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Mackie SR24*4 and my brain fart...

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Hello and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to All...


I've started with a band that uses a SR24*4. They need 6 monitor mixes (10 piece band). The SR24*4 can be modified to make 5/6 sends PRE's. That's a good thing for me. They also use an Ensoniq DP/4+ FX with gives me 4 mono channels or two stereo channels to use. Another good thing for me. . Now what I'm farting about is getting FX to the four vocalists. If I use all 6 of the aux sends for monitors how can I give the 4 vocalists FX? Using the INSERT on each vocal channels? Return to AUX RETURNS and then let the input/output controls on the Ensoniq control the FX signals? Did I answer my own question? Can I not see the forrest for the trees?


Thanks for your responses,



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Nope, 6 aux sends total, meaning 4 pre for monitors and 2 post for effects. You can change the pre-post, but it's not an easy modification to do and if you screw it up, you have a new boat anchor on your hands.


If you want one seperate effect on each vocalist channel, you can insert a processor but you would need to use the mix control on the processor to adjust the wet/dry ratio. Also, the monitor mixes will have the same proportion of effects as the main mix which is genereally way too much for monitors. Can cause feedback issues as well as a swimmingly messy stage sound.


You need a better tool for the job, or you need to re-visit your original 6 monitor mix thought. How many monitor eq channels and amp channels do they have?

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Yes, they have 6 eq channels and 6 amp channels available for monitors. Page 61, modifacation#3 of the Mackie SR24*4 manual shows the 5/6 PRE mod. and no I would not do the mod myself...)


OK, so how do I use FX for the 4 vocalists and not have the FX in the monitors? (if I change the post 5/6 to pre 5/6).


Optimistically yours,



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It sounds as if this band has an existing system, right? How were they getting 6 mixes before you showed up, or did they change their spec just to make your life difficult?



Sounds as if the old New England response of "Ya can't get the're, from he're" applies. Time for a new con$ole. With at least 8 aux's, that's a capital "$".:(

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The group, as good as they are, were in need of help with the PA. I just happen to know a tiny, very tiny bit more than they (the blond leading the blind...) and was happy to help out. BTW, corporate bands pay!. I was trying to give them 6 mixes and it just won't work out with this SR24*4. Bummer...I know you can relate that when you have a great group of musicians, you want to give as much as you can to make it right!


Yes, until we upgrade we'll have to re-adjust.


Thanks everyone for your responses and advice!


Merry Christmas...



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You could assign the vocals to say sub 3/4, but only route the sub 3 to the left/right, and take the sub 4 out and send to your fx. the pan pot then becomes the send essentially. I use this trick alot when I use the small format boards with mixes from FOH and run out of fx sends.


I forget if the 24.4 has pans for the groups, or assigns, but I'm pretty sure theres some way to do this using this method. It may involve using an insert cable on sub 4, breaking the normal and using only the send to go to your fx. This would prevent any return of the dry signal into the mix buss from grp 4 also. Just be careful NOT to route your fx return to sub 3, or you'll have loop city.

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Originally posted by where02190

You could assign the vocals to say sub 3/4, but only route the sub 3 to the left/right, and take the sub 4 out and send to your fx. the pan pot then becomes the send essentially. I use this trick alot when I use the small format boards with mixes from FOH and run out of fx sends.

I forget if the 24.4 has pans for the groups, or assigns, but I'm pretty sure theres some way to do this using this method. It may involve using an insert cable on sub 4, breaking the normal and using only the send to go to your fx. This would prevent any return of the dry signal into the mix buss from grp 4 also. Just be careful NOT to route your fx return to sub 3, or you'll have loop city.



I'm with "Where" on this one, its not ideal but will work for now

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Can't you just use a direct out of the vocal channel and run it into a non-used channel input (24 available) and use the effects insert there? (If the SR24*4 doesn't have a direct out, this won't work.) That way the effects would not not be in the vocal channel for monitors. Depending on how many un-used channels you have determines how many mixes you can get effects free. Right?

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Originally posted by Michael W Nelso


Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, no direct outs on the channels...


Whoops, ok. I only had the Mackie 24*8 that did have them. I use a direct out on my Mixwiz for the lead vocal effects since I'm out of Auxes.

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