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White Room by Cream: Drum sound changes at 4:38...

-Ed Phobes-

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Upon further listening - with headphones - I'm hearing another drum being hit (in the right channel only) that is in unison with the kick drum. It sounds like it may be a floor tom.


I'm thinking this may have been added, as Phil suggested, to reinforce the drums during the fade.





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I'm thinking like Phil, to keep the intensity of the drums up as the song fades, Plus I guess that back when this was one of the few ways to do it? Personally, I think it was just a way to change the sound to keep the song from sounding like it was the same thing over and over?? Otherwise, I don't know?

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The main difference I hear is it sounds like the fade out started, then in the mix down they either over dubbed another kick or turned up the existing kick. It sounds like a single headed kick, btw. But the rest of the drums sound the same to me.


Interestingly, the rest of the track doesn't have a very full drum sound. Why didn't they beef up the kicks in the whole song?

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