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Work rant


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So our bosses all call us in for a meeting. Seems the corperate bigshots have decided that they need to freeze our wages for at least a year! The raise in question was only supposed to be 2% (an insult actually),that I had already decided I was going to tell them to keep! I mean that is like going to a fine eating establishment,running up a $100.00 tab,and leaving $2.00,eight quarters for a tip!!!But that is not what really pissed me off. At the same meeting they tell us that we now are on mandatory 10 hour per week overtime until further notice!!! I mean WTF!!! Did I miss something here? Did hard working,middle class Americans wake one day {censored}ing STUPID? That was the most bull{censored} I've been asked to eat at one time in my entire adult life! So I had to ask the obvious."How is it you can't afford to give me a 2% raise,which is roughly a pack and a half of cigerettes a week,but can at the same time afford to pay me time and a half for ten hours a week?" They tell me I'm lucky to have a job in "Todays Economy". So now corperate America is gonna gouge us at work,not just the gas pumps,lumber yards,and typical places we get gouged,but right to the actual money we make,and blame the "Economy"!!!Un{censored}ingbelievable!!!:facepalm:

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It's happening all over. Instead of a raise this year, I got a bonus equal to a 3.5% raise for the year which is all well and good till next years raise or bonus when it's figured on the same rate I've been making for 2 years.


Caterpillar across the street is laying off 800 or so workers and giving everyone else a 6 week unpaid "vacation" this summer.

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A fellow I do work with with one of my clients (I'm a freelancing graphic designer) told me that our generation is about to experience what he grew up through - companies basically shafting their employees and generally having the upper hand on everything; from when you work, what you're paid, when you're fired and escorted out of the building by security.... :eek:

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My company had a big meeting... they said "Last year we had record profits... but sorry, no raises this year."


That was followed up with "Let's try to work harder and be more 'frugal' this year..."


So, we set profit records, but there's no money for rases? Oh, and instead of a bonus, I get to work harder for the same money? SWEET! Hooray, economy!

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I just wanted to get that off my chest,really.Sorry for the rant.I really don't have a problem with it because I already hate the job more than I've ever hated a job in my life.I just can't stand it when the "educated,upper management" types put a turd in a tuxedo,and try to pass it off as sweetness,when all it really is,is dolled up {censored}!Lol Just finished my first overtime shift so off to bed I go. Got a gig tonight!

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Sorry to hear that, but it is indeed happening all over.


Our school district must cut some $2 million from a budget of about $13 million. Some 85% of that money is salaries. Some cuts must be made.


So, the rumors are that our school will lose one administrator (meaning more work for those remaining) and most 12-month employees (me) will be reduced to 11-months. So, one month's less pay to work harder. Fortunately, I am slightly past retirement and can walk out although I really want to stay for 15-16 more months. But, if that is my choice - to stay and work harder for less pay or to retire - well, you can guess my decision.

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Is that legal??


I dunno.

They do lots of things that are "shady" but I only plan on being here hopefully through the month so it's not worth the effort arguing. A lot has to do with what profession you're in, etc.. There's a lot of case law on it from either side, so you pretty much have to file suit to get anything done which I def am not doing.

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I work hourly and don't get paid overtime.



I think he meant you get paid for working overtime hours, not an overtime rate. Salaried employees get paid the same amount whether they work 40 hours or 60 hours. What employers do to salaried employees is they stack deadlines on them that can't be met unless additional hours are put in.

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I think he meant you get paid for working overtime hours, not an overtime rate. Salaried employees get paid the same amount whether they work 40 hours or 60 hours. What employers do to salaried employees is they stack deadlines on them that can't be met unless additional hours are put in.



Oh I know. I'm just saying I don't get paid salary, I get paid by how many hours I work and even over 40 I don't get paid any overtime which you're supposed to in a lot of professions.

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I work hourly and don't get paid overtime.





I'm lucky that most of the year I stick close to 40 hrs a week, but there are a few weeks every year in July and November where I could be here around the clock. No extra pay, but I usually can finagle some PTO out of it.

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In most situations, it's either that or lay people off. A Fortune 50 company that I work with just did a few things that pissed off most of its employees. The internal release detailed the cutbacks and, knowing that people would be frustrated, they ended it saying, "And in other news, IBM is laying off 5000 people.". Kinda puts things in perspective.


You may not like the changes but you're still getting a paycheck, which is more than a lot of people whom I know can say now.

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and after my 40 hours are up for the week id log off my computer and start up my car.


I know. It's so overdue. If I weren't weeks away from quitting I'd be doing many/most of the things suggested here. :)

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I'm lucky that most of the year I stick close to 40 hrs a week, but there are a few weeks every year in July and November where I could be here around the clock. No extra pay, but I usually can finagle some PTO out of it.



Me too but our employer, like many others, lumped sick time into PTO time so if you call in sick you're basically using up your vacation days. The result is many people come into work REALLY sick, making other people sick.

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So our bosses all call us in for a meeting. Seems the corperate bigshots have decided that they need to freeze our wages for at least a year! The raise in question was only supposed to be 2% (an insult actually),that I had already decided I was going to tell them to keep! I mean that is like going to a fine eating establishment,running up a $100.00 tab,and leaving $2.00,eight quarters for a tip!!!But that is not what really pissed me off. At the same meeting they tell us that we now are on mandatory 10 hour per week overtime until further notice!!! I mean WTF!!! Did I miss something here? Did hard working,middle class Americans wake one day {censored}ing STUPID? That was the most bull{censored} I've been asked to eat at one time in my entire adult life! So I had to ask the obvious."How is it you can't afford to give me a 2% raise,which is roughly a pack and a half of cigerettes a week,but can at the same time afford to pay me time and a half for ten hours a week?" They tell me I'm lucky to have a job in "Todays Economy". So now corperate America is gonna gouge us at work,not just the gas pumps,lumber yards,and typical places we get gouged,but right to the actual money we make,and blame the "Economy"!!!Un{censored}ingbelievable!!!


Union. It's no coincidence that working conditions get {censored}tier the weaker unions get.

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Me too but our employer, like many others, lumped sick time into PTO time so if you call in sick you're basically using up your vacation days. The result is many people come into work REALLY sick, making other people sick.



Yes, many companies do that now. It's good and bad. Look at it another way, for people at companies like mine that don't do that, they can't (well...aren't supposed to) use their sick days for vacation. I called in sick once last year, I'd love to have had 4 extra vacation days.

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They tell me I'm lucky to have a job in "Todays Economy". So now corperate America is gonna gouge us at work,not just the gas pumps,lumber yards,and typical places we get gouged,but right to the actual money we make,and blame the "Economy"!!!Un{censored}ingbelievable!!!


You hit the nail on the head with this one. Not all businesses are losing money, and some are making HUGE profits (AT&T made a $12 Billion profit last year). They are using the general climate of the economy as an excuse to take back wages from workers by eliminating cost of living increases, and reducing benefits. And where does all of the grabbed money go? Straight into the pockets of the 12 MF'ers sitting on the board, that's where.

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