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Where is Audiopile

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Gee, and I thought I was doing a decent job of 'running interference' for the big guns here and fielding as many of the "I need a bitchin' system, got $300" posts as possible. I guess not. I know it gets old fast when you try to be helpful and get crapped on in return.

It certainly is a Behringer world out there. I hope this doesn't become that sort of place.

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I for one have learned a ton here over the past 6 months or so, and truly appreciate all the time and goodwill offered by not only the pros but those with even a little experience in an area that may interest me. Thanks to all of you for helping me enjoy my musical journey a lot more.

I agree with the theory of "Principle over Personality", but I guess I would change it a bit to "I respect your opinion though I may disagree with it". As an old Ivy-Leaguer, I remember many many days debating politics, world events, philosophy etc. with very smart people with radically different views. While the talks were often times very heated, we usually understood that the opinions expressed were subjctive and constructive in their own way, that we needed to filter apparant vehemence or emotion with that in mind. I think we follow that tenet here mostly, but sometimes people get offended (easily done via written word where sarcasm and/or a quick "Post Reply" click can do you in even when you don't really intend something abrasive). I'd like to think AudioPile has a bustling business he needs to tend to maybe he just doesn't get as much value as he may have here in the past.

Anyway, again a large thanks to all of you folks from this green live audio rookie. Hopefully, someday soon, I'll learn enough to start giving back...

Have a great weekend!

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there are other good people here too, but I always like knowing someone for a while...

Scodiddy... you are someone who has posted some very good answers to questions too.... and you live in the same city as my sister...!

whatever... I will miss mark. I too have bought stuff from him, all of which I have been very happy with, and I too would not have found him were it not for this forum... and I too never thought that he advertised...

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consider me another "junior member" around here who not only appreciated Mark, and all of you other pros, but also appreciated the overall "professionalism" of this forum.

Just go lurk in the guitar or bass forums and take a look at what conversations go around over there... best chicken sandwich? hottest blonde bimbo? (dont get me wrong - I DO appreciate hot blonde bimbo's), etc.

This is the place to come for REAL insight and I will add my THANKS IN ADVANCE to all those who share their experience with a newbie like myself.

Keep up the fine work.

Best of luck to you Mark, in whatever you attempt next.

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Here's one more who will miss the guy's wit and wisdom.

I don't pretend to know why the man decided to pack it in, but I (like others who have contributed to this eulogy thread) can't help but wonder whether it was due, at least in part, to what I perceive to be an increasing lack of good manners and civility, both in this forum in particular, and the internet in general. There seems to be this "e-mail mentality," under which we are quick to click the send button, and slow to consider how our sometimes rash and often hasty words will be received and perceived.

Audiopile was a great teacher, and will be missed. But maybe there is one more lesson to be gleaned from his departure.

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My 2cents as follows; Through the break-up and formation of a new band, I became the owner, purchaser, operator, of the PA. I tried to do my homework, be somewhat prepared, and not ask a bunch of BS questions. With the advice and suggestions of the veterans on this forum, I assembled and upgraded our system to something truly professional. Thank you Mark, and others (you know who you are) for treating folks with respect and dignity.

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I haven't talked to Mark on the phone (but I have talked to Liz a couple of times in the past) - I don't even know if my cell phone will reach that far!:)

I will add that I have learned as much as anyone else on this forum. I know that I am "old school" and that I like or even prefer some of the older equipment compared to today's modern, miniature, hard-to-adjust-only-one-knob-at-a-time boards. But several of the regulars here have taught me quite a bit about SR.

Also, I have purchased some EXCELLENT cables (mic and speaker cables) from Mark, my school - on my recommendation - has purchased cables, mics, and a powered mixer. I would recommend him to anyone in the market for a power mixer, cables, etc.

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Originally posted by SteveE9C6

I also am being called rude, an ass and a pissant.

If the shoe fits...

Ok folks. I've had enough nonsense. I am a 52 y/o man who saw himself painted as an idiot on this forum by Audiopile

Had no idea it was you... he had not mentioned that part, you did... It could have been any number of idiots until YOU volunteered that information.

because I believed the folks at JBL, QSC, NSL, Prosoundweb, and Soundproductions in Dallas regarding matching amplifier power to speakers and didn't take his advice.

