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Slightly OT: Technology is getting so advanced.


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Is SkyNet being built? I could see some really bad applications that they could be used for. Otherwise pretty amazing the software that was developed to enable them to fly like that autonomously. If they put weaponry on them Lord help us all. I'm sure DARPA and DOD will be interested in military recon and intelligence gathering capabilities.

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Any notice that just like in real life - the drummer robot has having a hard time keeping the tempo right?


And in real life, it's totally a result of getting bad data from the band leader (programmer).

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Very cool stuff, indeed. Remote control is one thing....but these robots are simply given a task, and they're able to figure out for themselves the best way to do it. Pretty incredible.


That said.....whenever I see stuff like this, I can't help thinking it's just one step closer to a robots-vs.-mankind apocalypse, a la Terminator.


More food for thought: as much as this technology would revolutionize industries like construction, manufacturing, and cargo transport, can you imagine how many human jobs would be eliminated?

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Very cool stuff, indeed. Remote control is one thing....but these robots are simply given a task, and they're able to figure out for themselves the best way to do it. Pretty incredible.

That said.....whenever I see stuff like this, I can't help thinking it's just one step closer to a robots-vs.-mankind apocalypse,
a la

More food for thought: as much as this technology would revolutionize industries like construction, manufacturing, and cargo transport, can you imagine how many human jobs would be eliminated?



Assuming it becomes efficient enough to handle heavy weight capacities, yes indeed.

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It's pretty impressive. It's relatively modern Sci-fi coming into reality. One of the applications showed the robots being able to fly into an unknown building and map it 3 dimensionally in real time.



Yeah, I think we know where all this is going....


VERY cool stuff.

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