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Question: Keyboard/synth wooden side panels


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Everything is made in a more "cost effective" way now......they listened to their accountants too much and their accountants told them how much money they could save and how much bigger their profits would be....


I had a friend in school that moved here from Germany and he was amazed how we use so many "fake" materials to make things here.....he said in Germany, houses were made from unprocessed wood and real stone (and this was in 1976)......even bricks are not real stone like over there....bricks are man made......when they needed stone, it was often carved from a quarry.....I'm not saying they don't use bricks too, but he was joking how he would walk up and knock on something and it would be fake brick.....he also joked about the fake shutters on houses that were just pieces of plastic and how they couldn't even lock closed over the windows....build quality has really gone down over a long period of time....I wonder how cheap they will be making things before they realize that they are built too cheap. ........


A lot of people don't realize that if we still used real shutters today (strong and secure shutters that lock tight), they can protect your house big time from tornadoes because once a tornado is able to blow your windows out, it can really get a grip on your house....


I see them doing new home & business construction using PARTICLE BOARD now......that would be so worthless if you got hit by a tornado......when I was growing up everybody I knew used plywood which is tons stronger and won't blow into a million pieces.....

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Actually the whole body of the Korg RK100-S keytar is made of wood. Plastic can be stronger and more durable than wood. Wood dents easily, I dropped a very heavy wood speaker years ago from about 4 feet and it broke into pieces. My Carvin PM-15's are plastic. A drunken audience member knocked over a stand the speaker fell from about 6 feet and didn't break. But the real reason is price, an entirely plastic case doesn't require finishing or assembly.

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