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Rack Guitar Processors?, Help

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What's the BEST, most versatile, processor out there for guitars?


Some with it all, reverb, delay, chorus, synth, auto wah is a must, and ect.ect.ect/ midi controlled to....


I am going on a short tour in the next 3 months, and need something easy to work with. But very reliable!


I hate to say I was using the PODxt live in the FX loop of my heads, but it had what I need for the most part, and it was easy to use with the AXXESS CFX4 midi control, but the pod with a few other pedals was sucking the tone out of my amps!!


any advice would be great,

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Eventide what?


I googled it a saw a few different models..


thanks dude, I never even heard of them before,


I thought for sure I would about the rocktrons, or lexicons..

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The POD XTLive isn't a bad alternative and, when it comes right down to it, with a tour coming up quick I would say get an evantide eclipse or a tc electronic Gforce and work it in slowly. There's alot of power in those units but it does take a while to get used to the programming and the subtleties of the units. I know, I was using the XTL in my loop as well and just moved to a Gforce with a ground control midi controller. The difference is huge but I am still learning and tweaking.

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The POD XTLive isn't a bad alternative and, when it comes right down to it, with a tour coming up quick I would say get an evantide eclipse or a tc electronic Gforce and work it in slowly. There's alot of power in those units but it does take a while to get used to the programming and the subtleties of the units. I know, I was using the XTL in my loop as well and just moved to a Gforce with a ground control midi controller. The difference is huge but I am still learning and tweaking.


;):thu: How's everything going for you nowadays with the TC??? I bet you don't miss the tones of the Pod, now that you're getting accustomed to the TC.


You're definately right about the user interface and navigating it. The Eventide is way deeper and less intuitive than the TC, though once understood, is pretty cool.


The Eventide H8000FW while not in the price range that most guys would go, "woo hoo lets get 2", at around $6000 each... The Eclipse with a used price around $1600 may be something else to consider for the OP. Just saying, If you can afford it, I HIGHLY recommend it. I have one, and they RULE!!!

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The POD XTLive isn't a bad alternative and, when it comes right down to it, with a tour coming up quick I would say get an evantide eclipse or a tc electronic Gforce and work it in slowly. There's alot of power in those units but it does take a while to get used to the programming and the subtleties of the units. I know, I was using the XTL in my loop as well and just moved to a Gforce with a ground control midi controller. The difference is huge but I am still learning and tweaking.



The POD has most of the effects I need.. But the HUGE problem is the cables. were going to be playing on huge stages(at least to me), I always used the POD with 15 foot cables, I know that sounds like a lot of cord, but by the time you run them up a full stack and around a few other things it gets short really quick. I bought some $$$ 30 foot cables, and it just kills the tone, plus I'm running a few other pedals in the loop, so the tone of the head is just dying with every inch!!!:freak:


the evantide looks really nice but way to much for me.. I think I just read everything on the net about it. It does everything, and then some. witch thats what i'm looking for but 6 grand is just crazzy for me,


let me know some other. I'm looking into the Gforce, and the G major?


Thanks dudes!

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What do you guys think about the G-major?

its way cheap. ?


It's TC Electronic's "entry level" rack processor which is NOT a bad thing. Nice sounding unit, pretty straight forward as far as it's interface goes, not as good of A/D converters as the G-Force, and the construction isn't SUPER (The parameter wheels have been known to glitch or come off, but if you handle it with respect, it should be fine) but a pretty decent unit overall. Big bang for the $$$ :thu:

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Zachman, is that your rig in that picture with your name?


I figured the G major was lower end, but its cool thats its on the floor! it looks like its built strong, still 1,500, witch is more my price range..


really quick also, I was checking out a few other units... midi control is a must for me. I have a AXXESS CFX4 thats switches the channels VIA midi. On some units there is just 1 midi input and 1 thats midi out and through? all the T. C. stuff has 3 midi in, out, through?


So the ? is how do I hook all this up? AXXESS, processor, midi switcher,?


Now I'm felling stupid..


believe it or not I only used a rack setup, back in the day when I played in a maiden cover band. JMP-1 peavey classic power, JFX-1 ect.ect. :blah:

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Zachman, is that your rig in that picture with your name?

I figured the G major was lower end, but its cool thats its on the floor! it looks like its built strong, still 1,500, witch is more my price range..

really quick also, I was checking out a few other units... midi control is a must for me. I have a AXXESS CFX4 thats switches the channels VIA midi. On some units there is just 1 midi input and 1 thats midi out and through? all the T. C. stuff has 3 midi in, out, through? \n

So the ? is how do I hook all this up? AXXESS, processor, midi switcher,?

