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Best PA for LOUD music, strictly.

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Here's the deal:


I have been tasked into finding a new PA for my fraternity house. Our current one, well, is at the end of its career. The tweeters are blown in the speakers, one of the power amps is completely FUBAR, the mixer is just all out of whack. It was originally suggested that we spend money to fix it, but I figured that we might be better off just getting a new one entirely.




I want a powered mixer, I feel that it'll be simpler that way. Big speakers, preferably 15". Most of all I want something that is durable. This is a fraternity house, not a church. And it has to be loud. I know we all have different definitions of what "loud" is, but when I say loud, I mean that I want the music to be clearly and audibly heard over anywhere from 100-300 drunken college students. Pretty much, we're just going to be plugging an iPod into it, but we may lend it out to bands playing at our house. Other than that, I don't really know what else to look for. The problem, of course, is the budget. I said we could get a new PA (powered mixer + 2 monitors) for $500 or so; I could probably stretch this to about $700.


Any advice?

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Look around craigslist for some used cabs. Yorkville NX35's are decent moulded enclosures. You can probably find a pair or E12's or E15's for about $700, but you'd still need a mixer.


The yorkville M810 mixer runs about $800 new (around here), you might find one used. This is really the only powered mixer I've had good experiences with.

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Loud and $500????? If you are just plugging in an iPod I'd get a single EON15G2. They are very loud and easy to move around and they will cost less then your budget. A powered mixer and two speakers for $500 to $700 will not be as loud as the EON. Buy one and add another when you get some extra cash. Also check with alumni. I've given a bunch of gear to my Sig Ep house. If they approached me about a system I'd tell them the same thing I'm telling you. You can plug the iPod right into the speaker and it still has another channel for a mic.


As far as bands go, make them use their own gear because there is NO way your budget will cover a system that is going to be used by a band in that type of scenario.

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Loud and $500????? If you are just plugging in an iPod I'd get a single EON15G2. They are very loud and easy to move around and they will cost less then your budget. A powered mixer and two speakers for $500 to $700 will not be as loud as the EON. Buy one and add another when you get some extra cash. Also check with alumni. I've given a bunch of gear to my Sig Ep house. If they approached me about a system I'd tell them the same thing I'm telling you. You can plug the iPod right into the speaker and it still has another channel for a mic.

As far as bands go, make them use their own gear because there is NO way your budget will cover a system that is going to be used by a band in that type of scenario.



Our funds are limited - renting is out of the question - we want a system that is ours to use whenever we want. I'm interested in these powered speakers. My only caveat with having only 1 JBL speaker would be that it would be blasting in one direction. Also, how would I go about hooking a subwoofer up to them?


I apologize for the dumb questions, I don't really know a whole lot about this.


I know Behringer typically gets a bad rap with a lot of their equipment but I've had nothing but good experiences with a couple of Behringer mixers that I've had. How about their powered speakers?




As far as having a mixer and some cabinets, what about this:




Again, no idea what I'm really talking about so I apologize in advance for being a noob.

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I'm curious as to what the system at the end of its career consists of, and whether Dr. T thought it was sufficient to do the job while it was (more) functional.


It would help me determine a baseline for acceptable performance.

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I couldn't tell you specific model numbers or anything, all I know is currently we have 2 Yamaha 15" monitors, an 18" Peavey subwoofer (that is still in fine working condition), and the rack consists of a mixer and 2 power amps. I don't know why, but the whole thing just does not get that loud without clipping or with the lights in the monitors lighting up (I think one of the power amps is really messed up, in addition to everything else that's wrong)


The other problem is, this set up is just complicated and cumbersome. I like the idea of powered speakers because that eliminates the need for a mixer and power amps.


Is there any way I can daisy chain a subwoofer to powered speakers?

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I have a pair of the B412DSP behringers, they are the *cough* upgrade 12" version of what you're looking at. They are LOUD, and they are not broken (about 6 months and 6 gigs in). They actually sound pretty good, shocking, I know!


I bought them when MF was having a 20% off sale, and they were priced at 329 at the time. So I paid about $264 each.


I do not crank them to the point where they would probably reveal their flaws, but they are plenty loud. They have a protection limiter, and multiple inputs.


Get them from a place you can return them to if they don't work for you. Otherwise, used is a great way to go.

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Is the subwoofer powered? The speakers might have a "subwoofer out" jack that you'd need to run to a poweramp first, and then to the sub.


Are you sure there's not just a gain problem with your setup? The amp shouldn't be clipping unless it's loud (assuming it's a decent amp, obviously).


I've got a pair of powered Peavey Impulse 1012's on Craigslist still, for $600 bucks, I don't know if they'd be "loud as hell" and they won't have bass to them if they're loud, but they're light years beyond the Behringers. Don't know where you live, though.

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I couldn't tell you specific model numbers or anything, all I know is currently we have 2 Yamaha 15" monitors, an 18" Peavey subwoofer (that is still in fine working condition), and the rack consists of a mixer and 2 power amps. I don't know why, but the whole thing just does not get that loud without clipping or with the lights in the monitors lighting up



I have a suspicion that the gear you are proposing replacing may be far more up to the task than the stuff you will be replacing it with.


I also suspect that your $700 bucks may go much farther towards having someone knowledgable come in and set up, repair, and give you a little primer on running your current system than throwing the money at cheap replacement gear.



The other problem is, this set up is just complicated and cumbersome. I like the idea of powered speakers because that eliminates the need for a mixer and power amps.



I agree. I think that may be the long term answer for you guys, but with your current budget, any options you choose may be just a step backwards or sideways from what you already own.



Is there any way I can daisy chain a subwoofer to powered speakers?



Probably not in the way it seems you wish to. The subwoofer requires it's own channel of properly crossed over power.


Dr T--


Maybe when you get the time, you can sit down and examine what Yamaha cabinets, Peavey sub, power amp and mixer models you currently have, and report back here with your findings.

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Honestly, the Behringer B215A is a loud , good sounding speaker. They dont have a ton of low end, but they are one of the only Behringer products that I have never had a single problem with.




Agreed. On a small budget, you can't do much better. I have a set of B212As that I bought for stage monitor application and they have been surprising. No low end to speak of, but nice mid and sweet top response. Especially combined with a sub, they sound great.


Buy from a local dealer so you can return them if they give you trouble. Mine have been reliable. I have used them outside many times and even in snow. Actually, whenever I don't want to risk my Yorkville speakers getting wet or damaged...


Al - Party-Time! DJ Services

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Any advice?

$500 will get a disappointing setup and you will be headed toward many terrible parties. So instead of your next party, have everyone get together for a scrabble night and throw all the cash that would have been spent on beer and condoms into a hat. Every party after that night should sound good. :thu:

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