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Ever walk off of a job??


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And it's stories like that which will motivate me to eventually grow a spine and get the hell outta here.

You can do it bro. :thu:

It took me almost 3 years, but I finally, finally did it got dammit, and I feel soooo much better for doing so!

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You can do it bro.

It took me almost 3 years, but I finally, finally did it got dammit, and I feel soooo much better for doing so!


I have reasons to hold off for now. I get a small profit sharing bonus in late Aug that's going to help finance a local move. :thu:


After that the resumes are gonna start flying. I've come to like working here a fair bit, but I can only earn less than 50% of the typical going rate for this job for so many years (7+). You mentioned your new job raise before? You got a bigger boost than I presently earn. :eek:


That and it pisses me off to no end that I keep having to train noobs with zero experience who make more than me, and I came in with {censored} tons of experience myself.

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I have reasons to hold off for now. I get a small profit sharing bonus in late Aug that's going to help finance a local move.

After that the resumes are gonna start flying. I've come to like working here a fair bit, but I can only earn less than 50% of the typical going rate for this job for so many years (7+). You mentioned your new job raise before? You got a bigger boost than I presently earn.

That and it pisses me off to no end that I keep having to train noobs with zero experience who make more than me, and I came in with {censored} tons of experience myself.

This was the position I was in 2 weeks ago. I liked what I was doing, but hated the pay (doing a "graphics design" job making no money sucks) and had to TRAIN my department manager. Not even cool. Found another job that I'm in paid training for (though I took a dollar an hour cut for during training), but pays a TON better when I'm actually working, and has better benefits.

As for the notice thing? I turned in a week and a half, but had a position that they couldn't tell me to "go home", because they'd kick themselves in the ass. :thu:

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I have reasons to hold off for now. I get a small profit sharing bonus in late Aug that's going to help finance a local move.

After that the resumes are gonna start flying. I've come to like working here a fair bit, but I can only earn less than 50% of the typical going rate for this job for so many years (7+). You mentioned your new job raise before? You got a bigger boost than I presently earn.

That and it pisses me off to no end that I keep having to train noobs with zero experience who make more than me, and I came in with {censored} tons of experience myself.

Well then that's a smart move naturally on your part.

Yeah and what sucks is, that's pretty much an entry figure for where I am or should be... I was looking at Bimmer M3's last night for when I get my Certification and am still single... Lust is a sin, I think! Can you actually get hard over a car...? :facepalm:

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I essentially walked off of the fire inspection gig, but I felt good about it. They put me on straight commission, and told me that if I wanted to get paid, I had to "work the customers over a little better." Translation: rip off the customer.

Since they weren't giving me enough work to make even minimum wage, I was in a position where I would have had to pad every ticket with so much {censored} that the customer didn't need that I would have been beaten by some business owner in their parking lot.

My last week there, I worked 48 hours. My paycheck was $168. See ya.

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i'm in a situation now where I have been at this job for about 5-6 months. I was one of the first people who was hired when this building was opened. During my interview I asked about benefits and raises. And I was told that after 90 days (which is pretty standard) Everyone will be receiving benefits and a raise. In fact we were told this on numerous occasions about how this company takes care of it's employees and blah blah blah.
I won't even get into the constant threats by management about replacing everyone,unsafe working conditions and our breaks (except lunch) being taken away. I wanted to quit within the first week....
Well here we are 5-6 months in and no raise and no benefits. Several people have spoken to the boss, myself included, about this. And what we have been told is that you have to earn your benefits by proving that you are a valuable employee. HUH?!?
Oh maybe I forgot to mention that I was given a "better title" ie more responsibility and same pay.
I wanted to quit as soon as I found something else, but this {censored} is driving me crazy

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i'm in a situation now where I have been at this job for about 5-6 months. I was one of the first people who was hired when this building was opened. During my interview I asked about benefits and raises. And I was told that after 90 days (which is pretty standard) Everyone will be receiving benefits and a raise. In fact we were told this on numerous occasions about how this company takes care of it's employees and blah blah blah.

I won't even get into the constant threats by management about replacing everyone,unsafe working conditions and our breaks (except lunch) being taken away. I wanted to quit within the first week....

Well here we are 5-6 months in and no raise and no benefits. Several people have spoken to the boss, myself included, about this. And what we have been told is that you have to earn your benefits by proving that you are a valuable employee. HUH?!?

Oh maybe I forgot to mention that I was given a "better title" ie more responsibility and same pay.

