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Your groupies stories. Here.


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What the heck here it is:

Chapter 2

I sat down in the hot seat (interview chair) after she sat down behind her desk. This woman was very attractive to me, not exactly in the hot sense but more of the cute and pretty sense. I would have to say that she looks like the new girl on that CSI NY show. She wore a nice business outfit, she had on a nice light blue button up shirt, black slacks and a sleek business suit.

She began asking me questions and all I could focus on was her pretty blue green eyes. She was kind and seemed respectful, not like some of the interview you may receive. Unfortunately as the interview carried on I felt more and more like the job just wasn

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Originally posted by fuzzball
This is all true, and it even will include the introduction of my wife.

Trust me it does not unfold to a rampid porn story. I can only dream.
You better end up getting some play in this or I'm gonna go on strike!mad.gif

"Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought this would happen to me, but..."
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Chapter 3

At this point she was on one knee and she said that she loved my music. I said thank you in a shaky tone, then she came close to my face and asked if I was good at anything else. Now at this point I knew this was far from a normal interview. I told her sure I am good at a lot of stuff (I was a little young at this time). She got in front of me and started massaging my manhood. At this point the job was far out of my mind and the other head was gaining momentum. While rubbing me in the right way she kissed me, being a young man I did not push away. She then slowly undid my belt and zipper. She looked up at me with her beautiful hungry eyes for a moment then she proceeded to play hide and seek with my manhood. I felt like I was in a dream, this girl knew what she was doing down there and trust me some don

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Can't let this thread die just yet...

At a gig we were playing in a pretty popular metal club, I was standing outside, enjoying the lovely summer weather when a nice looking Dutch girl comes stumbling in my direction.

She was drunk as a skunk, had fallen flat on her ass twice that afternoon already.

So she clings to me and starts telling me how good looking Biff Byford, the singer from Saxon isconfused.gif and how I shouldn't worry, I'll get as good looking as him when I'm older (now that's a scary prospect!!!)

She pinches my cheeks a couple of times, pokes my beer gut and proceeds to fall on her ass again.

At that point her friend picked her up and put her on a chair so she could cool down a bit...

All the time, the singer and drummer's girlfriends were giving me the evil eye, ready to go tell my girlfriend the minute I made a wrong moverolleyes.gif

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Chapter 4

Well I now had a job that I did not really want but at least I was able to play gigs with my band on weekends (weekdays I had to work early). Well the fun of work continued for around 3 months. During this time I would come to work early once a week or so and have a little extra work fun. This continued for a while until I found out that I was not the only special employee. One day I actually came in early to work because I was falling behind on a new payroll implementation process. I came in and found my boss on another employee. I was mad, but I really had no reason to be upset, we both knew that it was not going to be anything exclusive or long term. I Left the office and returned later. At this point the office perks was wearing thin and I met a young lady that I was becoming very interested it. The new girl in my life was very special so I made the step to make it exclusive. Around another month had past now and I was still happily dating the new girlfriend and I was no longer having special moments with my boss. My band was going well and I found a new job opportunity. I gave my boss a 2 week notice and she really did not seem to bothered by it, I guess her new office toy was filling the gap.

(Concluded next in chapter 5)

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Sorry, I have been very busy lately with work and school (grad degree). The story is true, it may sound a little like bs but then again if it was a fake I think I would have changed some things. The ending wont be anything great like a three some or something, it is just the real truth.

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Originally posted by fuzzball

Sorry, I have been very busy lately with work and school (grad degree). The story is true, it may sound a little like bs but then again if it was a fake I think I would have changed some things. The ending wont be anything great like a three some or something, it is just the real truth.


well, anyway, post the end of the story...people are waiting, dammit ! mad.gif
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Well several months had past and the office fling was long done. I was still happily dating the same girlfriend and everything was going great. My band Quixotic Rage had a gig in Detroit (an area we usualy play). My girlfriend and several of my friends went to the show to give support. My band was playing (I wish I could say we were awsome, but in reality we had a pretty mediocre night). Well anyhow my best friend was standing next to my girlfriend and then that is when it happend (so my friend explained). My girlfriend said something to the effect that I was good and the girl next to him said that is not all he was good at. Yes it was my former boss. After some heated words and a fist fight the ex-boss and girlfriend were thrown out. We were never asked to play there again. After a explaining that I did not cheat on her and that yes I did a scum ball thing at work she actualy decided to keep me around.

Just for the record I did end up getting married to the girlfriend and we are still happily married.thumb.gif

The end.

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Originally posted by fuzzball


Well several months had past and the office fling was long done. I was still happily dating the same girlfriend and everything was going great. My band Quixotic Rage had a gig in Detroit (an area we usualy play). My girlfriend and several of my friends went to the show to give support. My band was playing (I wish I could say we were awsome, but in reality we had a pretty mediocre night). Well anyhow my best friend was standing next to my girlfriend and then that is when it happend (so my friend explained). My girlfriend said something to the effect that I was good and the girl next to him said that is not all he was good at. Yes it was my former boss. After some heated words and a fist fight the ex-boss and girlfriend were thrown out. We were never asked to play there again. After a explaining that I did not cheat on her and that yes I did a scum ball thing at work she actualy decided to keep me around.

Just for the record I did end up getting married to the girlfriend and we are still happily married.thumb.gif

The end.



So who was the groupie again?


