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it's been a while...


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i played out for the first time in about 4 years... i've mostly played in bands, all kinds of music from show bands to punk... crunchy rock to blues and swing... even a couple big bands... for a short time while i was in college i did solo gigs and had a lot of fun with them... last wednesday, a good friend (and my guitar tech/luthier) called me up and asked me to play a gig for the parrot head club in tallahassee... i took a couple guitars, my fender acoustasonic, a djembe and a mic and we played for almost 4 hours at what was supposed to be a 3 hour gig... i had a blast and turned out to be about 300 members plus around 75 to 100 regulars at the club where they held their party... going in i asked my friend what he wanted me to do and he said..." do whatever you feel like doing"... :) i ran around with the djembe, worked the crowd every three or four tunes with some comments... did some solo stuff between sets... when we were loading out, the captain came up and asked if we would consider booking every 1st and 3rd wednesday with them...

and so, it starts again... oh yeah, the fender was pushing pretty hard to work the room with that many people so this week i'm trying 2 QSC K8's with a yamaha mixer... that may give me a bit more breathing room...

i guess we'll see...



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aww damn damn damn i did it again...

wrote a big long post and then pressed the wrong reply button and lost the lot... too tired to retype.


to sum it up i said basically. well done . nice one! u must be a anatural to get offered residency after just one night..

also thewhole djembe in the crowd thing sounds great i await to see the yotube of the next one!!!



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pretty much the same size crowd last night... 350 / 400 people... set the qsc k8's about 6.5 feet high and started out at about half power on the speakers.. mic gain was around 6, and the individual faders set around 7 to 8... mains were never over 3... crystal clear, filled the room nicely... I think i'll keep them... we had a great evening despite me splitting my djembe head during the third set...

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i have to admit, the first tune i did solo last night was a little medley i do of "route 66", bob wills "let me go home, whiskey", and "boom boom, out go the lights"... i started out a bit fast and before i could reel it in it had become an adrenaline fueled runaway freight train that i almost could not keep up with... i managed to hold on and rode it out somehow (pure adrenaline is the only explanation), and as the last chord rang out, a local guitarist of some notoriety that was in attendance ran up to the stage and expressed his appreciation of the tune and the performance... it took about two more tunes to finally settle in and then i felt more at ease... funny, after the first three tunes i got up off the stool and stood to perform and almost instantly became more relaxed and controlled... from now on i think i'll only sit to play the djembe... and maybe not so much then... :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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about a month ago i started this thread. i'd like to recap a bit and express my thanks for the advice, help in several different matters concerning gear, etc., whether given directly or garnered from other forumites questions and anecdotes... things here are starting to heat up a bit... the parrot heads are now having their meetings in two clubs which has increased our exposure... the regular clientele at both of these places have been asking for our schedule and making requests to the management to book us there regularly... it was nice to hear a couple of the waitresses and bartenders commenting that it isnt often a wednesday night is as busy as a weekend night...

an interesting note, a young man from bangladesh came up during break and talked drums with me... as a result he ended up sitting in and he was awesome... a different slant than what i do, but his style fit seamlessly and it freed me up for guitar... we just flew by the seat of our pants and had the whole place going like mad... lots of smiling faces, a fat tip jar and two private parties booked last night... i suppose we should practice a time or two?

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we just flew by the seat of our pants and had the whole place going like mad... lots of smiling faces, a fat tip jar and two private parties booked last night...
i suppose we should practice a time or two?


Sounds like you're doing just fine without it! :thu:

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