I wanted to quit as soon as I found something else, but this {censored} is driving me crazy





You're welcome.

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i'm in a situation now where I have been at this job for about 5-6 months. I was one of the first people who was hired when this building was opened. During my interview I asked about benefits and raises. And I was told that after 90 days (which is pretty standard) Everyone will be receiving benefits and a raise. In fact we were told this on numerous occasions about how this company takes care of it's employees and blah blah blah.

I won't even get into the constant threats by management about replacing everyone,unsafe working conditions and our breaks (except lunch) being taken away. I wanted to quit within the first week....

Well here we are 5-6 months in and no raise and no benefits. Several people have spoken to the boss, myself included, about this. And what we have been told is that you have to earn your benefits by proving that you are a valuable employee. HUH?!?

Oh maybe I forgot to mention that I was given a "better title" ie more responsibility and same pay.

I wanted to quit as soon as I found something else, but this {censored} is driving me crazy



Most places aren't legally required to give you more than a 30 minute lunch break AFAIK.


That being said, it sounds like you have quite the crappy job. I hate being promised raises (or anythign by a company for that matter) and then being told "you'll have to wait a little longer"....


We were originally supposed to get raises at the end of first quarter, based on last year's reviews, but because of the "economy" they have decided to postpone them till the beginning of 4th quarter.


I just hope they follow through.

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i'm in a situation now where I have been at this job for about 5-6 months. I was one of the first people who was hired when this building was opened. During my interview I asked about benefits and raises. And I was told that after 90 days (which is pretty standard) Everyone will be receiving benefits and a raise. In fact we were told this on numerous occasions about how this company takes care of it's employees and blah blah blah.

I won't even get into the constant threats by management about replacing everyone,unsafe working conditions and our breaks (except lunch) being taken away. I wanted to quit within the first week....

Well here we are 5-6 months in and no raise and no benefits. Several people have spoken to the boss, myself included, about this. And what we have been told is that you have to earn your benefits by proving that you are a valuable employee. HUH?!?

Oh maybe I forgot to mention that I was given a "better title" ie more responsibility and same pay.

I wanted to quit as soon as I found something else, but this {censored} is driving me crazy



What the heck. Screw that noise.

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Most places aren't legally required to give you more than a 30 minute lunch break AFAIK.

That being said, it sounds like you have quite the crappy job. I hate being promised raises (or anythign by a company for that matter) and then being told "you'll have to wait a little longer"....

Funny you say that, I have a great story!

Warning, Wal*Mart rant!:mad:

Worked at Walmart, making {censored} money, 4 days a week (Thursday-Sunday, of course!) No problems... They switch assistant managers over every department like they claim they do every couple of months. In comes JB: The PERFECT asskiss. Told you EVERYTHING you wanted to hear and followed up on none of it. Now, I REALLY hate to pull a race card, especially being white, however, he showed his true colors one Saturday (Saturday being the busiest day). Two truck day, about 2500 pieces (WalMart says no less than ... 8 people I think?) Anyways, needless to say, only the white guys were scheduled.... All five of us. One person to throw the truck, one person to work the slower side, one person to work the back of the line, and two to work the busy side. Now, right before he had taken over, I had put in a request for full time and was told a spot had to open. I waited. It never came, so, I turned in a slip saying I couldn't work Friday, I was in a band. Now, for any of these slips to apply to you, a store manager has to sign them. This one got signed. Later on, I was told I could get full time (after everyone who came after me already got it) if I signed a paper saying I could work Friday again. This one was denied, but I didn't know until the last week I was there. WalMart decided that corperate was going to book the schedule. I then realize, as I now have all my Fridays off, I had been lied to... Again. I tried switching departments, to no avail (though I was their 'worst worker' :rolleyes:). Lets not even get started on his "clique" that was allowed to clock in from lunch half an hour early, go home, come back right before 11, then clock out again... I got on a "D-day" for being 5 mins late three times in the year I had worked there (we were told you had a 15 min. grace period and I was driving a good half hour to get there). The end all came when he gave me the D-Day, I asked for corperates number, called up, the guy told me he was too busy, he'd call back, etc.... And I never heard back from him. Never answered my calls. Avoided me when he did the store visit.

{censored} Wal*Mart.

I still have yet to spend my money there. It's been almost a year.

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38 years ago, I was 20 and pounding nails on a Cape Cod rooftop, my 3rd day on the job. I missed the nail and absolutely smashed my left hand index finger with the heavy roofing hammer. I climbed down the ladder, leaving a trail of blood and never looked back..

