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Quote Originally Posted by Zamfir

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...pics or she doesn't exist. poke.gif


B'man, in all seriousness...what is your gut telling you about this marriage? Not the "this is good, that is not" balance of factors. Your gut instinct, yes or no: can you stick it out 50+ years with her and still love her?

Because the trust thing and your general mood about the wedding recently cause me concern.

It's normal to have second thoughts before a wedding. But listen to your instinct. I chose to overlook some warning signs before I got married, and it's made for some really excruciating times down the road.


Well, you've known me for a few years and you knew me when I was very single, so I'm sure you know that 'settling down' isn't exactly my natural state, but that said, Red is the best thing that ever happened to me. I think that we're both just going through stress overload right now and that has led to some strain and strangeness. I know she feels bad about opening the letter and I'm pretty sure she'll never do anything like that again. I want this wedding, not because I want to be married, but because it really does feel like the right thing to do. She really is my best friend. We are an amazing couple. So even though I'm complaining and bitching and whatever, that's more just venting because of all the outside stresses (family, coordinating the trip for 40 people, money, etc.). But I very much appreciate your concern, my friend. It means a lot. thumb.gifsmile.gif

And if I come in here and complain, I would expect you to call me on it like you just did. It's good for me. Helps me to sort out my thoughts and keep them in check. Like the best friend comment above - I've never really considered that before, but now that you made me think of it I realize it's true. love.gif

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Trust me, if you're getting married, {censored} like this is a bump in the road. You'll get over it, she'll get over it... it's really quite trivial. The fact that you acknowledged that it's trivial, speaks volumes of your relationship.

Here's to a long and fruitful marriage, bro! thumb.gif

(P.S. I'm coming up on my 10 year anniversary this year... so I would hope that my comments would hold a bit of water...)

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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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...I want this wedding, not because I want to be married, but because it really does feel like the right thing to do. She really is my best friend. We are an amazing couple. ... but now that you made me think of it I realize it's true. love.gif


is Yubby going to be the Best Man?

he'll make everything right!

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Quote Originally Posted by frunobulax

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is Yubby going to be the Best Man?

he'll make everything right!


...since when did we ever establish that Yubby has a gender?

I always figured Yubby was a more pleasant version of SNL's What's-That?-It's-Pat.

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Tomorrow, I go do my second prison visit.

When you tell me that you give me permission to tell your "friend" Oleg, whose last name you don't know, to contact your mom about your detention, I begin to scratch my head about you.

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Oh damn, I nearly forgot the really funny story today.

German chick, with US relatives, went to the US with her boyfriend in late 2007, they broke up, then she found out she was pregnant. She stayed 109 days over what was permitted by law (max of 90 days for a tourist without a visa) before leaving in early 2008.

Why? Well, she had an abortion. See, doctor's note and everything!

Except the abortion happened 48 days after the last day she was supposed to leave the country.

Not exactly, say, like catching pneumonia just before day 90 when she should've been on a plane. facepalm.gif

There's one waittress / vocational trainee who won't be getting a visa for a while. wink.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by Thumper

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I picked up a whole smoked mackerel and a tin of Polish Spam (Konserwa Wojskowa Army-brand chopped portk pattie loaf) at Viktor's Deli in Tigard yesterday.

I love smoked fish, and how can you top Polski Spam? biggrin.gif


Jeebus H. Christ.

I would really, really be afraid of East European Spam of any origin...let alone army Spam.

And don't forget who was workin' the Chicago meatpackers when Upton Sinclair was writing. wink.gif I might even bet they exported all sorts of ideas that helped out the communists several decades later when they ran into shortages. freak.gifwink.gif

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