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Originally posted by Davidelmo

Hehe, okay cool! How's the new library coming along?



I will probably be doing a bit of fine tuning on into the wee hours tonight ... unless I make singnificant progress by tomorrow evening, it will be at least another week or so before the next library update ... but I have some interesting ideas in mind that were inspired by some of my wacky outboard noise pedals and some AMT stompboxes I have been analyzing to for the past month via online soundclips.

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Originally posted by ck3

I will probably be doing a bit of fine tuning on into the wee hours tonight ... unless I make singnificant progress by tomorrow evening, it will be at least another week or so before the next library update ... but I have some interesting ideas in mind that were inspired by some of my wacky outboard noise pedals and some AMT stompboxes I have been analyzing to for the past month via online soundclips.

Oh right, that's cool.. I'm looking forward to it :D

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Originally posted by Davidelmo

I'm english.. so not 100% sure whether that's a compliment or not!!

Thx for clarifying CK3.. It was most definitely a compliment..

My main rig setup calls for an SG (.52-.10) Drop D-Tunes to have a bit o' growl and thump from the cabinet..


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I'm new here guys... but I've had the TL since March and I LOVE it... I also have a POD 2.0 AND a POD XT 2.01. I changed the tube in my TL to a JJ/Tesla Eurotube and it rocks.

Anyways, I digress.

I was wondering if anyone has come across a "hidden menu" or function IN the tonelab? Prior experience with electronic devices of various sorts has led me to believe these programmers LOVE to sneak fun stuff in.. or something they have "hidden" menus for beta testing and running tests and so on...

Well, I was just wondering... it would be neat if there was a "undocumented" way to get into the TL and actually reconfigure the Valve Reactor with the amps... for example... run the recto with EL34's instead of the 6l6's... or put el84's in a marshall...

ANyways, maybe it doesn't exist.. oh well. Any word on a Tonelab 2? Or an upgrade to the first one?

THanks guys.... shred on!


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Originally posted by Soundlab343

I'm new here guys... but I've had the TL since March and I LOVE it... I also have a POD 2.0 AND a POD XT 2.01. I changed the tube in my TL to a JJ/Tesla Eurotube and it rocks.

Anyways, I digress.

I was wondering if anyone has come across a "hidden menu" or function IN the tonelab? Prior experience with electronic devices of various sorts has led me to believe these programmers LOVE to sneak fun stuff in.. or something they have "hidden" menus for beta testing and running tests and so on...

Well, I was just wondering... it would be neat if there was a "undocumented" way to get into the TL and actually reconfigure the Valve Reactor with the amps... for example... run the recto with EL34's instead of the 6l6's... or put el84's in a marshall...

ANyways, maybe it doesn't exist.. oh well. Any word on a Tonelab 2? Or an upgrade to the first one?

THanks guys.... shred on!




Cool! this is your first HC post and it's on the Porckchop Xpress ToneLab thread...Welcome aboard.


I don't know the answer to your question, however it woudn't suprise me if there are some hidden goodies.

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Oh incidently.. in case you guys haven't come across the mp3 yet.. I did an mp3 where I played/compared a TL and an XT 2.01 head to head. Recorded both parts at the same time (used a VHT Valvulator to split).. and used the same settings... same models, etc....

TL is on the left.. and XT on the right. Go to my soundclick page..


SHould be the clip on top.



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Originally posted by Davidelmo

hehe, cool.. unfortunately the us-higain doesnt have a whole lotta low-end

Thats why I use dthe Eq, but it sounds pretty good with the EQ.

Had a chance to load the settings (labelled- DELMO ;) up (via pc) last night. Sounds great.. I use a mxr 10 band in the send/receive scooped similar to your eq settings.. bumped up on the low end freq..


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Originally posted by Soundlab343

I'm new here guys... but I've had the TL since March and I LOVE it... I also have a POD 2.0 AND a POD XT 2.01. I changed the tube in my TL to a JJ/Tesla Eurotube and it rocks.

Anyways, I digress.

I was wondering if anyone has come across a "hidden menu" or function IN the tonelab? Prior experience with electronic devices of various sorts has led me to believe these programmers LOVE to sneak fun stuff in.. or something they have "hidden" menus for beta testing and running tests and so on...

Well, I was just wondering... it would be neat if there was a "undocumented" way to get into the TL and actually reconfigure the Valve Reactor with the amps... for example... run the recto with EL34's instead of the 6l6's... or put el84's in a marshall...

ANyways, maybe it doesn't exist.. oh well. Any word on a Tonelab 2? Or an upgrade to the first one?

THanks guys.... shred on!