Now I'm felling stupid..

believe it or not I only used a rack setup, back in the day when I played in a maiden cover band. JMP-1 peavey classic power, JFX-1 ect.ect.


Ok, rolls up sleeves... I'll give it a whirl.


Ya, that is my rack in the avatar, part of it anyway, I know it's ridiculous... I get scorged regularly here for it, but I LOVE it (The rack that is). If you are interested, you can click on the site in my signature, and check it out in detail. There is some very useful info on the FAQ page some of which I've included below. Please feel free to check it out.


The G-major is NOT a pedal on the floor unit, it's a single rack space unit.




The G-Minor is the lame floor footswitch for it that can reside on the floor. (NOT a recommended unit).




G-Major street price in the $300 neighborhood NOT the $1500 neighborhood, that would be the G-Force. (YAY, good news, huh)




The CFX-4, is really for changing amp channels and such and is a GREAT unit!!! The one you want for changing PC (Program Changes) is the GRX4: Though you can send midi mapping program info via the CFX-4.




When using midi to control program changes you want to go from your midi footcontroller to your Axess midi IN, then the axess midi OUT to your processor midi IN, (if you have a few processors, you then would take the midi out OR Thru of the second processor IN to the 3rd unit etc...) BTW "Midi Mapping" is how you will be saving and recalling your presets in your processors. The following resource should be helpful. Feel free to E-mail me later for more info if you like. HAVE FUN... It's daunting at 1st, but the rewards will be FABULOUS! You'll see... ;):thu:


BTW don't feel like asking a question makes you look stupid, EVER... Everything is hard until you learn how. :thu::idea:;)


Here is a GREAT resource to help with understanding some of the possibilities, and how to's of midi:




Here is a midi foot controller comparrison chart for you as well:



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THANKS DUDE!!!!!:thu:


I was talking about G System... my bad. I was get all F-ed up looking at this stuff for the last 36 hours!!!


I'm just getting stressed out, big time, I never been on a big tour before, not thats its huge, but to me it is, opening up for a band in front of 5-7 thousand people for 6 weeks strait is huge to me. i'm good at 5-7 hundred, HAH :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:


but thats BIG TIME for that last post!!!!! That really helped out! I'm starting to see the light!

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I was talking about G System... my bad. I was get all F-ed up looking at this stuff for the last 36 hours!!!

I'm just getting stressed out, big time, I never been on a big tour before, not thats its huge, but to me it is, opening up for a band in front of 5-7 thousand people for 6 weeks strait is huge to me. i'm good at 5-7 hundred, HAH

but thats BIG TIME for that last post!!!!! That really helped out! I'm starting to see the light!


Anytime... ;)


Congrats on the gig. Have fun with it... :thu:


I have only messed with the G-System a few times at a couple of NAMM Shows, seems cool. I have read varying reviews, but Steve Vai is using one now, not that that makes it good, but just thought I'd throw that out there. His tone has never really floored me, but his use of effects has been interesting. The sound is very Hi-Fi, in the G-System and it's pretty straight forward to operate.

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How's everything going for you nowadays with the TC??? I bet you don't miss the tones of the Pod, now that you're getting accustomed to the TC.

You're definately right about the user interface and navigating it. The Eventide is way deeper and less intuitive than the TC, though once understood, is pretty cool.

The Eventide H8000FW while not in the price range that most guys would go, "woo hoo lets get 2", at around $6000 each... The Eclipse with a used price around $1600 may be something else to consider for the OP. Just saying, If you can afford it, I HIGHLY recommend it. I have one, and they RULE!!!


Lovin the TC!

Currently just tweaking out some of the factory presets for my tastes and starting to dabble in creating my own. Night and day improvement over the XTLive. I thought the POD was not affecting my tone. After plugging in the GForce and hearing the difference it's just flooring me! The clean sounds alone are making me change my approach to composing in our tunes!

Thanks for all your help on choosing and trouble shooting in the early days!


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Sorry to hijack the topic but I have vaugely similar question.


I am looking to get a rack effects processor for guitar in the next few months.


I currently have an Alesis Midiverb 4. Although it is good for the price I would like to get something much better.


The only effects I really use are Reverb, Chorus and Delay.


The TC electronics G Major appeared the obvious choice to me as it does all those effects I use, quite well and is well within my price range.


I would say

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I keep hearing the G-System sucks tone. I've never actually messed with one but I love my G-Force. Does everything I need and more. The matrix and modulator areas are the key to getting the most out of the unit. Takes a bit to get used to but well worth it. If you buy a used one make sure it has the latest SW version as previous versions are buggy.