Man, it's a free world and it's YOUR choice and money. You are free and encouraged to take the advice of anyone you choose, but you come here and be rude and insulting on your first posts... now that's rather disrespectful IMO, but I also believe in free speech

If you think my post is rude (and by the way, it was far more courteous than his was), I invite you to log onto your favorite audio forum only to find someone from whom you have ordered nearly $1,000 worth of stuff publicly hoot at your stupidity. Neat huh.

Was it actually you that Mark was talking about... I would have never known until you made your comments.

My post was a measured, non-name calling reply to that. It also was factual, if someone cares to actually read it before the tar and feathering party commences.

No, it was patently opinion, not fact.

I built my sound system for a Christian music ministry. The sound system is complete and works great.

Personally, I don't care what your sound system is used for... if that's what floats your boat then great for you. If it works great for you, then "hot-doggie".

I am a retired army medical officer who now practices medicine part time in a rural Christian clinic targeting the poor and disadvantaged.

And how does any of this relate to the price of beans in China? Am I supposed to get all warm and fuzzy over the good things you are doing. If it makes you feel good than that's all that counts.

I also play pedal steel professionally and own a modest recording studio. I am well aware of my priorities at this stage of my life.


I don't wish any of you any ill feelings and frankly am puzzled at the events that have occurred. Sometimes stuff happens however for which there is no rational explanation.

And sometimes it's plainly obvious...


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Aged Horse, Thanks for the warm sentiments. I now realize that in fact, it is I who is entirely in the wrong here. I've deleted my post so as not to disturb the angst of the thread. I used to post under a different screen name (primarily under recording) here and left several years ago when the threads just became to contentious. I'm sorry I ever heard of this fellow, even sorrier I bothered to post here.

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Originally posted by jlindquist

I don't pretend to know why the man decided to pack it in, but I (like others who have contributed to this eulogy thread) can't help but wonder whether it was due, at least in part, to what I perceive to be an increasing lack of good manners and civility, both in this forum in particular, and the internet in general. There seems to be this "e-mail mentality," under which we are quick to click the send button, and slow to consider how our sometimes rash and often hasty words will be received and perceived.



You know, this is the most insightful post I have read in quite a while... let me add a few things that might help explain the differences between the older time professionals and the newer guys (kids?) I am not intending to put words into other people's mouths, but this is a common theme amongst most of the pros I work with.


Starting a sound company (starting out working for one) in the 1970's was so different than today. The cost of equipment was so expensive compared to features and performance available today.


My first console was a Barnum Industries 16 channel monster (200 lbs.) that was out on the road with Chicago (I recall) and it cost me around $3,000... almost as much as a brand new compact pickup truck. Today, an equivelant board from say Behringer would cost about $200, and weigh about 5 lbs.


My first amps were modified Phase Linear 400's, again they were heavy and expensive, could not run at 2 ohms and were not thermally stable at 4 ohms on very hot days. I also had TOA crossovers (about $1,000 each and they were mono!), JBL 4560's w/ D-130's & Altec 808/811 top end. The REAL power handling of the D-130 was only about 100 watts RMS (JBL has a very interesting white paper about power handling of speakers that includes de-rating factors that should be "must read" material.


My snake 16x3x100' that cost about $500. Lets see... mics were SM-58's and they were over $150 back then. I had some 56's and 57's, some AKG D-1000's (?) etc. All expensive. I also had an MXR rack mount DDL w/ all 3 memory cards (over $1,200), Furman spring reverb, some crude graphic eq's etc.


So, even though the specifics may be different, in general all of our systems shared many similar traits and required that we really knew our {censored} in orser to sound good, and hold up under show conditions. We didn't have headroom to spare. We couldn't afford a $100 diaphram (hell, that was like 100 Big Macks) since we were lucky to get $75 for the gig providing sound.


We also worked with many of the legends that have had careers longer than many of us have been alive. Ray Charles is a great example... my guess is that most of us old time pros have had the prilvlege of working with him. A gentleman and a hell of a player-singer. sorry to see his passing. One hell of a career too.


