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OT: Fish sticks...


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Guess we are all abunch of gay fish.

Gay fish

gay fish

gay fish who is trying to be straight because of his unaccepting family

gay fish

gay fish

He just doesn't get it


Sorry dude work prevented me from executing.... gay fish.


:lol::lol::lol::lol::facepalm: i just lol'd so much i choked on saliva :facepalm:

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great episode last night... if you dont know what he's talking about, you're pretty much like Kanye West, he didnt know what anyone was talking about either.

im clueless....i dont watch tv....at all....literally......barely know who kayne west is, just name tho, dont know who the hell he is :lol:

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Tried fish sticks tacos tonight because of this thread. :love:

Made a sauce with sour cream, mayo, taco seasoning, garlic salt, cilantro, lime juice, jalapenos.

Corn tortillas, sticks, sauce, cabbage, cheese, pico de gallo, and crumble a couple tortillia chips for crunch. Oh bay-BEE!

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