As Zach said be aware that the G-Major has issues with the knobs. Not exactly reassuring if you are moving your gear around day to day. You don't want something to happen in the middle of a set.


The Rocktron Xpression, Intellifex and Replifex are better built units and cheaper. I've owned an Xpression and Intellifex and the effects sound pretty good. I can't compare to the G-Major, never messed with that one either. But as far as reliability, I'd go with the Rocktron gear.


Fractal is out of the question if you are in a hurry to get something. They are backlogged with orders and there is a waiting list. (Shows the popularity of these units.) I believe the latest batch is going to peeps waiting since Jan. I'm on the April wait list and hope to have one by at least the end of the year.


One other suggestion you may try is an Axess BS-2. I use one in conjunction with my GRX4 and it will clean up the signal loss and other crap from long cable runs. May be a quicker fix then getting another processor.


Shoot Mario an e-mail on his web site and tell him your dilemma. He will steer you in the right direction.


good luck :)

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I have a g-system, and used to have a g-major.


The g-system does suck tone on some amps, it really depends on the amp. The reason is that the g-system has to series of converters, one before the amp, and one after.


I get around this by using a GRX4 to loop the g-systems front end in and out as needed, and I use my amps switchable FX loops to control things at that end.


The FX are really nice though, and the intelligent pitch shifting tracks better then a g-force.


Oddly, my Bogner's tone isn't sucked by the g-system, but when I connect it to my H&K triamp, it's like I pulled out a preamp tube. This is only the front end of the g-system,the back end in the loop works fine.


It's a neat product, but I'm getting sick and tired of companies using crappy cheap converters in their stuff. If Apogee or Eventide wouldn't use it, DON'T {censored}ING PUT IT IN A GUITAR PRODUCT!



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well I just picked up the G-force, and a Rocktron Xpression today at GC, they had both used, So I got them a bit cheaper...


I was messing around all day with the G-force, and really like it alot!!!! the delay is top notch! I have a few high end pedals and I was going back and forth with the two, not much tone difference. the only thing that sounded bad to me was the reverb??? I'm sure I have to tweak it some, I tried for about 2 hours and still couldn't get the sound I wanted..


I might stick with my lexicon for verb...


Then I plugged in the Xpression, not bad at all, I like the idea of using 10 effects at once! you can get some cool tones out of it.. the G-force is much, much better over all, but the dude at GC sold it to me the Rocktron Xpression for 150... so I'll keep, and use it!


so now I have 3 nice rack FX units????? I had them all hooked up with some short cords, the tone of my amp was still all there!!! I hope to tweak the verb on the G-force, to get rid of that lexicon!!!!




I went to 2 computer stores, GC and Sam Ash, No MIDI cables anywhere here in cleveland??? WHY...


I NEED THIS DONE!!!!! :mad: :mad:


again thats to all you guys for the help.. but keep you eyes open, I might need some more help. HAHA

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Thank you for the advice everyone.


I am not really in that much of a rush. I probably will not buy one until August or September unless a good deal comes up on something before then.


I do however need a functioning setup of reasonable quality. My speaker cabinet is in bad health (it was bought secondhand very cheaply a number of years a go). I don't have a valve power amp and would really like one also so these things together mean that a more expensive effects processor will have to wait for another year. However, I will keep an eye on ebay.


The OS of G Major can be upgraded through midi dump, am I correct?


Setup would initally look something like this


korg DTR-2 Tuner

Sansamp psa-1

TC electronics G Major

Marshall 9200

4x12" or 2x12" with Celestion vintage 30s

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well I just picked up the G-force, and a Rocktron Xpression today at GC, they had both used, So I got them a bit cheaper...

I was messing around all day with the G-force, and really like it alot!!!! the delay is top notch! I have a few high end pedals and I was going back and forth with the two, not much tone difference. the only thing that sounded bad to me was the reverb??? I'm sure I have to tweak it some, I tried for about 2 hours and still couldn't get the sound I wanted..

I might stick with my lexicon for verb...

Then I plugged in the Xpression, not bad at all, I like the idea of using 10 effects at once! you can get some cool tones out of it.. the G-force is much, much better over all, but the dude at GC sold it to me the Rocktron Xpression for 150... so I'll keep, and use it!

so now I have 3 nice rack FX units????? I had them all hooked up with some short cords, the tone of my amp was still all there!!! I hope to tweak the verb on the G-force, to get rid of that lexicon!!!!


I went to 2 computer stores, GC and Sam Ash, No MIDI cables anywhere here in cleveland??? WHY...


again thats to all you guys for the help.. but keep you eyes open, I might need some more help. HAHA


For BEST results with the TC, and the rest, if you can run their outputs parallel not in series. Makes ALL the difference.

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