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that's pretty much what everyone says. I'm going to say something to the boss before I jet and give him one more chance to make things right.



What more can you do?


There are way too many employers out there who screw their employees. They put on a nice facade, swoon you with pretty words, and repeatedly screw you. It's even worse when you're with a company that selectively screws certain positions (like my work with "temp to hire" admins).


If they didn't fix it within 2-3 months, then they don't plan to. They won't bother changing as long as they think they can get away with it.


{censored} em.

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What more can you do?

There are way too many employers out there who screw their employees. They put on a nice facade, swoon you with pretty words, and repeatedly screw you. It's even worse when you're with a company that selectively screws certain positions (like my work with "temp to hire" admins).

If they didn't fix it within 2-3 months, then they don't plan to. They won't bother changing as long as they think they can get away with it.

{censored} em.



I went in to say something to the big boss and he left early so I'm going to catch him tomorrow. I really want to find something before putting in my notice but it's kind of tough when I am always at {censored}ing work.

It does kind of scare me though that out of all of the places that I have applied to recently that I have yet to hear back from any of them. I guess I just don't want to be a chump, and that's exactly how I feel right now.

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I went in to say something to the big boss and he left early so I'm going to catch him tomorrow. I really want to find something before putting in my notice but it's kind of tough when I am always at {censored}ing work.

It does kind of scare me though that out of all of the places that I have applied to recently that I have yet to hear back from any of them. I guess I just don't want to be a chump, and that's exactly how I feel right now.


As you should. Then again, I'm sure most of us have been there before. I recall at LEAST 3 places my mom worked for when I was growing up that she didn't even always get paid at :eek: I've worked for bull{censored} ripoff companies as well. It happens.


I am PLENTY qualified for several jobs I've recently applied for, and have yet to hear back, despite having EVERY SINGLE THING they specifically require, and more. It's a tough market right now. You're in a tough spot, and will really have to bang your way out of it.

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Just once, when student-teaching. After a year-and-a-half of interning, the last months involving 12-hour days and ALL of my school loans to cover transpo and lost work-income, the suits come into my classroom and tear me a new one like the sergeant in Full Metal Jacket. And cliches aside, I was really reaching the problem kids too.


Best advice I can give is do everything you can to spare your kids from the brainwashing and abuse of public school: go private or homeschool; and failing that, let 'em drop out until they're ready for college (placement exams are a breeze).

The best way I can look at it is, with the government grants I was awarded, the govt was paying me to study how {censored}ed-up certain American Institutions are--first-hand, life on the line--with the hope that enough college grads like myself will eventually reform these corrupt {censored}holes. Upon graduation I was so undernourished, overworked, and in unemployed shock that I couldn't feel my legs, and almost fell many times during the commencement parade. :eek::evil: Took two years before I could walk straight again. Looking back, I think I might have suffered a stroke from all that abuse.

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Best advice I can give is do everything you can to spare your kids from the brainwashing and abuse of public school: go private or homeschool; and failing that, let 'em drop out until they're ready for college (placement exams are a breeze).

The best way I can look at it is, with the government grants I was awarded, the govt was paying me to study how {censored}ed-up certain American Institutions are--first-hand, life on the line--with the hope that enough college grads like myself will eventually reform these corrupt {censored}holes. Upon graduation I was so undernourished, overworked, and in unemployed shock that I couldn't feel my legs, and almost fell many times during the commencement parade.
Took two years before I could walk straight again. Looking back, I think I might have suffered a stroke from all that abuse.


What the hell kind of public school did you go to? Jesus dude, 99% of us don't have that complaint. :poke:

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When I was working temp, they sent me to UPS. About 10 AM they called me in and told me that they don't allow facial hair on their employees. I told them the beard was staying. They did let me work out the day and I had a UPS id with my bearded face for years. It never fails to amuse me that people insist on making men look like 14 year olds. God gave us beards. Who are we to assume he wanted us to shave it off?

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When I was working temp, they sent me to UPS. About 10 AM they called me in and told me that they don't allow facial hair on their employees. I told them the beard was staying. They did let me work out the day and I had a UPS id with my bearded face for years. It never fails to amuse me that people insist on making men look like 14 year olds. God gave us beards. Who are we to assume he wanted us to shave it off?

I'm confused as to why UPS would make you shave facial hair. It's not the military for cryin out loud :lol:

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