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Practice tools...Good idea?

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I don't have anyone to jam with. So I've been thinking of getting a drum machine or a looper or something but don't know much about these items.


In my search I found 2 pieces of equipment that really caught my eye.


First, was the Line 6 Spider Jam amp. Features all the Spider III modeling stuff, but has like 150 backing tracks already on it, with the capability of adding your own via a SD card. Has a built in looper and record feature. Also has the XLR and other instrument inputs. MP3 input.


Looks pretty handy.


Then there's the Vox Jamvox. This is just software with a Interface/Monitor. But it has Jamtracks, looper, recording, XLR input, and their GXT (guitar extraction software) on it. Supposedly, you can import you Itunes library, drag in the MP3 of your choice and jam along with it. With the GXT feature you can extract the guitar and play the guitar parts yourself along with the original artist as your backing band.


You can also isolate the guitar and slow the tempo down without affecting the pitch to help learn solo's.




The Jamvox is $200 cheaper, but is all computer based.


What do you guys think? either worth buying and would help learn?

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One of my students came in with the Spiderjam a few months back. Gotta admit it was pretty cool, all the patches modeled after famous song tones ("La Grange", etc.), drum loops, etc.


But if you want more flexibility in programming your loops you're better off getting a drum machine. Alesis just came out with a new one, which I haven't tried, but I used their SR-16 for years, a Hall of Famer as far as gear goes.

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BIAB is cool for what it is but I'll say that it very good to be able to loop, change pitch or tempo as well as jam along with.

BIAB is great if you want to create a track to jam with and has additional software that will do the loop and pitch/tempo thing, I think it's called Slow Gold.

You don'

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BIAB is cool for what it is but I'll say that it very good to be able to loop, change pitch or tempo as well as jam along with.

BIAB is great if you want to create a track to jam with and has additional software that will do the loop and pitch/tempo thing, I think it's called Slow Gold.

You don'

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You can easily loop, change key, and change tempo in BIAB -- plus TONS more.


For example set up how many loops and assign an intro and outro accordingly, etc. So much more than just a looping tool, BIAB is the ultimate learning tool for music. And it has a bunch of specific learning tools built in such as "fretboard view" where you can see the notes on a fretboard in real time.


BIAB also offers a bunch of guitar lessons, i.e. country picking, jazz guitar, etc. Ear training also. Awesome stuff.


A couple other great tools are Guitar Pro and Transcribe!, they both do things BIAB doesn't. :thu:


Bottom line, it's a great time to be alive -- we have so many awesome [affordable] options available to us. :)

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The Spider Jam is a very cool I must say. Might also be worth checking out Fender's G-Dec which is similiar and cheaper I think...I must also add my vote for Transcribe! which I got recently based on recommendations on this forum and it is a brillliant tool.

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Might also be worth checking out Fender's G-Dec



I see these used all the time. Mixed reports. Worth checking out but if you buy one, check around for a used one -- you can probably catch a break.


Line6 is a superb company with superb gear. Not all their gear is roadbuilt but as long as you're using the right gear for the right application you can definitely not go wrong with anything they sell -- and resale price tends to hold fairly well for Line6 gear because it's popular stuff.

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I was thinking more of looping a regular CD or mp3 for that matter, something with music on that you want to transcribe.



Ahhh... Yes. I use Transcribe! for that, it makes it super easy to redefine your loop points on the fly, tweak playback speed, etc. Great software. Anytime I need to figure out music I can't pick out by ear I use Transcribe!.


According to their site even Pat Metheny is using it. Hee.


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I was thinking more of looping a regular CD or mp3 for that matter, something with music on that you want to transcribe.



Ahhh... Yes. I use Transcribe! for that, it makes it super easy to redefine your loop points on the fly, tweak playback speed, etc. Great software. Anytime I need to figure out music I can't pick out by ear I use Transcribe!.


According to their site even Pat Metheny is using it. Hee.


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