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Guest musicians


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Do you guys or anyone you know every bring guests up on stage? I've had a couple different people, who I've played with in the past, say they want to play together again. I don't really want to do a duo. I'm happy doing what I'm doing solo, where I can fly by the seat of my pants and choose the songs and ad- lib here and there.


But I would love to jam with these people, and to have them up for a song or two, or a set even. I like the idea of spicing up my ultra-basic guitar playing, and mixing in some harmonies. Does anybody else do this, and if so how has it worked? Does it throw the crowd off at all when the second musician comes or goes?


One notable downside is that it would eliminate the SA220 from consideration.

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I've had a few guest singers in the last year but not any players. Well, I let a friend come up on new years to play bass on my keyboard, but it was too much of a jam and strayed from what the audience wanted to hear.


That's usually the problem with guest musicians, it turns into a loose jam. Then you have to put your foot down next time and not let them come up. At that point you're the bad guy LOL.

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SLScott86 wrote:

One notable downside is that it would eliminate the SA220 from consideration.

Just have a small 4-8 channel mixer with you, second guitar, extra cables, extra mic, extra mic stand, extra stool... ;)

The only way I would do this would be if it was someone with whom I had a performing history. The trio that I have been doing the host gig at a local jam with are both guys whom I have played with on and off for many years, in bands, and as sidemen; we know each other pretty well musically, and we don't rehearse. Not that this would work for everyone, but it can under the right circumstances.

Several years back, at a 'family gathering' (it is a big family, over 100 people at some 'get-togethers), they had hired a keyboardist/singer. Someone [not me!] mentioned to him that I was a semi-pro singer/guitarist, and maybe he could have me up fo a song or two. After much cajoling, I relented, a cousin brought out a PRS SE and a FenderPro Junior; I did three or four songs, and put the guitar in its stand and turned off the amplifier, and he stopped me and said...'no, keep playing! I'll cut you in for half!' To which I said,'Thanks, keep the money, I'll come back later, I'm here to party, not 'work', okay?' Anyway the guy was adamant, so I had a beer or two, ate some food, came back up, did another whole set with him (classic rock stuff, not my usual cup of tea, but simple enough).  So, like I said, under the right circumstances...but would I do it with someone I didn't know? Heck no!

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Oh yeah that's what I hate. Someone sits in with a band and doesn't know when to leave the stage! When I sit in with a band I put the guitar down after two songs. If they want me to play more I will.

And I agree that the audience will perk up just to see another player or singer do a few songs. Being a solo must get boring for the audience unless you're really entertaining LOL.

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I don't agree with that, daddymack. The guy is the only one who acted inappropriately, and he's not there. Shrug and move on. On a tangent, bars have to pay servers so little, I really dislike the practice of taking discrepancies out of their check. If they have a problem with this regularly, let them go. I remember milking cows when I was a kid, and I forgot to take the tank cleaning thing out and the plug back in. I milked for probably two hours before someone came out and pointed out that I had been literally flushing milk down the drain. That cost them a lot of money, but the thought of them taking it from my check never crossed my mind, or I'm sure theirs. Mistakes happen.


Back on topic, I feel pretty comfortable with bringing folks in, under my original plan of rehearsing plenty beforehand. These are all people I've enjoyed playing with before. Realistically, more than a song or two wouldn't even be possible with schedules being what they are.

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I am sympathetic to the wait staff; but if someone tells the server, 'put it on the band tab, I'm with the band', the server should darned well better make sure that's true. If they don't, frankly, I believe that makes them culpable.

I have waited tables and tended bar, and believe me, when you work for mainly tips, you make sure the t's get crossed and the i's get dotted.

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SLScott86 wrote:


Do you guys or anyone you know every bring guests up on stage? I've had a couple different people, who I've played with in the past, say they want to play together again. I don't really want to do a duo. I'm happy doing what I'm doing solo, where I can fly by the seat of my pants and choose the songs and ad- lib here and there.




But I would love to jam with these people, and to have them up for a song or two, or a set even. I like the idea of spicing up my ultra-basic guitar playing, and mixing in some harmonies. Does anybody else do this, and if so how has it worked? Does it throw the crowd off at all when the second musician comes or goes?




One notable downside is that it would eliminate the SA220 from consideration.


we let guests up all the time.  Lots of time its fellow musicans from other bands here on the island and lots of time its out of town visitors.   Our shows typically are more about drinking , eating and being entertained.  You are there to show people a good time.   Its good for business when you have a big table of people on vacation and one is a musican that he gets up to play a little.   I have seen some smokin good players and singers come up.   As long as the people in the bar are drinking and having a good time, it typically works fine.   It can be a total trainwreck too,,,, the secret is make even that entertaning.   Our band leader is pretty fearless when it comes to taking chances, but only because he is a great front man and can make just about anything fun.    LIke a cat ,, he always seems to land on his feet.   

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I had a guy once just walk up on stage and start to pick up my D28 and said I m just going to sit back here and strum along.  I said -- no you aren't, put the guitar down. he said but im the owners brother and I play here a lot.  I said  dont care if your elvis. put the guitar down and get off the stage, the prick threw my guitar on the floor.  I  started packing my stuff up and the owner came over and asked what was going on, I told him. the place was packed and everybody liked me so he offered to pay me double and to pay for any damage to the guitar if I would keep playing.  I told him to keep his **** money and packed up and left.  my agent called to find out what happened, and we sent the club a bill for my time and for the damage to the guitar which was minimal  but I got a friend to write me up a nice estimate. my agent told the guy that he would black list the club if they didnt pay up -- they paid the bill. I never went back although they did ask for me. 


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