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Does Anyone Do Anything Else That Potentially Conflicts With Band Gigs?


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I'm curious if I am alone in this.


I work in theatre as well as being in a band. I can usually get out of theatre gigs by 9:30pm (or 10:00pm at the latest). But when I'm working a theatre show, it can run 3-4 weekends sometimes... and I'm only available to help the band setup early (like 6:00pm :eek:). And they have to wait until I get there to start playing (10:00-10:30).


On the upside I am one of only 2 people in the band that consistently has their {censored} together. :idk: But I think it stresses out my band mates on occassion.


Anyone else deal with something like this? Either yourself or a band member?

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I think it happens to anyone who has a job and family.



I went from fulltime working bass player to bandless/gigless bass player in the past year: My job doesnt allow for a schedule to be able to gig with a band on a regular basis, and music in my area can no longer support me raising my family


The good news is Im recording now, and I havent recorded my own material in a long long time. I have a plethora of original material and I will be releasing some type of CD very very soon

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For about six months, I did the theatre thing (I must work in the wrong theatres; I rarely get out by 10, it's closer to 11) while having a regular band. I treated as the "whoever gets me the gig first, gets the slot." When the band started demanding I make them the priority, that's when I left.


Not knowing what you do at the theatre, is there a possibility to find a sub on the one or two times you have a gig that is on the same night, to "keep the peace" with the band?

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I run sound for other bands when mine's not gigging - basically, I set our schedule 4-6 months in advance, then fill any openings left with sound work... I actually make better money running sound than playing, but enjoy playing much more...





- georgestrings

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On the upside I am one of only 2 people in the band that consistently has their {censored} together.
But I think it stresses out my band mates on occassion.


I have to miss one or two gigs per year because of my job, but I always find someone to replace me.


Maybe your band mates are stressed because they know "somebody" has to set up all this equipment! :p Our lead guitarist/singer cannot hook up a p.a. system to save his life, unless it is speakers on poles and a powered mixer.

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I try to keep two bands going, preferably a cover band and an original band, at all times. Naturally, this can cause the two bands to disrupt each other, especially if someone gets jealous or upset about the other band doing well.


Original bands are usually more rewarding when people enjoy them, but the money isn't very good and there's more tendency for people to have personality conflicts when writing songs.


Cover bands are much less maintenance (you're not really creating anything, just memorizing songs) and provide more $. I find as long as there are gigs and $ people stick around, but when it gets tough or there's a better gig they split.


Since obviously neither type of band is perfect, I try to hang on to one of each and hope they don't both die at the same time. This has worked for me since 2000 (knock on wood) and the only real conflict is when both bands want the same day. I usually solve this by saying "whoever books the day first gets it."


The other conflict is when one band is convinced they are "about to blow up and get busy." They push for me to quit the other band. I always say "if you want my time, keep me busy, put dates on the calendar first and into the future and you'll have my time." They never do, the "big plans" never pan out.

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I have a day job with a 5:30 AM start time.


I do sound/stage work for the summer events season (which really eats up gig opps)


I'm married and like to have some time with my wife.


I play guitar at church, and we are in charge of the youth choir...


I do the booking for my band, so I tend to get us gigs that work with my schedule. The other guys in the band have voiced that they are not looking for gigs all the time, just here and there, so it works.


I've been writing, so that is what is exciting to me!

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I run sound for other bands when mine's not gigging - basically, I set our schedule 4-6 months in advance, then fill any openings left with sound work... I actually make better money running sound than playing, but enjoy playing much more...

- georgestrings


I do the exact same thing. I am not sure which I prefer though, I am starting to like sitting on my ass, beer in hand, not standing under the hot lights with an 11 pound weight hanging around my neck. :lol:

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I'm curious if I am alone in this.

I work in theatre as well as being in a band. I can usually get out of theatre gigs by 9:30pm (or 10:00pm at the latest). But when I'm working a theatre show, it can run 3-4 weekends sometimes... and I'm only available to help the band setup early (like 6:00pm
). And they have to wait until I get there to start playing (10:00-10:30).

On the upside I am one of only 2 people in the band that consistently has their {censored} together.
But I think it stresses out my band mates on occassion.

Anyone else deal with something like this? Either yourself or a band member?


I was in a band a few years ago. Before I joined, I explained to them that my work hours would often conflict with setup, and I couldn't afford to take time off for that, but that I'd help when I could. They accepted that, and I joined the band.


A couple (maybe three?) years later, they kicked me out, partly because I never helped with setup. Go figure.

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