10 hours a week is nothing, especially if you are still home every night. It could be a LOT worse for you guys, from my perspective. Sucks to work more for less though, I certainly agree.

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Anyone want to work my sched for a while? I clocked in early Mon morning and won't clock out until Fri night late, away the entire time. Over 100 hours this week alone. This is routine, and can happen with only a few hours notice. An extra 10 hours a week is nothing, especially if you are still home every night. It could be a LOT worse for you guys, from my perspective. Sucks to work more for less though, I certainly agree.

Does your routine ever get monotonous? I mean, as a flying fanboi to me it wouldn't seem so, but then again it's your job, so. :)

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It really can get monotonous, especially in months with lots of trips. I have to try to remind myself how much I love flying sometimes, because the job part can take every ounce of personal enjoyment out of it. That is one big reason I don't ever want to be in a band that plays every weekend. I don't ever want bassin' to become more work than enjoyment, like flying does sometimes. My job might be kind of cool, but it's still just a job and takes a huge percentage of my personal life away from me. It does have it's moments though, I been at the wheel and have seen some incredible sights, and actually flying a cool jet is beyond fun. :cool:

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It really can get monotonous, especially in months with lots of trips. I have to try to remind myself how much I love flying sometimes, because the job part can take every ounce of personal enjoyment out of it. That is one big reason I don't ever want to be in a band that plays every weekend. I don't ever want bassin' to become more work than enjoyment, like flying does sometimes. My job might be kind of cool, but it's still just a job and takes a huge percentage of my personal life away from me. It does have it's moments though, I been at the wheel and have seen some incredible sights, and actually flying a cool jet is beyond fun.

Nice man. :thu:

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I received a smaller than expected bonus/raise this year. My company posted record profits last year. Of course, they are also a responsible company that is looking forward and noticing that while sales were up next year, there is no guarantee we will be able to continue that trend. It would be irresponsible of them to pay record bonuses/raises while forecasting less than stellar growth. I prefer the long term stability (and job security) of a fiscally responsible company to the couple extra bucks of cash in hand I could have right now.

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