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Your groupies stories. Here.


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I posted this originally over in SSS Political, but it really belongs here, where I feel at home and among friends. smile.gif

At my house at least, it's still officially Christmas season until New Year's Day. I went out to the living room and turned on the Christmas tree and just sat under it for a while counting my blessings.

After I finished contemplating the "ghosts" of Christmas present, I came back to the computer and read my groupie story from beginning to end, for the first time since I wrote it.

My first thought was, damn, I could have written that better!

But my second and more lasting feeling was of great relief. I think through that whole story every Christmas, because it happened over Christmas 1983. The relief was that the sadness I've felt every Christmas since then when thinking about those events is now tempered with something else: forgiveness. Forgiveness for those who hurt me, and more importantly, for myself.

I just wanted to share that with you guys. Telling the story got it off my chest, I guess, and maybe from now on my Christmases won't be haunted by the memories from that strange year in my life.

I would recommend to any of you who have baggage to unload, or feelings to get off your chest, to write the story down. It really helps, at least for me.

Saturday night, New Year's Eve, will be the 22nd anniversary of the night I first kissed my wife, as detailed in the story. If all goes well, maybe I'll get a kiss this time too. redface.gif

A warm and blessed holiday season to all of you and yours. smile.gif

Terry D.

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Originally posted by MrKnobs

I posted this originally over in SSS Political, but it really belongs here, where I feel at home and among friends. smile.gif

At my house at least, it's still officially Christmas season until New Year's Day. I went out to the living room and turned on the Christmas tree and just sat under it for a while counting my blessings.

After I finished contemplating the "ghosts" of Christmas present, I came back to the computer and read my groupie story from beginning to end, for the first time since I wrote it.

My first thought was, damn, I could have written that better!

But my second and more lasting feeling was of great relief. I think through that whole story every Christmas, because it happened over Christmas 1983. The relief was that the sadness I've felt every Christmas since then when thinking about those events is now tempered with something else: forgiveness. Forgiveness for those who hurt me, and more importantly, for myself.

I just wanted to share that with you guys. Telling the story got it off my chest, I guess, and maybe from now on my Christmases won't be haunted by the memories from that strange year in my life.

I would recommend to any of you who have baggage to unload, or feelings to get off your chest, to write the story down. It really helps, at least for me.

Saturday night, New Year's Eve, will be the 22nd anniversary of the night I first kissed my wife, as detailed in the story. If all goes well, maybe I'll get a kiss this time too. redface.gif

A warm and blessed holiday season to all of you and yours. smile.gif

Terry D.


and who's to thank, huh ? wink.gif
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I was in a house band 10 years ago,

and one night this group of hotties walks in .

My lead singer was fightin with his wife and started makin on this really HOT blonde.

well 2nd set roles around he's not there so the drummer and I sang for that and the 3rd set .

the singer and the blond show up half way through the last set and my singer comes over and rubs his index finger under my nose and whispers in my ear (wanna smell some 20 yearold ?)

then he does this to rest of the band .

Needles to say we laughed and looked out at this lady and just gave her applause

she left flipping us off

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Originally posted by kevinpmurphy

I was in a house band 10 years ago,

and one night this group of hotties walks in .

My lead singer was fightin with his wife and started makin on this really HOT blonde.

well 2nd set roles around he's not there so the drummer and I sang for that and the 3rd set .

the singer and the blond show up half way through the last set and my singer comes over and rubs his index finger under my nose and whispers in my ear (wanna smell some 20 yearold ?)

then he does this to rest of the band .

Needles to say we laughed and looked out at this lady and just gave her applause

she left flipping us off


I would be pretty pissed if a singer left me hanging because he wanted to get his dick wet. When he got back, he would have gotten a few things, but grins, laughter, and applause would not be on the list. If you're gigging with me, you're expected to conduct yourself as a professional, and leave the groupies until AFTER the show.

I'm all for a taste of twang if you're so inclined, but not on band time. You can set it up on your breaks if you want, but you don't get any of it on band time. We didn't learn all these songs YOU to sing for nothing...do your job now, get your "job" later.

Just my $.02

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Hey Man this was a Real knife and gun clubwe played at .

and a lot of stuff went on but we were tight as a 3 peicealso so it was cool I me and the drummer sang 2/3 of the material any way .

This was I 'm sorry to say 15 years ago instead of 10 and the band split I am a teacher at asmall musicschool, and have a 10 year old and a16 yearold,our drummer married and divorced got married again found God and started playin in achurch ,our bass playeris a Grandpa and has had weight health problems resulting in bariaric sugery, and oursinger he made up with the wife and work at a plant building hearses and is a grandpa.

so we grew up tooo!

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This is something that happened to me when my old cover band played a gig at this biker dive out in central WI. It payed to be the youngest member of the band.