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I accidentally stole some groupie tang from a dude that I jam out with every so often-

I had plans to check out Led Devil (Badass local band) on Halloween, they were playing out with 3 other bands at this bar called the Cab. My buddy K dropped by my place for some RMH (Rocky Mountain High) and we were figuring out plans for later. He started talking to me about how his ex and some other girl wanted to have a threesome with him that night after the show. He was pretty amped up about it and kept bragging about how smoove he was, el pimpo de Mayo, so on and so forth.

Now, this is a guy that I nicknamed "Stunt Ass". I got the idea from the movie Orgazmo, when they decide that the Mormon won't use his own quaker to polish the girls oats and they will use a "Stunt Cock" so the guy will not have to sacrifice his religious beliefs to star in a porno flick. Well one day we were having a religious type discussion/burn session and K was the target, and we decided that he was qualified to work in the gay porn industry as a Stunt Ass if his current gig as a singer didn't work it. This infuriated him so of course it stuck like petroleum jelly and ever since he has been StuntAss.

Anaways, we head out to the bar and a good time is had by all. I get slightly tipsy and the 2 girls that Stuntass was supposed to have a threesome with later that night come up and start talking to me. I don't remember their names so I'll just call them Jenny like every other girl whose name I cannot remember. Jennies starts talking to me and we're watching the bands and bull{censored}ting about weed, life in the local metal scene, people and such, and after awhile, I noticed something: I wasn't stoned. I looked at the watch on my wrist that I don't have and figured it was time for some RMH (I already splained this one earlier) so I figgered it was about time to leave. I chat with the Jens for a bit, than take off out the front door.

Fortunately for me, a good friend was outside in his ride blazin a little somethin. He hollered at me to join in and I sat down lit up and toked. Jennies, having not seen me in 10 minutes, walked outside and see me sitting there and come up to me again.

"Hey E, (yeah they call me E. But sometimes they call me e.) how about a shotgun?", says Jenny 2.

Naturally I lean over the door and shotgun into her mouth, which turns into making out in the parking lot, naturally. I give Jenny 1 some too, just cause I care that much.

Now, the funny thing is, they had some other guy with them that they had just picked up, apparently. He seemed like he was in a hurry to leave, and was standing there watching this whole exchange when he starts bitching:

"Well, I gotta get going now. Are we {censored}in leaving or what?"

He starts looking at both Jennies and they look at him for a second, than look at me. I felt like I was in one of those episodes of Lassie where some strange kid takes her in and ends up having a showdown with Timmy where they both call out to her in the hopes that she will turn her head and go home with him and not the other jerk....so naturally I started laughing. It was funny to me cause I didn't give a {censored} either way, they were nice looking girls and all but I had really wanted to go home to get some RMH (Red Mutha{censored}in Hair) treatment. I got out of the car and started towards my truck, and the eyes on both Jens widened and they shot each other a desperate glance.

"Where are you going?" said Jen1.

"Uh, home, to get baked," I said.

They looked at the other, still pissed guy, who was tapping his foot as he fumbled with his keys.

"Well I'm {censored}in takin off," he said, "so I'll {censored}in see ya later."

They looked at me again.

"Whatever," I said. "I'm just going home to get baked on some nuggz."

They both started walking towards me as I realized one important life rule: If ya wanna get 2 chicks do go home with you at the same time, don't get all pizzy and desperate. We hopped in my truck and took off for my place.

Have you ever had 2 girls kiss you at once? I kind of understood why dude from the parking lot was so pissed as I felt their tongues meeting mine as our lips all intertwined and mingled like something so hot you could post it on the internet. We ended up sitting down and someone came up with the idea of playing strip poker.

So I'm sitting there buck naked, Jenny 1 is down to her panties and Jenny 2 is down to her pants when Jen1 goes to the bathroom. I take a hit and look at Jen2 and say, "Hey, betchya never got a shotgun from a naked guy before." She starts laughing and leans forward, I shotgun her and she starts frenching me. We do that for awhile and Jennyone walks in, pulls Jendeaux away from me, and they start making out with each other. I'm laying back on my couch and they each sit next to me, and started rubbing me and massaging me, so I start touching them until it's a flurry of assholes and elbows. By now more clothes have been removed, condoms have been produced, and total naked anarchy has been declared. It was so insanely hot it melted my brain....everytime I looked at one girl she would be doing something to ther other girl and vice versa.

I hear a ringing, and look at my phone. It's one of Jennyone's friends calling me, this other chick that was a complete groupie. I'd been banging her on the side for awhile and probably could have gotten her to come over and join in, except she had pissed me off, so I didn't want nothing to do with her. She kept calling back so I just shut off the phone.

So myself and Jen and Jen played with each other for a couple of hours, and than they split. I politely walked them to the door, where we made out like only 2 chicks and a dude can, and they took off. I passed out happy.

The next day I'm laying there and hear a knockin'. Yeah come in, I yell. Stunt Ass walks in and says, "Dude, what the {censored}?"

Oh yeah, oops. Uh, sorry dude, I didn't mean to do it that way, it just kind of happened....

He starts laughing and reached out to shake my hand, which was actually a little ironic, since I hadn't washed Jennies off yet. "Dude, don't sweat it, man. I woulda done the same thing."

I had to leave out some of the hotter stuff but damn.....three way making out RULZ.

Also thanks to Mr. Knobs, your story was interesting and well-written, guess it kind of inspired me to write some stuff...


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