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Outdoor Sound

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Does anyone know roughly what kind of gear a rock band should use for an outdoor party? It's on a farm, not sure the acreage but we have an 800 watt powered mixer and a pair of 250 watt speakers and 200 watt wedge monitors.


Any idea on what we should rent?

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All depends on the number of people you are playing to, and what sort of party it is. Background music or a feature of the party?



Subs are a must for rock, but fitting them into a powered mixer system is often tough.


Don't underestimate the coverage you'll need for monitors. Outside you'll have zero reflection of the FOH speakers, so you'll be completely dependent on your monitors, and with a small PA your stage amps are likely to be cranked, making it even harder to hear the vocals. It's tempting to spread out when playing outside, but you might need to stay closer to hear from two wedges.

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Originally posted by hinrich

Does anyone know roughly what kind of gear a rock band should use for an outdoor party? It's on a farm, not sure the acreage but we have an 800 watt powered mixer and a pair of 250 watt speakers and 200 watt wedge monitors.

Any idea on what we should rent?

For smaller outdoor shows,I use six of these www.sonicspeaker.com/18e.htm and six of these CE34 Audio Centron top cabs with about 750 watts to each sub and 500 watts to each top cab. Sounds pretty decent for the amount of $$$ laid out for the setup.

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Well there's doing sound and then there's doing sound. For 50 people you'll be fine if you're just doing vocals. If you wanna mic drums and shake pantlegs it's gonna take more. Just depends on your level of expectation.


Things to watch for ...


It will take much more power if you set up in the middle of an open field than if you set up in a courtyard or near a wall or walls.


How are you gonna get your AC power. Is it right there, 200 feet of orange extention cords or are you gonna use a gennie? Low budget gennie gigs are hell!


You should write back after you do the gig and let everyone know how you think your gear performed. This question gets asked a lot.

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I certainly will. We have a new bassist and he seems to be experienced in this area, plus he has a buddy who might be able to rent some of his gear to us.


Since this is a private party, shaking the pant legs may not be necessary, if they want to hear the band, they just need to get closer to us. If they want to have conversations, it won't take much for them to move away. I hope I'm right anyway.


Thanks everyone for letting me pick your brains, I'll let you know after Sept 2 how it goes.



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