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lowering the alcohol limit


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Reports say that they are considering lowering the alcohol limit to .05 (federally)

If passed this could significantly and dramatically alter the landscape for live music.

It seems like this topic might be an appropriate thread for discussion if anyone has any information, opinions, or if you were around the last time this happened.

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J.Paul wrote:



Reports say that they are considering lowering the alcohol limit to .05 (federally)


If passed this could significantly and dramatically alter the landscape for live music.


It seems like this topic might be an appropriate thread for discussion if anyone has any information, opinions, or if you were around the last time this happened.


G'day to all, I live in Australia where the limit has been .05 for a number of years. When it first came in it did have some effect on the pubs and clubs here but, people adapted to it. People now usually have a designated driver or share a cab. It doesnt stop the majority of people going out and seeing live music, as the saying goes "where theres a will theres a way!".

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Jules@52 wrote:


J.Paul wrote:



Reports say that they are considering lowering the alcohol limit to .05 (federally)


If passed this could significantly and dramatically alter the landscape for live music.


It seems like this topic might be an appropriate thread for discussion if anyone has any information, opinions, or if you were around the last time this happened.



G'day to all, I live in Australia where the limit has been .05 for a number of years. When it first came in it did have some effect on the pubs and clubs here but, people adapted to it. People now usually have a designated driver or share a cab. It doesnt stop the majority of people going out and seeing live music, as the saying goes "where theres a will theres a way!".


Y'know, that's an interesting angle I'd never even considered.


Right now, with the legal limit at .08 in most places,  people can go out and have a couple drinks and still be fine to drive home.


But if everyone *knew* that more than one drink would put them in jeopardy of a DUI.....do you think everyone would stop going out and drinking?   I'm sure there would be a major hit at first....but I can't see too many people willing to put their social life and partying on the backburner permanently.    After a while, I think we would see exactly what Jules describes:  before long, people would start making concessions to get  their entertainment.   If that means taking a cab or designating a DD....so be it.

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It's a **** conspiracy I tell ya!


They put the venues, and good times, and bands and LIQUOR over here.... you know, miles away from your house.....then say "You can drive to the party, BUT YOU CAN'T DRIVE BACK."


It's a gahdang racket!!!!!:smiley-angry039:

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3shiftgtr wrote:

It's a **** conspiracy I tell ya!


They put the venues, and good times, and bands and LIQUOR over here.... you know, miles away from your house.....then say "You can drive to the party, BUT YOU CAN'T DRIVE BACK."


It's a gahdang racket!!!!!

Maybe it is but, over here in aus the government makes heaps more money from speed cameras. The road toll has decreased as well as the amount of people that are injured badly from drunk drivers. Its pretty much accepted over here people dont really complain about it we just go with the flow. If your government wants to lower the limit there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop them, they will use statistics to plead their case. Just my take on it:smiley-eatdrink004:

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We are in a locked down police state such that the world has never seen. WAY Worse than anything Orwell could have ever imagined. The FEDS are so outside the bounds of their lawful Constitutional Boundries that it's laughable.

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sventvkg wrote:



We are in a locked down police state such that the world has never seen. WAY Worse than anything Orwell could have ever imagined. The FEDS are so outside the bounds of their lawful Constitutional Boundries that it's laughable.


Us Aussies are very lucky we live here, hearing and reading about overseas laws and regulations make me really appreciate how good we have it in Australia, something I never take forgranted.

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sventvkg wrote:



We are in a locked down police state such that the world has never seen. WAY Worse than anything Orwell could have ever imagined. The FEDS are so outside the bounds of their lawful Constitutional Boundries that it's laughable.


Except in this case the only thing the FEDS can do is issue a "recommendation".    All the laws regarding things like drinking and driving are state and local regulations.  They can do some pretty serious arm-twisting if they so choose, but that's about it.

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3shiftgtr wrote:


They put the venues, and good times, and bands and LIQUOR over here.... you know, miles away from your house.....then say "You can drive to the party, BUT YOU CAN'T DRIVE BACK."





This is why city living has so many fans.

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guido61 wrote:


We don't have many till roads. Most roads in the US are free to drive on. Speed traps vary from locale to locale, however.


Sorry Guido I think you may have misunderstood my "road toll" meaning. We also have road tolls here on some freeways but what I meant was death and injury toll. Cheers mate.

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guido61 wrote:


Ahhh gotcha. Oddly enough.., even though we have a pretty high highway death/injury toll, there isn't much public outcry to increase highway safety. The trade off for the love of driving we have, I suppose.


Yep you guys do have a rich car culture over there, which I think is awesome, maybe your roads are designed better re: safety barriers etc. Love the mustangs, corvettes, muscle cars from the sixtes, would love to restore one but cant fit in extra hobby, playing drums in a gigging cover band takes up all my spare time as it is!

