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I am the Thread Killer


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Because we like it that way! mad.gif

Seriously, though, it gets trimmed at around the 1000 post mark. Untrimmed, this thing would just be huge at this point with thousands upon thousands of posts. Hey Zamfir, what's the guestimate? I know we went a while before they started the whole trimming thing years ago (had another account then but was hardly a regular).

I'm guessing closer to what... 15-20k at least?

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Originally posted by niomosy

Because we like it that way! mad.gif

Seriously, though, it gets trimmed at around the 1000 post mark. Untrimmed, this thing would just be huge at this point with thousands upon thousands of posts. Hey Zamfir, what's the guestimate? I know we went a while before they started the whole trimming thing years ago (had another account then but was hardly a regular).

I'm guessing closer to what... 15-20k at least?


I'm guessing about 25k
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Originally posted by Vincent Liou

why is this thread so big



I am the creator of the original thread. Back then I went under the name of T-40. I started the original thread bitching because every time I posted on the forum, the thread would drop out of sight and never be heard from again. I named myself as "The Threadkiller"

All of a sudden, it became a contest to see who would be the last poster in the thread. It would drop back 5 or 6 pages and then somebody would post in it again. Eventually, we began to have random off topic conversations in the thread that weren't really meaningful enough for their own threads but made for nice idle chatter. Some people hated it. Some people loved it. Some people, like myself, lived for it.

At it's largest point, the thread was over 600 pages long and had something like 11,000 replies. It was responsible for almost 1/3 of all the posts in the entire Harmony Central database. It grew so big that it actually began to drag down the server. The moderators and administration wanted to shut it down but we finally struck a deal so that the thread would be trimmed every 1,000 posts.

At first, they were trimming the thread so T-40's post was still at the top and the last page or so of posts would be left to start the next round. Every so often , I would log in as T-40 and edit the first post to some random BS, just to see who was paying attention.

Eventually, I quit posting here as often because I became a mod over at http://ebassist.com and I felt it needed my full attention. After I stoped making regular posts, one of the mods decided it was easier to just trim everything but the last few posts and the original first post was lost.

Now it has degenerated somewhat. Most of the old guard has moved on. Instead of idle chatter, everyone posts silly pics. It's lost much of it's former glory but it is still a place many of us can call home when we return to HCBF. Perhaps one day, we will all return here and restore the old thread to it's rightful place of honor.

T-40 is gone now but his spirit lives on in those who have been touched by the Killer Thread. He leaves behind a great legacy that has been imitated on many other forums but never duplicated. He is the true Threadkiller.

And now..... a momment of silence please.


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Yes, a moment for fellow TK'ers no longer with us cry.gif

Thanks for that touching history of the glory known as The Thread Killer, Low Tone. I'm one of the guilty picture posters, usually only doing so on slow days to do my small part in keeping the Thread Killer alive.

We'd had a pretty good resurrection going for a while but even that's faded as we bide our time, patiently, waiting for its popularity to increase.

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Originally posted by niomosy

Seriously, though, it gets trimmed at around the 1000 post mark. Untrimmed, this thing would just be huge at this point with thousands upon thousands of posts. Hey Zamfir, what's the guestimate? I know we went a while before they started the whole trimming thing years ago (had another account then but was hardly a regular).

I'm guessing closer to what... 15-20k at least?


Beats the {censored} out of me.

That's a question for Bonoman.

If he'd ever show up. mad.gif


S'Lou! wave.gif

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