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I am the Thread Killer


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Quote Originally Posted by Scary Bill

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I'm glad to hear work is better. Jobs that suck drain the life out of you.


Thanks man thumb.gif

Hey, does anyone know if anti-depressents can control anxiety? Or does anyone know of a better drug that will? I'm tired of not being able to sleep because I'm anxious, or just not bothering to go outside at all.

It's not even rationalised anxiety either, I've got nothing to be anxious about, drives me nuts. There is a treadmill in the house, so I'm going to start jogging for a bit each day. Maybe that will help.


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Quote Originally Posted by ToeJamFootball

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Yeah right Lisa, some magical animal...



Song to Bacon

by Roy Blount, Jr

Consumer groups have gone and taken

Some of the savor out of bacon.

Protein–per–penny in bacon, they say,

Equals needles–per–square–inch of hay.

Well, I know, after cooking all

That’s left to eat is mighty small

(You also get a lot of lossage

In life, romance, and country sausage),

And I will vote for making it cheaper,

Wider, longer, leaner, deeper,

But let’s not throw the baby, please,

Out with the (visual rhyme here) grease.

There’s nothing crumbles like bacon still,

And I don’t think there ever will

Be anything, whate’er you use

For meat, that chews like bacon chews.

And also: I wish these groups would tell

Me whether they counted in the smell.

The smell of it cooking’s worth $2.1O a pound.

And howbout the sound?

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Quote Originally Posted by Zamfir

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Wow. Now you're a prison proctologist? I feel so sorry for you... freak.gif

At least you'll get legit use of Kramer's ASS MAN license plate. biggrin.gif



I teach in a youth corrections facility. Some of my guys have earned their high school diploma and are taking classes online at a local community college, hence my need to proctor exams and such.

Proctology and @ss jokes take on a new meaning in corrections...biggrin.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by PiotreX

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can someone fill me in on how this mega-thread came into existence and why it still hasn't collapsed in on itself? smile.gif


I swear I'm going to save down this answer. Wish I could automate it... biggrin.gif


How it came into existence

Sometime in the early 2000s (2001?), a deranged, sheep-bothering poster with S&M predilections known as T-40 posted something like the original post to this thread: namely, that every thread he posted in proceeded to drop like a rock. He did it as a test, expecting to see this thread drop even faster than the others.

Perverse human social interaction on the int3rwebz being what it is, several posters ensured this was not to be.

Since then, the cast of characters has changed remarkably (some are more persistent at posting over the long haul than others). The thread is a repository of all kinds of off-topic comments, images, vids, and other content. It has become a mini-community within Harmony Central Bass Forum (HCBF), where conversations meander every which way, with no presumption of logical connections between comments.

Btw, we were here long before Open Jam was ever created, and we pride ourselves on relatively less inane, which is to say, far better content. You can read without feeling sullied (usually). However, trying to read the whole damn thing is asking for a trip to a mental health facility of your local police force's choice.

Because one poster coughfrunobulaxcough gets flustered at seeing bass- or music-related content, other users sometimes post that here, too. But I digress.

The current thread contains only a portion of its history. The original thread hit well over 10,000 posts and was eating forum server space well beyond what Harmony Central admins were willing to tolerate. Consequently, the first ten posts would get snipped off into a new Thread Killer (TK) after the thread hit 1,000 posts, and the preceding thread would drop off the forum.

This worked reasonably well until

bassaussie broke it

And we lost most of the first ten posts. Fortunately the original T-40 post was recreated by the same, despite forgetting his password for a couple of years.

Why it still hasn't collapsed in on itself

Musician's Friend (which bought HC) installed a whole crapload of new server space around 2006 (2007?). Consequently the thread was able to resume and exceed its absurdly huge proportions of yesteryear. It is the duty of every regular Thread Killer to keep the thread bumped up somewhere in the first four pages of HCBF. smile.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by Retrovertigo

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I've been up for 3 days - hair is greasy, armpits smell, clothes are dirty and I have dozens of missed calls.

To top it off, I've run out of smokes and it is fairly cold outside...

It's been a good week thumb.gif


Sounds like a routine day for me back in my 20's.

God I miss those good times.....

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Quote Originally Posted by Low Tone

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What part of MO will you be in?


Mojo's in Columbia on the 28th

Edit: Shenanigans in Bellville, IL on the 29th

and Rude Dog Pub in Cape Girardeau on March 1st

Edit cont. - Looks like it is only 2 days in MO., there was a brief mixup, I guess.

...still haven't had a smoke. I'm thinking this might be a great time to quit, but I've got a long drive tonight for rehearsal.

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Quote Originally Posted by Retrovertigo

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I've been up for 3 days - hair is greasy, armpits smell, clothes are dirty and I have dozens of missed calls.

To top it off, I've run out of smokes and it is fairly cold outside...

It's been a good week thumb.gif


Shower already. mad.gif


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