We have learned to adapt, have learned from experience to be skeptical (and how many companies with product that stated unbelievbable specifications have come and gone???), cautious about getting paid, Worked beyond the call of duty to get a show on the deck, and skillfully handled "difficult talent".... dodging incoming ballistics all the while.


Something else we have learned is that we can be friends even if we don't agree on everything. We have lived with each other on the road, shared hotel rooms and beers at trade shows, and supported each other during the ocassional times of grief and sorrow. We all learned from eachother and believe that we owe some of this back to the industry by helping out those why wish to learn but don't have good sources of real-world information or advice.


Some of us have formal professional educations, others an inherently accurate gut instincts and others have a unique ability to absorb and process information like a freekin' sponge.


So maybe this helps those of you who are less experienced to understand why us "old-timers" sometimes get a bit testy when somebody who clearly (to us, based on our experiences) doesn't get it AND proceeds to tell all of us "how it is". We have made a living at this, some of us a very good living at that. We are successful because our experience guides us to make better choices... we tend to believe in outcome rather than promises and hype.


I also hope that Mark decides to return. His insight is so "spot-on" that all of us can learn something from his posts. On tour, my guess is that his nickname would be "the great storyteller" I will certainly have dinner and a beer with him at NAMM if our collective schedules allow... just to catch up on the stories. I think Terry would also have to share the same nickname too!



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Originally posted by jlindquist

I don't pretend to know why the man decided to pack it in, but I (like others who have contributed to this eulogy thread) can't help but wonder whether it was due, at least in part, to what I perceive to be an increasing lack of good manners and civility, both in this forum in particular, and the internet in general. There seems to be this "e-mail mentality," under which we are quick to click the send button, and slow to consider how our sometimes rash and often hasty words will be received and perceived.



I don't think that this "email mentality" is anything really new, at least in the context of the Internet. Back in the 80's on Usenet, before the Web existed, I read truly amazing flame wars about things like "fog light boneheads" and "green magic marker on CDs" in various groups. Back when there were as many people on the whole internet as now show up here in the various HC forums.


So I went back and re-read Mark's final post on the subwoofer thread - his last two words were "I apologize". I don't think he's the one who left in a huff here.


I think there's more of a general problem with people wanting quick answers. I'd rather know the background of a topic, and you've got to invest time to get that. By hanging out here (and other forums) for a while it becomes pretty clear who's a real engineer... here it's pretty clear that Mark could be counted as one.

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While no spring chicken, I have certainly learned a lot of information and techniques on this board. Most of it, but not all, came from the 'core' of old hands, like Bassknave, Agedhorse, Mr.Knobs, and of course, Mark. My apologies if I (and I most certainly have...*throwing down brain-dead excuse*) left others out. My point is that I come here, humbly seeking the advice of others who can save me a lot of trouble and expense by not having to 'reinvent the wheel'. They have. Over and over again. Thank you.
This forum has been remarkably free of the name-calling and back-biting I have witnessed on many other forums. It has been like an oasis of civility...try asking a 'dumb' question on Live Audio Board...
I have perceived the attitude here as friendly and wanting to bend over backwards to help...even if the person who asks "doesn't get it". I have seen threads go for pages where the question was answered straight away...yet there were repeated "yeah...buts" because the answer didn't seem to fit with what the poster wanted to hear. Yet the responses remained friendly, informative and exuded patience.
I, too, hope that Mark returns...he will be sorely missed. Never have I heard an individual involved in an entrepreneurial(sp?) endeavour provide such a naked assessment of their products strengths and weaknesses. Never trying to make a sale. Just trying to be painfully honest.
I got it...let's take a road trip to Mark's house!....


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Guest Anonymous

Dear Gentle Readers:

Thank you for your support and concern.

I believe an explanation is in order:

I made a (possibly many) mistake(s) on HC:

Specifically: I disclosed sensitive & privileged confidential client information. My actions are indefensible. I hold none accountable, responsible, or culpable other than myself. Upon refection, my previous apology and retractions fell far short of addressing my insolence.

Let me offer publicly my deep felt regret and sincere apologizes for the pain and suffering I have caused and can only ask for forgiveness for my transgressions, since there is nothing I can do or say to truly right the wrong I have caused.

