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Oh no they didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The local arts council just had a concert with Lewis Clark from the Temptations. It was poorly advertised, I didn't even hear about it until the day after. They paid $3,500.00 for him to appear and about 100 people showed up. For his sound, they used the building maintenance man for the facility with NO sound experience. One of the knob-heads from the arts council gave him a 5 minute briefing on how the board worked and away they went. There were so many problems all night that it became a joke when Clark would say outright "Larry , you're killing me up here" I guess Clark took it all very well and still put on a great performance.

I seperated ways with these folks a few years ago for the same reasons, they simply do not understand the importance of sound in a concert. Seems impossible to not put those together yet they continue to demonstrate that it's not. Seems a shame to have such a great talent treated like that, I guess he doesn't have a rider.

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Sound is becoming a real afterthought.

Stop me if I've told this... I got called to a school last December. It was the day before their Christmas concert and the music teacher said in a panic, "everytime the kids use a mic, the music goes off".  One of my first thoughts was that they were ducking the music signal but I couldn't believe any sound co would set up a school gym system that way.

So I get to the school, and sure enough every mic on the system ducked the music, and everything was hard wired into the bus station PA. No manual, and the one online was translated from another language.  And they had CGM speakers for mains and... I just decided to bring in a whole different PA.

The awful thing is the school just had the questionable PA installed! No one had paid any attention to it until show time. Rant off.

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Shaster wrote:



Sound is becoming a real afterthought.


The tragic thing is the cost benefit ratio in the grand scheme of things.

This last summer I enjoyed the experience of being involved on the other side of the checkbook concerning a community festival... I was on the festival committee.  I strongly suggest everyone who contracts to events do this (be on an event committee) at least once in their career as the experience is well worth whatever the price of the education might be.

Many/most of the committee meetings were functionally wholly consumed with "the budget"... and all the stuff that had to be in-place and paid for in-order for the event to function.  Many of the budget items that got paid for resulted in nothing of substantive value to the event beyond a piece of paper that we could file (or manditory handicap port-a-potties that never got used even once by a handicap person) .  The difference between good stage production and bottom of the barrel crap stage production would have been a really small drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things... considering both financial and man-hours costs.

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You guys are obviously not factoring in the positive benefits of all the exposure that such gigs will garner.



Wait...don't people die from exposure?



I had made a thread about it. It was during a provincial election. Shockingly there was no money for an all candidates public Q&A.


I was literally shocked. I don't know how many millions of dollars were spent during the campaign.


Long story short, I took a pass.

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agedhorse wrote:


Wow, an 1800, one of my favorite cars. I had a 122 and a 144 many years ago. Little tractor engines that will run forever if taken care of.


Yup... the 1800 as I recall was pure craftsmanship.  Frikken georgeous... and a really nice ride (I test drove it when we were done).  As I recall it looked a lot like this:




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