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WTF! problems with my band...


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Everytime I make something up, either it be a big collection of riffs or a full song I get rejected (in the nice way) by my band mates they say "well.....nothing really stands out" or similar {censored} like that. YET everytime I STOP giving'em riffs my 2nd guitarist BITCHES at me saying stuff like "Com'on man! You said you're committed! You said you're serious etc etc" then I rebuttle saying I give you all the riffs I ever think of, why don't YOU just do the songwriting if you're gonna be so uninterested in my riffs and he argues he doesn't want "to do all the work" cause then it'll feel like he's doing all the work making the rest of the band seem like some sort of 'back up' band.

Should i quit? Should I take lessons in songwriting or something? WTF do i dO?!!!!

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Well it could be either:


1. They are egotistcal bastards and feel threatened by you.

SOLUTION Run dont walk from the band. There are many musicians out there and if you arent having fun its not worth it. If its just one member doing it,like the 2nd guitar player, have a serious talk with him or as a last resort fire his ass. Many,many,many have servived as a trio or with only one guitarist. Try to work things out before you break up the band though as the same advice,only one guitarist,works both ways.




2. Your songs actually aren't that great (i havent heard them so dont get mad at me for saying this!)

SOLUTION Unfortunatly you really cant learn to write good songs, if that was possible everyone would be a musician:D but it just might be that you need to practice your craft more. Not all of us spring from the womb spouting thought provocing lyrics and ripping off riffs left and right.




3. They dont like your songs because you write in a different style

SOLUTION Again talk with the band. Having band mates that write in slightly different styles is a good thing and a change of pace, think of Lennon and McCartney Lennon,IMHO wrote more raw stuff and McCartneys was more polished. Together they were a very good team. If that doesnt work leave the band and find some new guys.



All in all you will have to figure out if you can all get along and settle your differences. I for one would never be in a band in which i had no creative control. In my opinion the 2nd guitarist sounds like someone i would not be in a band with.


Good luck.

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Originally posted by nickname009

Everytime I make something up, either it be a big collection of riffs or a full song I get rejected (in the nice way) by my band mates they say "well.....nothing really stands out" or similar {censored} like that. YET everytime I STOP giving'em riffs my 2nd guitarist BITCHES at me saying stuff like "Com'on man! You said you're committed! You said you're serious etc etc" then I rebuttle saying I give you all the riffs I ever think of, why don't YOU just do the songwriting if you're gonna be so uninterested in my riffs and he argues he doesn't want "to do all the work" cause then it'll feel like he's doing all the work making the rest of the band seem like some sort of 'back up' band.

Should i quit? Should I take lessons in songwriting or something? WTF do i dO?!!!!


Here's my equation: if the fun you're having on stage does not make the headaches worthwhile, quit.



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Originally posted by nickname009

Everytime I make something up, either it be a big collection of riffs or a full song I get rejected (in the nice way) by my band mates they say "well.....nothing really stands out" or similar {censored} like that. YET everytime I STOP giving'em riffs my 2nd guitarist BITCHES at me saying stuff like "Com'on man! You said you're committed! You said you're serious etc etc" then I rebuttle saying I give you all the riffs I ever think of, why don't YOU just do the songwriting if you're gonna be so uninterested in my riffs and he argues he doesn't want "to do all the work" cause then it'll feel like he's doing all the work making the rest of the band seem like some sort of 'back up' band.

Should i quit? Should I take lessons in songwriting or something? WTF do i dO?!!!!


Play more covers.



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Originally posted by nickname009

Everytime I make something up, either it be a big collection of riffs or a full song I get rejected (in the nice way) by my band mates they say "well.....nothing really stands out" or similar {censored} like that. YET everytime I STOP giving'em riffs my 2nd guitarist BITCHES at me saying stuff like "Com'on man! You said you're committed! You said you're serious etc etc" then I rebuttle saying I give you all the riffs I ever think of, why don't YOU just do the songwriting if you're gonna be so uninterested in my riffs and he argues he doesn't want "to do all the work" cause then it'll feel like he's doing all the work making the rest of the band seem like some sort of 'back up' band.

Should i quit? Should I take lessons in songwriting or something? WTF do i dO?!!!!



If you're bringing something to a rehearsal - you should make it a complete song IMO. The band may change this and that - but if you have a complete song and an idea of what everyone else should be doing it'll give the rest of the band something to get their teeth into. It's very difficult if somebody turns up with a 4 bar riff and expects the band to just make a song out of it (not that i'm saying you're doing this - but you might be).


I dunno if you can take lessons in song-writing. I write and i'm not saying i'm brilliant at it (if i was i'd be making records and not posting here - lol), but it's something that i've got better at (and am still getting better at) over time. So if you can't write anything the band like now, keep plugging away at it and eventually you will.

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Originally posted by Knottyhed

I dunno if you can take lessons in song-writing.



Sure you can, and they're FREE...pick out some great songs, learn how to play them and then pick them apart to see what makes them work.


I know a lot of people hate the idea of PLAYING covers but LEARNING from them is always worthwhile.

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Mate, i'm in exactly the same position right now.


I spend days recording a full song with layered guitars and a basic drum beat and write lyrics and it's "yeah, we'll work on it." (we never do) And as if it needs work! The only thing I dont do is bass because the bassist likes to make his own basslines.


But when the other guitarist comes up with some half-assed {censored}ty single riff its "cmon! lets make a song! there is so a song in that!"


The main problem is that I'm just not playing their style. So what you need to do is to get them more interested in your style, or to make your own style a bit more like theirs. Either was is a compromise really, but you need to give as well as recieve.


Try lending them a few albums of your own style and getting them more into your music. It's been working for me a bit.

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Originally posted by Crook

Mate, i'm in exactly the same position right now.

I spend days recording a full song with layered guitars and a basic drum beat and write lyrics and it's "yeah, we'll work on it." (we never do) And as if it needs work! The only thing I dont do is bass because the bassist likes to make his own basslines.

But when the other guitarist comes up with some half-assed {censored}ty single riff its "cmon! lets make a song! there is so a song in that!"

The main problem is that I'm just not playing their style. So what you need to do is to get them more interested in your style, or to make your own style a bit more like theirs. Either was is a compromise really, but you need to give as well as recieve.

Try lending them a few albums of your own style and getting them more into your music. It's been working for me a bit.



Never thought about the point of people liking different styles - I'm in the fortunate position of being in a band where everyone's very open minded about what music they like. We've a huge range of differing influences - and the band doesn't really sound like anyone else as a result (not sure if that's good or bad though :-p)

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Originally posted by Knottyhed

Never thought about the point of people liking different styles - I'm in the fortunate position of being in a band where everyone's very open minded about what music they like. We've a huge range of differing influences - and the band doesn't really sound like anyone else as a result (not sure if that's good or bad though :-p)



It's a good thing.

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Originally posted by caveman



Originally posted by Knottyhed

Never thought about the point of people liking different styles - I'm in the fortunate position of being in a band where everyone's very open minded about what music they like. We've a huge range of differing influences - and the band doesn't really sound like anyone else as a result (not sure if that's good or bad though :-p)


It's a good thing.



I like to think so. Sure makes things hard when somebody asks you 'what sort of music do you play' and 'who are you influenced by'.

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