We played our first set and this chick was checking me out from the crowd, very girl next door with these beautiful eyes. Anywho, we take our first break and I find some reason to talk to her, talk laugh and whatnot, and then realize she is there with 2 friends who have also been checking me out or so she tells me, they aren't bad looking but they aren't as hot the one I'm after. So 2nd set begins and more 'eyes' form all three. We take our second break and the chick I've been talking to goes to the bathroom, and her friend leans over to me and says "Well it's obvious that you like Kelly, is there anything I can do for you now though?" I looked at her dumbfounded because {censored} like this does not happen to me EVER. So I jokingly say "You can blow me in outside I guess." and she says" Let's go" so we went. Later the her other friend said roughly the same thing, and we went. Kelly was soon forgoten.

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Dammit Mr. Knobs..

I just finished reading your groupie story. I started earlier today at work and at 5:30 rushed straight home to finish it. You have a very compelling style.

Man, what a ride.

I don't mean to get all gushy on you but at the end I feel a certain 'fullness', or maybe an 'emptiness', it's hard to say. It's been a long time, a LONG time since i've been really wrapped up into a story like this. For a time there, I too was uncomfortably in love with Gail, empatheically concerned for Janis (any idea how she turned out?) and intrigued by Red.

I almost feel like I should cry, although I'm not entirely sure why.

Thanks for sharing. For some reason, I really needed to read that.


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Originally posted by phaeton

Dammit Mr. Knobs..

I just finished reading your groupie story. I started earlier today at work and at 5:30 rushed straight home to finish it. You have a very compelling style.

Man, what a ride.

I don't mean to get all gushy on you but at the end I feel a certain 'fullness', or maybe an 'emptiness', it's hard to say. It's been a long time, a LONG time since i've been really wrapped up into a story like this. For a time there, I too was uncomfortably in love with Gail, empatheically concerned for Janis (any idea how she turned out?) and intrigued by Red.

I almost feel like I should cry, although I'm not entirely sure why.

Thanks for sharing. For some reason, I really needed to read that.



Thanks so much for taking time to read the story and share how you felt about it; I'm glad you enjoyed it. You have no idea how much better I felt after writing it, I really needed to get this off my chest. smile.gif

Oddly enough, something strange happened tonight. I was out at a couple of clubs with my partner Pebblestar, and on one of the tables a local singer songwriter had left a picture card promoting herself. I had never seen this young woman before, and I did a double take when the card came into focus because she is the spitting image of Gail when Gail was her age. She looks enough like Gail to be her twin sister.

I don't have any pictures of Gail as my wife (reasonably) asked me to discard them shortly after she moved in with me. It brought back a lot of memories seeing that image, and it was nice to finally show Pebble what Gail looked like. As she simply put it, "Wow."

Wow, indeed. smile.gif

Terry D.

P.S. I know where all the people in my story are today, with the one exception of Janis; I hope she's doing well and has found the love that eluded her when I knew her. I'd like to think she appreciated the respect and kindness I showed her. For my part, I certainly appreciated her wonderful company and the simple wisdom she taught me. In a way, she was the most beautiful of all the women in the story.

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Originally posted by MrKnobs

I don't have any pictures of Gail as my wife (reasonably) asked me to discard them shortly after she moved in with me. It brought back a lot of memories seeing that image, and it was nice to finally show Pebble what Gail looked like. As she simply put it, "Wow."

Wow, indeed. smile.gif

Terry D.


I gotta ask for the compulsory pics of the said singer.... mad.gifredface.gif
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Originally posted by brikus

I gotta ask for the compulsory pics of the said singer.... mad.gifredface.gif


Crap, I keep forgetting to do that for you. I'll have to ask Julie for her name, I've forgotten it. But when I do, I'll post a link to her website.

Wait, maybe I'd better PM it, she might get upset. eek.gif

Terry D.

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Originally posted by MrKnobs

Crap, I keep forgetting to do that for you. I'll have to ask Julie for her name, I've forgotten it. But when I do, I'll post a link to her website.

Wait, maybe I'd better PM it, she might get upset. eek.gif

Terry D.


waitin' for the PM.... mad.gif
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How did this thread suddenly sprout five stars? I've been away for a few days taking a training course with no internet access and suddenly I see stars. confused.gif

I suspect the mods may just assign stars, it doesn't seem like voting at the bottom of a thread does anything confused.gif

Terry D.

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Originally posted by MrKnobs

How did this thread suddenly sprout five stars? I've been away for a few days taking a training course with no internet access and suddenly I see stars. confused.gif

I suspect the mods may just assign stars, it doesn't seem like voting at the bottom of a thread does anything confused.gif

Terry D.


I didn't know we could rate threads.freak.gif
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