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Where's Wade?


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Last I heard Wade was set for his first gig with his new country band. I was expecting an update on the weekend. Did I miss a post somewhere?


Let this be a lesson to you guys who are still gigging. Those of us who are not currently in bands are still living vicariously through you and need to hear your gig stories.



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And you're not currently in a band?? What's up with that?


I retired (again :facepalm:) from doing acoustic gigs about a year ago. I keep getting the itch to go get back into a full band but despite a few offers nothing seems right yet.


Surely, sitting around doing nothing and hoping for the right offer to fall into my lap will work. :facepalm::facepalm:

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You're right. I'm thinking of stepping up my efforts in the summer as I'm a teacher and will have the time. For now I enjoy hanging out in here. Half of the stories want me to get back in it and half make me look like a genius for getting out.

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Anyone else notice that since Wade's been gone we've also seen no trace of Timmy the Robeboy?

coincidence or....






Na ,, wade and timmy are not the same people .... one is a pilot and the other well is just wade the bass play from KY

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As for Wade, a few weeks ago, he promised us a "smaller footprint" b/c of some non music gig he had. Unfortunately, he didn't deliver until recently, where "smaller footprint" became no footprint.


As for BlueStrat, maybe some spring storm in the land of potatoes knocked out his power supply????

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BlueStrat seems to be enjoyed a bit of a self-inflicted ban. Guessing he felt he needed a break from this place and needed some assistance in achieving that.


Which is a shame because he at least had a clue unlike many of the posters on here. Guido this doesn't mean you. I agree with most the things you post.:thu:

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Which is a shame because he at least had a clue unlike many of the posters on here. Guido this doesn't mean you. I agree with most the things you post.


I'll take "most" any time I can get it! :thu:


I'm sure he'll be back. IIRC, he's done this once or twice before? But yeah..I'll miss his posts in the meantime. Always a welcome perspective!

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