This is my hole. I dug it myself. It's up to me to fill it in myself.

I am not the injured party. No pity, nor concern should be shown for me. I have disgraced and humiliated others and this forum. 10 or 100, or even thousands of "rights" don't displace a "wrong".

I deeply appreciate the outpouring of support here, but I believe it is undeserved. My actions are indefensible and there is none to blame but me. I only ask for compassion and solace for those I have harmed.

Best of wishes to all,

W. Mark Hellinger

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In a time where egos are out of control and people just think about theirselves, it is encouraging to know that someone who is thought of as being a teacher and kind of a mentor here has the humility to admit when he has done someone wrong.

I would just like to say that when whatever happened has cleared up, I hope to still see Mark around on this forum.

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Originally posted by Audiopile

I am not the injured party. No pity, nor concern should be shown for me. I have disgraced and humiliated others and this forum. 10 or 100, or even thousands of "rights" don't displace a "wrong".

W. Mark Hellinger



Jeesh, Mark, lighten up on yourself a little. So you screwed up, so what? News flash: we all screw up and occasionally fall short no matter how honorable our intentions.


In my business a common maxim is that a thousand "Atta-boys" can be offset by a single "Oh sh*t", but we can't let that stop us from trying to do the right thing.


Other than that, I want to go on record as being one who has always appreciated your experience, expertise and your ability to serve it up with a healthy dose of humor and no-nonsense practicality. I sincerely hope your situation works out OK.




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I do not know the specifics of what has transpired but as a CPA I do understand the nature of confidential information and the absolute necessity that we keep it in trust. I also know that each and every one of us that walk this earth are imperfect creatures.

I think we learn more, faster and better from our screwups than from all of our successes combined. Chalk it up as another horribly expensive lesson on life's road. If you continue to breath it won't be your last lesson, just the last time you'll have to learn that one. Please know that your response to your transgression tends more to make me think you are someone worthy of trust than it does to make me think bad of you.


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I guessed I missed the post where that happened.

So why the deletion of several thousand posts?

And why the 1 post left on the forum? It certainly made it seem like you left disgruntled and not due to something YOU did.


Oh well, I hope you come back anyway.
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We all make mistakes, some are more detrimental than others. I've learned a lot here, and hope to continue to learn. I understand that my ideas and needs are not necessarily the same as everyone here, so I try to take all opinions for what they are; other's opinions through their experience on what would work best.

More than just returning to the forum, I hope Mark gets through whatever situation he has going on. He has helped many people in this forum. There has been more fighting here than warranted, and that's largely because of a lack of respect for the experience of the pros here. I hope there's more appreciation of experienced opinions and less attacking of free potential solutions to everyone's sound questions.

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As a faithful reader of Audiopile post's and a loyal customer, I've grown to understand that Mark is of a rare breed. He holds himself to a higher standard than most. It would seem that honor and integrity are very high on his list of important things; even a slight transgression on those fronts seems to have caused him to consider the value of his participation here on whole. I hope Mark will come to realise that depriving the rest of this community of his knowlege and pulic service is perhaps a larger crime in the scheme of things.

I'm actually waiting for the "enough already" post from Mark that puts a stop to this growing Eulogy. A post where he relates some obscure analogy of audio, life, woodworking and cars...and in the process makes it all seem pretty clear. If Mark just requires some time-off from the monotony of answering "how can I get killer low-end for my metal band with $500" questions, I hope he takes the time to right a book; I'll happily order a copy in advance!

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I commend you for being upfront and explaining the situation. I certainly hope it was something that could be resolved. We all will welcome you back if and when you decide to return. You and several other regulars have been a constant source of inspiration, education and entertainment for me in the time I've visted this Forum.


After reading some of the messages in this thread I realize that I'm quite guilty of letting my "Bass Forum" attitude slip in here on more than one occasion. For this I apologize to any whom I've offended.

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Originally posted by Craigv

After reading some of the messages in this thread I realize that I'm quite guilty of letting my "Bass Forum" attitude slip in here on more than one occasion. For this I apologize to any whom I've offended.





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