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8 ohm cabs...

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Just trying to run the tops off of one side, and the bottoms off of one side. The amp i'm looking at right now, is the Peavey PV2600. 540 watts at 8, 900 at 4 ohms. and $60 less than the QSC RMX2450 which puts out 500/750.




The DBX Driverack PA has built in eq's and feedback eliminators. Will that work for the monitors as well? or just the FOH? I would think it would work for monitors as well....

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Originally posted by Themetallikid

The DBX Driverack PA has built in eq's and feedback eliminators. Will that work for the monitors as well? or just the FOH? I would think it would work for monitors as well....



Probably a better choice for FOH. The quick-and-dirty nature of GEQs is what makes them the common tool for monitors.


Personally, I can't think of an 8 ohm cabinet in that configuration. If you want 8-ohm, why are you set on a dual-15?

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Originally posted by Themetallikid

not so much set on it, but was our first choice. I a 2x12 would be fine as well. We want the look and sound of having the dual speakers on the tops though.

So will I need a separate EQ if I get the Driverack PA to eq the feedback out of the monitors?



I believe in another thread, most people here said 2x15s don't usually sound very good. Looks will only get you so far. Sound matters more.

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Originally posted by Themetallikid

not so much set on it, but was our first choice. I a 2x12 would be fine as well. We want the look and sound of having the dual speakers on the tops though.



Yeah that's what I thought. It seems a lot of folks like dual driver boxes 'cuz they look loud. Nothing wrong with that, I guess.


Maybe you could go with a bigger sub below smaller tops to get that BIG speaker stack look. It'll sound bigger too.

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The subs I am looking at right now are the Peavey DJS's. Its a single folded 18" which is what we are looking for, and its in our price range so we're alright there, its the tops that I'm having a hard time with. Even when I searched for 2x12's I only found a few cabs. Sonic has a pair (T212) but they are 4 ohm. Are most duals rated at 4 ohms?


anyway, I still havent heard if I will need a separate EQ from the DRPA in order to keep monitor feedback down.

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Originally posted by Themetallikid

The subs I am looking at right now are the Peavey DJS's. Its a single folded 18" which is what we are looking for, and its in our price range so we're alright there



That's an MDF box. I'm sure you can find something a little more hardy in the same price range. How much are they?



Even when I searched for 2x12's I only found a few cabs. Sonic has a pair (T212) but they are 4 ohm. Are most duals rated at 4 ohms?



Yeah. Most duals have two 8 ohm drivers.



anyway, I still havent heard if I will need a separate EQ from the DRPA in order to keep monitor feedback down.



Personally, I'd want one.

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Originally posted by GCDEF

I believe in another thread, most people here said 2x15s don't usually sound very good. Looks will only get you so far. Sound matters more.



I think you might be confusing dual 15/horn top cabs with dual 15 subs. There's no reason either would necessarily sound bad. Depends on how they're manufactured and how they're used.



I doubt you'll find any commercial dual sub cabs rated at 8 ohms.


offered for no reason ....I still remember the first lesson in my high school electronics class was 'if it looks good, it works better'.

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Originally posted by dboomer

I think you might be confusing dual 15/horn top cabs with dual 15 subs. There's no reason either would necessarily sound bad. Depends on how they're manufactured and how they're used.

I doubt you'll find any commercial dual sub cabs rated at 8 ohms.

offered for no reason ....I still remember the first lesson in my high school electronics class was 'if it looks good, it works better'.



No disagreement on any of your points, but Metallikid is referring to dual tops

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those subs I mentioned are 550 a piece. I know there are other ones around. But I need to stay between 5-6, and I want a folded 18". preferably at 8 ohms so I can run them parallel (daisy chained, right?) off one side of the amp and the other side the tops. Off a Peavey PV2600 at 900w @4ohms.


I would also like an additional EQ, but what I'm asking I guess is, does the Driverack EQ cover both mains and monitors? or just the EQing of the FOH speakers?

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I agree on the feedback idea, it is said to have auto feedback eliminator am I misunderstanding how that is to be used. I assumed that if you plug it in, and run it for your monitors as well, if there is feedback, it will locate the frequency and cut it as needed to eliminate the feedback, which would be great for monitors, but if a separate EQ would be better, it wont break us to add one.


I'll take a look at those subs.

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Originally posted by Themetallikid

those subs I mentioned are 550 a piece. I know there are other ones around. But I need to stay between 5-6, and I want a folded 18". preferably at 8 ohms.



Well off the top of my head the Yorkville LS808 and LS608 meet your constraints. Audioeast from this forum sells both models. Sonic makes a ton of different 18" folded horns all in the $500 range. See the 18e, DJX1800, 18W, and 18 scoop. Any of the aforementioned speakers will hold together long after MDF has crumbled to dust.


I just wonder why you are limiting yourself to very specific cabinet configurations (dual 15 + 18" horn-load) without regard to actual quality. Why not just get whatever you think sounds best?



I would also like an additional EQ, but what I'm asking I guess is, does the Driverack EQ cover both mains and monitors? or just the EQing of the FOH speakers?

I suppose monitoring EQing could be down with something like a DRPA. It just sounds like a royal pain in the ass.

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When faced with a situation like this, a 2 ohm specific (designed FOR 2 ohm operation primarily) like the QSC RMX-1850 is an ideal choice. That will give you about 450 watts per box which is reasonable.


I am not a fan of 215 2 way tops personally, but if looks is what you are after then they are an ideal candidate to consider.

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If your main reason to get the PV2600 over the RMX2450 is because it is cheaper then I would look at the prices again. The best price I found on the PV2600 was about $530 and the lowest on the RMX was a little over $500. I would consider them about equal there. However, the RMX is stable at 2 ohms and the PV is not (at least does not rated for it). I would say pick your speakers first and then buy an amp to match them. If you want to buy dual cabs then I would suggest you get an amp stabel at 2 ohms rather than search around for 8 ohm dual cabs. I would also say than dual 12's will sound better then dual 15's in most cases. I also agree with agedhorse that a RMX1850 might be more appropriate because of its stability at 2 ohms. I have found that as low as about $420. Hope this helps.



UPAC Sound Equipment Manager


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Originally posted by Themetallikid

those subs I mentioned are 550 a piece. I know there are other ones around. But I need to stay between 5-6, and I want a folded 18". preferably at 8 ohms so I can run them parallel (daisy chained, right?) off one side of the amp and the other side the tops. Off a Peavey PV2600 at 900w @4ohms.

I would also like an additional EQ, but what I'm asking I guess is, does the Driverack EQ cover both mains and monitors? or just the EQing of the FOH speakers?

Why would you rather have those Peaveys when the Sonics are cheaper and the construction on them is superb? Plus,what's wrong with the Sonic T212FR? And what are you going to power your monitors with? Do you have that amp? If not,you could get a single power amp for the subs and then another one to run monitors and mid/high cabs.

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The DRPA provides two channels of processing. You would generally use it for FOH only, though I suppose you could run one channel to FOH and one to monitor. It would be cumbersome to use this way. One real problem is that the feedback eliminator adjusts the frequency response on both channels, so if your monitors feed back, it's going to adversely affect the FOH....not a good thing. Better bet would be DRPA on FOH, and 31-band EQ per each monitor channel.



It makes little sense to use a 2x15+horn over subs. Your crossover will cut the lows out of the 2x15, and with some exceptions, 15's used in these cabinets are not ideally voiced for vocals. You'd be better off with one good 1x12.


Are you sure it's worth crappy sound and difficulty in matching amplifier power, just to have a tall top cabinet?

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