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Uh..you're disarmed and in a much more locked down police state than we are. You have no natural enumerated rights as laid out in our Bill of Rights, the Queen's Governer General can and HAS shut Parliment down, you don't have a tradition of individual libery..I could go on..point is its Apples and Oranges and you can live the way you want and as long as you're happy it's all good:) But from my well travelled perspective we've got it way better than most countries save maybe Switzerland. And if it all does truly go Orwell here at least we're so well armed that it would be impossible for every army on earth to fully conquer and subjugate us. Live Australia but Ill take America if in our currently screwed up state, :))

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The thing that pisses me off, is that it's not the people at .05 who are killing innocents. It's the guys at .32 or more. Habitual drunk drivers. Multiple offences, No license, no insurance. .08 never stopped them and they aren't going to give a good god damn about .05



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StratGuy22 wrote:


The thing that pisses me off, is that it's not the people at .05 who are killing innocents. It's the guys at .32 or more. Habitual drunk drivers. Multiple offences, No license, no insurance. .08 never stopped them and they aren't going to give a good god damn about .05





 Now convince the government of that before they take away all your rights.


Mutha Goose wrote:



You just know that when (and if) these ever become a reality on our roadways, there will be the new DWP laws (Drunk While Passengering)


 If they can't get you one way, they get you another, like taking down the mob for tax evasion. Since the law is currenlty only at .08, here they passed a city law of mandatory breathalizer or blood test (against your will) to determine blood alcohol level. I'm sure if you piss of the cop who pulled you over because you 'dont look right' (oh wait, he'll use the approved legal terms 'your car was swerving'), he'll force you to do a BAL test (knowing full well you are sober) just to piss you off and waste more of your time. It's only a matter of time before that is everywhere. 

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sventvkg wrote:

Uh..you're disarmed and in a much more locked down police state than we are. You have no natural enumerated rights as laid out in our Bill of Rights, the Queen's Governer General can and HAS shut Parliment down, you don't have a tradition of individual libery..I could go on..point is its Apples and Oranges and you can live the way you want and as long as you're happy it's all good:) But from my well travelled perspective we've got it way better than most countries save maybe Switzerland. And if it all does truly go Orwell here at least we're so well armed that it would be impossible for every army on earth to fully conquer and subjugate us. Live Australia but Ill take America if in our currently screwed up state,

While I agree with you on most of this, we still enjoy a fantastic relaxed lifestyle here in Australia, despite restrictions placed on us by our government.  It still is a great place to bring up kids with plenty of opportunities and choice. We still have our problems here  but after travelling and  seeing what goes on overseas still gives perspective on how lucky we really are.

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Guido they won't trade their system for ours because Rey have no history of individual libery and they are used to a socialized Nanny Govt taking care of them. They have no concept of John Loche or any understanding of the philosophies of our founders. They aren't taught it growing up and if you try to explain it to these Europeans they look at you doe eyed. Our system WAS the best before the Insurance industry took over and our final absolute decent into Fascist tyranny took place. Our Healthcare system was the envy of the world...Model socialist healthcare systems in Europe are anything but and only getting worse. We will sink to the same or worse levels soon. It doesn't matter now that this immigration "Reform" is almost certainly going to pass because The 20 million new Latin citizens that will be legalized also have to concept or history if the philosophies of our founders and individual libery. They again, come from paternalistic socialistic countries and they will come rely transform this nation into another Brazil or Argentina..It's over. May as well smoke em.

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sventvkg wrote:


No it's tyranny. Forced to buy something with a Gun to our heads. The very antithesis of the principals on which this nation was formed.


I agree.  Forcing people to buy a private product is nuts.   They should have just expanded Medicare to cover everybody and called it good. 

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sventvkg wrote:


. Our system WAS the best before the Insurance industry took over

Which was also the time before the existence of most expensive medical treatments and procedures as well. Sure, back when "health care" consisted primarily of applying a few balms and setting the occasional broken bone, it was easily affordable for pretty much everyone. Things have changed quite a bit over the last several decades, however. But yes, it isn't our health care that is the problem--our health care is great. It's access to it and affordability that is the issue.


and our final absolute decent into Fascist tyranny took place.


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sventvkg wrote:


Guido they won't trade their system for ours because Rey have no history of individual libery and they are used to a socialized Nanny Govt taking care of them. They have no concept of John Loche or any understanding of the philosophies of our founders. They aren't taught it growing up and if you try to explain it to these Europeans they look at you doe eyed.



Understanding of Philosophies and $3.50 will get you a Mocha Latte at Starbucks.  The real-world bottom line is how does any of this affect anyone's daily life and pursuit of happiness?   Is the lifestyle and personal freedoms of the average European any worse than that of the average American?  Really?  

And what is this ranting about "facist tyranny"?  In what form?  Is the life and freedom of the average American any less today than it was 50 years ago?  In what way?   And which government of ours is tyrannical anyway?   Certainly you don't mean those completely inept boobs in Washington who can't get anything meaningful done because they are too busy arguing with each other and jockeying for airtime on cable news shows?    Isn't a government that has pretty much ground to a standstill due to gridlock the exact OPPOSITE of the definition of "tyranny"?

To be completely honest, when I look at my life, pretty much the ONLY thing that has restricted my freedom has been the our privitized "best healthcare system in the world".   My wife is effectively tied to a job she like well enough but, in a perfect world would rather do other things with her life and career, because she doesn't want to lose the benefits.  The premiums for which keep rising, while the coverage gets less, and they now consume a huge part of her weekly pay.   And part of the reason she needs to keep these benefits is so that I can enjoy the freedom to be self-employed because buying insurance on the private market is even MORE ridiculous.   She'd have liked to take her business private, but there's no way we can afford to both be self employed. 

It isn't the tyrannical government that has restricted our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  It's the supposed "free" market.

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