Welcome to HC. So far I don't know of any one that has figured out a hidden menu, I did have some contact with the UK rep from Vox that is in the development section for the Tonelab and he said that as of about a month ago there were no plans for an upgrade. He was very curious to know what other people would like to see in any future versions of the unit. I think it would be a great idea for better effects routing capabilities and it would be awesome if you could run channel 1 through the left output and channel 2 from the right output for stereo recording.

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Originally posted by theManfromAlabam

Has anyone come up with any "Pink Floyd" Shine on you crazy diamond tones?



There is some fellow who has the user name "Crazy Diamond" (or something similar) who has posted this type of patch somewhere in The German Tonelab Forum ... trouble is, it seems impossible to access the patches that are supposed to be uploaded there.

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Originally posted by ck3

There is some fellow who has the user name "Crazy Diamond" (or something similar) who has posted this type of patch somewhere in
The German Tonelab Forum
... trouble is, it seems impossible to access the patches that are supposed to be uploaded there.

Yeah, CrazyDiamond is a guy called Lance from South Africa.. he's a very cool guy that I have spoken to on 3-4 different forums. He is a huge pink floyd fan. He's made some really good patches for the Tonelab, but as far as I know, not a patch for this specific song.

I dialed up a quick patch using the treb boost, uk90's and T75 with the gain low at about 3. Use a strat neck pickup and roll back your volume to clean the tone up, and also your tone to get the dull tone that Gilmour gets on the intro to that song. When he does a bit more with the opening solo, use the bridge pup and increase the volume a bit for some dirt! That should be a start for oyu anyway.

Oh, and make sure to add plenty of delay, reverb and a bit of flanger! :D

Yes, that is his tonelab file, and he has a few gilmour cleans and lead sounds in there. You may also want to find his patch called "the wall" which is a great, compressed AC15 patch that you will definately enjoy!:D

Ck3, if you want the patches on that forum, you have to register! Otherwise you will not see the patches! :)

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Originally posted by Davidelmo

Ck3, if you want the patches on that forum, you have to register! Otherwise you will not see the patches!

I have been registered for several months ... and I still can't seem to access patches when I open the related section ... das forumlinken war kaput. :mad:

In other news ... I have managed to program a rather convincing MXR Blue Box knockoff patch (glitchy octaves, gate, and all) and am still working the kinks out of the others I have been tweaking ... the Arch Enemy tone is fairly close, but the Slash and Santana sounds are in need of something I have yet to discover ... regardless, I should have something to post in the lounge by this weekend.

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Originally posted by Davidelmo

Yeah, CrazyDiamond is a guy called Lance from South Africa.. he's a very cool guy that I have spoken to on 3-4 different forums. He is a huge pink floyd fan. He's made some really good patches for the Tonelab, but as far as I know, not a patch for this specific song.

I dialed up a quick patch using the treb boost, uk90's and T75 with the gain low at about 3. Use a strat neck pickup and roll back your volume to clean the tone up, and also your tone to get the dull tone that Gilmour gets on the intro to that song. When he does a bit more with the opening solo, use the bridge pup and increase the volume a bit for some dirt! That should be a start for oyu anyway.

Oh, and make sure to add plenty of delay, reverb and a bit of flanger!

Yes, that is his tonelab file, and he has a few gilmour cleans and lead sounds in there. You may also want to find his patch called "the wall" which is a great, compressed AC15 patch that you will definately enjoy!

Ck3, if you want the patches on that forum, you have to register! Otherwise you will not see the patches!

Not bad.

Tonight I came up with the following.

Guitar (Strat) 4th position "mid and neck pup"

Amp: BLK 2X12
Cab: UKT75 Gain 3.0, VR gain 10.0, Treble 4.4, Mid 6.5, Bass 6.0
Reverb: Room 2
Delay: Analog
Modulation "CL Chorus"

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I want to know if the Tonelab SE or Desktop model can do AC/DC "Highway to Hell" and G N R "Appetite For Destruction" type tones. I'd be using the Tonelab (most likely desktop) for recording and late night practice only.

I had a PODxt and hated it, but that was before the last software upgrade and new amp models.

Thanks in advance!


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Originally posted by binkydaclown

I want to know if the Tonelab SE or Desktop model can do AC/DC "Highway to Hell" and G N R "Appetite For Destruction" type tones. I'd be using the Tonelab (most likely desktop) for recording and late night practice only.

I had a PODxt and hated it, but that was before the last software upgrade and new amp models.

Thanks in advance!




Yes they can. The plexi model is my favorite.

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Originally posted by Porkchop Xpress


I have goteen very, very close to G 'n R and I am working on a convincing AC/DC. It's all in the fingers though.

Hmm, I'd be interested in the Guns n roses patch.. I've been struggling with this one!

Looking forward to it ck3.. remind me, this is a desktop library, not SE, right?

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