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Vocals through a bullet mic at a live show

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Anyone try this? We were having some.....vocal issues... on a song for the band in which I play drums and we ran his vocal through a filter to kind of...um... hide stuff.


Anyway, I don't want to be in a situation where we have to run a vocal through a rack as that means bringing more gear... which I hate. I thought a bullet mic might distort the vocal enough to mimic the filter to a degree. Anyone try this?



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It can give you some midrangey lo-fi grit (Mark Sandman of Morphine used to use one live for instance)

but I don't know if it's going to be as severe as you want to cover up issues (not even sure what issues you are having)


i've done it, but find if it can be a little feedback prone (esp if you run it hot enough to grit it up)


there are smaller floor processors that offer some vocal effects (digitech even makes a stompbox for "lo fi" sounds) so that could be an option.

either way, you are bringing more equipment (like the mic and with the mic you have to set up and ring out another channel - so a processor might actually be less hassle...just depends)

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A band I produced has a harp player. He has his Green Bullet (old original) plugged into an ancient Magnatone amp. Great sound. He's not the main vocalist. But he was going to sing one song on the album. As he ready-ed to show me his tune he just picked up his harp mic and stared singing...


...awesome. Then he said, "Of course we'll want to use your great studio mics for this instead. "


No we won't. It sounds great. He does it live too and it really sets his songs apart from the rest of the band. Cool trick. A lot of people do it so it's not like it's a new thing but it is still very cool.


Plug it in a little amp for max mojo.

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I'm just jealous because your craigslist is better than my craigslist..I've been in the market for a used bullet mic and it's slim pickins- I don't want to pay $120 for a new one because they are supposedly made with cheap chinese elements that aren't as good as the old ones, supposedly.



This is a town with 10,000 registered bands and god knows how many hobbyists. Or, to illustrate, there are TWO listing for bagpipes on our craigslist right now. TWO.

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Gordie Johnson from Big Sugar used one on the song "Diggin' a Hole". While this is the official video and not a live track you can hear the sound better on this. I've personally seen this band live 4-5 times and this is how they always perform it and it sounds great.


Great song too with some nice harmonica playing by Windsor's very own Mr. Kelly Hoppe!



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