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3 sets for 200 bucks?


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Originally posted by Fendercaster

$200 for a solo act or a band?

For a solo act, 45 minutes.

For a band, 20 minutes.


It ain't a lot of cash... but here's what I would do.


Using your numbers that's either 45 mins or 3 X 20 min sets (BTW I've never done 3 X 20 min sets in my life.. they're usually much longer than that), that's only an hour or less of playing.


If it were very close to my house, and if I could just walk in without a PA, just set down and play, and it was a real cool place to play...... I would think about it. :cool:


Might be better than playing 4 hours for $400 or $500 and schlepping PA and lights in and out.

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what everyone else has said though you could push for 2 45 minute sets if it's solo IMO.


if it's a band i wouldnt bother


unless theres something else about the gig that would make you want to do it...

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I perceive from your question that you guys are kind of a new band, so congrats on getting the gig..! :thu:


Impress whoever is hiring you by keeping breaks to a minimum and sets to a maximum. Allow just enough time to hit the toilet and have a breather rest, then get back up there.


Even if the crowd is minimal and/or sparse, play like the joint is full - treat the performance as a full dress rehearsal.


Developing these good work habits early will lead to professionalism later, and set you on a level above other bands.


(And remember - if your band doesn't take the gig, some other band will, that's how competition in business works. Seriously think about taking the $200 before sitting at home doing nothing that night. Lot's of 'what ifs...' regarding this philosophy, but unless you're in big demand take the gig.)


Have fun...! :)

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I usually play hour and a half sets, sometimes two. Though in a situation where I was being paid by the set I would shorten them considerably, to 45 minutes or so, especially at only $200 for three sets. That's a fair price for a single or duo. But a little low for bands. I might do it with a trio during the week. Though at that price they ought to throw in free food. Free drinks are okay except for the fact that I rarely drink alcohol.

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my guys and I get $375 USD from the University we go to to play school events. We play a lot of 90s Alt. Rock (Smashing Pumpkins, Bush, etc) and lots of originals. Because we're the only band around that does that type of music (4,000 population in this town) we get the college gigs.


So the 3 of us get $125 USD and we generally play 3 - 3.5 hour shows- generally about 45 minutes at a time...15 minute breaks...


I'm in a coushy job and schedule, so I'm not one to whine about cash, but my bassist is married and needs cash as well as my drummer who needs to pay bills.


Hell, I used to play shows for free- mainly because there aren't many places to play in rural Maine USA....


But our band makes some money now....I know we are underpaid, but most of us do it for fun really...

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For $200, my band ain't gonna do any sets, unless its a benefit for someone, in that case, we will donate our time. We did a benefit a few months ago for a young man that needed 2 cornea transplants. Glad to help him see, again.

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We are a 3 piece, and here is what we get from 3 normal venues that we play around here. We are all original, except for a couple of covers that we pick for fun.


Venue 1: One 45 minute set = $200 and unlimited bar tab.


Venue 2: Three 30 minute sets = $300 and unlimited bar tab.


Venue 3: Two 1 hour sets = $400 and draft beers.


We're not getting rich of gigs like this, but we're not coming out of pocket to play either. The majority of the money goes to maintaining/upgrading gear, producing merch, and at the end of this month finally pressing our CD.


There are other places we play for less, but we never take any less than $100 for one 40 min. set unless its a special event, like opening for a national act, a benefit show, or a great spot at a large festival.

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Every place I play is a 3 1/2 to 4 hour set. Unless I'm opening for someone then it's usually an hour. We make between $50-150 a piece.I play with just a drummer . Those are 45 minute sets with 15 minute breaks, unlimited bar ( That I never abuse) and all the music we play is original (except for 2 cover songs that I like) I could play at least every weekend if I got just a little more organised but I've recently decided to do about 2-3 gigs per month. I really don't need to play more than that. It's fun and I get my music out in front of people, which is what an artist/musician is supposed to do.

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