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OT: Tipping etiquette question....


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Kate, when you form a relationship with a personal shopper or similar service provider, it is usually best to show your appreciation with a holiday gift at the end of the year rather than tipping for a particular service. It's a good way to show your gratitude and strengthen your relationship without feeling like you're tipping the waitstaff.



Great advice. It's also a gift, which should dodge the "tipping" rule associated with day to day service.

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Great advice. It's also a gift, which should dodge the "tipping" rule associated with day to day service.



Exactly. There is a personal relationship formed and the gift is in appreciation of that relationship. None of my clients stuff a fiver in my hand when we end a meeting, but I sure appreciate the ones that send me cookies at the end of the year!

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Exactly. There is a personal relationship formed and the gift is in appreciation of that relationship. None of my clients stuff a fiver in my hand when we end a meeting, but I sure appreciate the ones that send me cookies at the end of the year!

When your metabolism slows down in a few more years, you'll want more cash and fewer cookies.:D

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Exactly. There is a personal relationship formed and the gift is in appreciation of that relationship. None of my clients stuff a fiver in my hand when we end a meeting, but I sure appreciate the ones that send me cookies at the end of the year!


I'm gonna do that if I ever have to hire a lawyer. :D


"And thanks for all the hard work, put her there!" slips in a $5

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Lucky duck! I always thought there was a cost to that. I'd love a personal shopper, but then again I can't really afford to shop at Macy's!

That {censored} is FREE!!!! I couldn't believe it. My sister raves about their sales so we'll see if my Personal Shopper can get me some wicked good deals :o

I could ask her to hit only clearance stuff if I wanted and she'd have it lined up for me when I got there. You should try it at least once. Even if you don't buy anything it was cool seeing some new looks that I never would have tried.

Now I have my first fancy pants suit :love:

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Worse... when the tip option IS there and you don't want to use it because they haven't earned it for whatever reason and they act like you are a cheap bastard and should be tipping them.

We went for takeout at a Thai restaurant last night. Walked in and ordered. Paid. Walked out with food.

No one served me in any capacity beyond writing down "one dinner for 2" and taking my money. I am not giving a tip.

When the Interac receipt printed, the girl pulled it off, looked at it and I swear I heard her huff and did see her roll her eyes as she walked away to give the cooks my order.

I'm not tipping you for taking my money and order. If I did the people at McD's would be rich by now. :poke:



Just remember, sometimes they are the one making your food... at the pizza shops I've worked at the cashier always helps make the food too. (the slower places had everyone do everything, while the busier one did assign people to the register for a few hours so if it was busy enough that would be all you did...for those hours)

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No one served me in any capacity beyond writing down "one dinner for 2" and taking my money. I am not giving a tip.

When the Interac receipt printed, the girl pulled it off, looked at it and I swear I heard her huff and did see her roll her eyes as she walked away to give the cooks my order.

I'm not tipping you for taking my money and order. If I did the people at McD's would be rich by now. :poke:



I *always* tip at least a few bucks. Even if I'm calling in an order, driving there, and picking it up at the counter. The waitress that prepares the meal in the boxes, etc... she's not doing as much as if you were there, but she's doing something. If I'm picking up meals for people at work, I'll tip $2 per person's order if it's ready when I get there, $1 per person's order if I have to wait beyond what they told me it'd be.


If the waitress has to tip out the cook at the end of the night based on her sales, your 0% pick-up order is costing her money. While you may not feel that's any of your problem, the situation still exists.


And no, I've never been a waiter or worked at a restaurant. I just feel that's what *should* be done.


As far as the tip jar at Starbucks or the hot dog place... no. You're not taking anyone away from anything, they're not relaying orders and boxing up food special for you. I actually went to a gas station that had a tip jar, and when I bought my $1.09 soda, they asked if I wanted the change or if I'd like to leave it as a tip. Ha.

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I often do p-shops for customers and we actually CAN'T take tips for them. People have tried, I just tell them to fill out the survey for us and that will get back to the important people. You might see if they have a satisfaction survey you can fill out for them.



Everyone can accept tips. You just have to be a bit more careful when giving them, that's all.


I had about 40 pieces of wood cut into several sections at Lowes today. The guy measured out every single piece of wood and spent close to two hours getting it all perfect. I palmed him a $20 and he was most appreciative. Saved me from having to spend the time doing it myself... well worth it to me.

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Tough topic...

Today, I had staff from a client (my team members) of 19 months give me a going away present. It was very nice and much appreciated.

It was very unexpected and the only reason I accepted was because I didn't want to hurt their feelings. And rejecting their gift would have.

Last night, they took me out to a nice restaurant and treated me.
That was more than enough thanks already.

I still feel uncomfortable because I was just doing what their employer paid me to do. Granted, this particular engagement was very much about growing a team, mentoring/coaching them, and helping them become self-sufficient.
I delivered on that and more.

Maybe it's just me.

Maybe I should go to sleep now.

Back on topic, I wouldn't hesitate to buy lunch or dinner for someone that really helped me out. And holiday gifts are very appropriate.

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That {censored} is FREE!!!! I couldn't believe it. My sister raves about their sales so we'll see if my Personal Shopper can get me some wicked good deals

I could ask her to hit only clearance stuff if I wanted and she'd have it lined up for me when I got there. You should try it at least once. Even if you don't buy anything it was cool seeing some new looks that I never would have tried.

Now I have my first fancy pants suit


They DO have good sales. I bought my first pair of Lucky jeans there for 25 bucks a few years ago, and those jeans are STILL up and running. I'm gonna do it, because I am sick and tired of wearing sweat pants or jeans and t's all day. I feel like I need a serious makeover.


So how do you set this up? Do you need an appointment?


Does the fancy pants suit make you feel super hot about yourself? I bought mine last year at the Limted and I was like, "HOT DAMN!". Seriously. It makes you feel like a woman.

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