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What's the word on the MTD Kingston Heir?

Cliff Fiscal

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What the deal with the buzz feiten tuning system?



Talk to a piano tuner. Middle "C" is spot on, but as he gets farther away from Middle C, he tunes a few cents up or a few cents down. True A-440 would also have A@880, A@1760, A@3520,etc., and lower A@220, 110, 55, etc. A piano tuner will tell you that that is not the case. They are tuned a little high or low to sound more pleasing to the human ear. (I honestly don't understand it.)


The Buzz Feiten tuning has the intonation just a shade off true, matching up better to the piano when you are playing around the 12th fret and higher. In theory, it makes sense.


And, yes, I have one...active 5-string. GREAT neck. Several good tones. Very bright.

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Talk to a piano tuner. Middle "C" is spot on, but as he gets farther away from Middle C, he tunes a few cents up or a few cents down. True A-440 would also have A@880, A@1760, A@3520,etc., and lower A@220, 110, 55, etc. A piano tuner will tell you that that is not the case. They are tuned a little high or low to sound more pleasing to the human ear. (I honestly don't understand it.)

The Buzz Feiten tuning has the intonation just a shade off true, matching up better to the piano when you are playing around the 12th fret and higher. In theory, it makes sense.

And, yes, I have one...active 5-string. GREAT neck. Several good tones. Very bright.


That does make sense....I've heard something of the sort before....I also don't really get it.....:wave:


Do I need a special tuner to tune a bass with a BF tuning system?




How does it compare to a Fender Jazz?

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Talk to a piano tuner. Middle "C" is spot on, but as he gets farther away from Middle C, he tunes a few cents up or a few cents down. True A-440 would also have A@880, A@1760, A@3520,etc., and lower A@220, 110, 55, etc. A piano tuner will tell you that that is not the case. They are tuned a little high or low to sound more pleasing to the human ear. (I honestly don't understand it.)

The Buzz Feiten tuning has the intonation just a shade off true, matching up better to the piano when you are playing around the 12th fret and higher. In theory, it makes sense.

And, yes, I have one...active 5-string. GREAT neck. Several good tones. Very bright.




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Excellent! The Kingstons are killer basses. I played a Z, Heir, and Artist a few weeks back. I'd get an artist in a heartbeat if they offered more options for the finish. The Z5 trans cherry w/burled top looks amazing. I just didn't like the tone quite as much as the heir or artist. It was a bit more reserved than those two.


Congrats, dude! :)

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Excellent! The Kingstons are killer basses. I played a Z, Heir, and Artist a few weeks back. I'd get an artist in a heartbeat if they offered more options for the finish. The Z5 trans cherry w/burled top looks amazing. I just didn't like the tone quite as much as the heir or artist. It was a bit more reserved than those two.

Congrats, dude!


I'm sure it's like the high end spector syndrome......the cheaper models feel good until you play a high end. :(

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Never played a Stingray......only own a Jazz and Precision.

I'm sure it's like the high end spector syndrome......the cheaper models feel good until you play a high end.


Could be. But you know, after I had played the artist, I honestly felt the sound was totally on par with any stingray I had ever played (and the neck felt better than any 'ray!) and it was much cheaper than a new stingray. You get a helluva killer bass for the money with the kingstons, man. :thu:


I expect pics and clips. ;)

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When you first get it, you will ask yourself about the neck. ??? :confused:


After you play your first four-hour gig with it, you will never again ask about the neck. :thu: I have a Carvin, a G&L, and an Alembic...and the little MTD has the best neck, IMHO.


I have the Artist...or Kingston...not the Heir. Heir was not available in lefty when I bought mine. I have seriously thought about getting someone to add the neck pup for me, but I am pretty happy with it the way it is.

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When you first get it, you will ask yourself about the neck. ???

After you play your first four-hour gig with it, you will never again ask about the neck.
I have a Carvin, a G&L, and an Alembic...and the little MTD has the best neck, IMHO.

I have the Artist...or Kingston...not the Heir. Heir was not available in lefty when I bought mine. I have seriously thought about getting someone to add the neck pup for me, but I am pretty happy with it the way it is.


Sounds interesting..........asymmetrical.


I've heard a lot of complaints about the electronics on TB.....but I'm not sure if they're just snobs or not? :idk:

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It's hard to judge buy any of the youtube demos.....


Yeah, youtube demos don't really do much in way of giving you a decent example of a bass' sound most of the time.


The stingray "sound" is somewhat of one trick pony. But that "one trick" is pretty damn phenomenal, tone-wise. Rays are growly and really stand out in the mix. I'm sure someone that owns/owned one can give a better description than I. Once you play and hear one, you will never forget that sound.


I remember playing the artist and feeling the same vibe. It's a single pickup bass, and no matter how much I tweaked the eq, it pretty much produced the same sound, but DAMN the sound! The heir has a little more tonal variety due to having the mm and jazz pups, and was not quite as "in your face" as the artist, but still sounded damn good. I think you'll be seriously pleased, man.


Did you get the tobacco finish or the trans cherry?

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