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amp question


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I am aware there is an amp forum but there is a lot of bickering and would rather avoid it.


I've used the search funtion and searched around on music equipment sites like MusiciansFriend but I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for. I will say I'm ignorant on amp manufacturers because if it isn't made by Marhsall, Fender, Carvin, Ampeg etc etc, then I haven't heard of it. So I'm wondering if this is a boutique amp question.


Is there a such thing as a guitar amp combo that does not have a Channel 2 OD/Distortion? I typically don't like the sound of most Channel 2's on amps. I like the sound of power tubes, just leave the preamp tubes out of the schematic. Don't get me wrong, I do love distortion, I grew up on 80s rock, so thats where a pedal comes into play for me.


Everything seems to have 2 channels and I'm curious as to why that is. Does a guitar amp have to have both power and preamp tubes for it to operate properly?

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I'm aware of this being a stupid question to ask considering I'm 31 and I've been playing guitar since i was 14. Honestly though I couldnt find what I was looking for so thats why I posted this. Every amp I've played through, friends amps, rentals, loaners ......whatever, they've always been 2 channels and 9 times out of ten the channel 2 sounds like ass.

so I was thinking if they typically sound like crap then why not buy an amp that doesn't have a channel 2.

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well see thats also part of the problem. I dont know what sound I'm after. I'm just gonna go to Music 6000, the local store here in olympia and see what they have for single channel amps. I was under the impression this was something i was gonna have to build. what a relief.

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fender twin reverb


fender bassman


pretty much any sunn amp ( i dont know if any of the reissue or vintage model Ts have a second channel though).


A lot of fender tube amps have one channel.


oh wait, unless you're talking about any second channel? The bassman and twin reverb have two inputs but i dont know if they're separate channels.


I use a blues junior, a 15 watt fender tube amp with only one channel. the next step up, the hot rod and blues deluxe, have two channel though. I really like my blues junior, i was playing with the pre amp volume up all the way and the power amp volume at about 75% and it was the best distortion i've ever used. It has a fat switch which just adds some gain and a little bass, but it's useful at higher volumes. I dont know if maybe you just don't like tube distortion, or you've been using {censored}ty SS heads.

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Don't get me wrong, I do love distortion, I grew up on 80s rock, so thats where a pedal comes into play for me.

Just because you grew up on 80s rock, does that mean you have to be stuck to 80s rock for the rest of your life? :confused:

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No no, I havent used solid state amps in years. I had my trials and tribulations with Peaveys, Randalls and Crates when I was younger and will leave them as memories.

Just because you grew up on 80s rock, does that mean you have to be stuck to 80s rock for the rest of your life?


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ok from what I can find on EBAY is that if a combo amp is single channel then most likely it's gonna be old. If an amp is old then its likely to not have an effects loop correct? I prefer to have time based effects in the FX loop.

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ok from what I can find on EBAY is that if a combo amp is single channel then most likely it's gonna be old. If an amp is old then its likely to not have an effects loop correct? I prefer to have time based effects in the FX loop.



twin reverb dude. they make them new now, it's a reissue. adn it's like 1000 bucks.


i dontk now if it has an fx look tho

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I like having a great clean sound as a foundation to build off of. I like the break up sound from power tubes because I do use a power break THD Hotplate.

AN amp with a crappy dead dull clean sound but sounds great when overdriven means nothing to me. The clean sound is where it all begins.

I play through a Carvin Nomad now. Awesome clean channel but the OD channel is pretty lame by itself. Though It sounds alright with a pre and post EQ. I was thinking about giving a boost pedal a try and see what that does to the OD channel. Then if that doesn't do anything I was gonna try the Hasserl mod on my amp.

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fender twin reverb

fender bassman

pretty much any sunn amp ( i dont know if any of the reissue or vintage model Ts have a second channel though).

A lot of fender tube amps have one channel.

oh wait, unless you're talking about any second channel? The bassman and twin reverb have two inputs but i dont know if they're separate channels.



Most of the bigger blackface and silverface Fenders have two channels, but not in the same way most modern combos do. Instead of a clean and distortion channel, they have a normal (clean, no effects) channel and one with reverb and/or tremolo (labelled vibrato).


Without going nuts on expensive "boutique" amps, depending what sort of size amp you could look at the Epiphone Valve Jr, Fender Champion 600, Vox AC15, Fender Blues Jr, Pro Jr, Deluxe Reverb reissue, Vibroverb reissue or Twin Reverb reissue.


If you're looking for power amp distortion, it doesn't really matter whether you put your effects in the loop (or whether you even have a loop), as that comes before the power amp, so your effected signal gets distorted anyway. It'll only make a big difference if there's a LOT of distortion, otherwise you'll really only hear it as compression.

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