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Dan Echo... tell me about it.

C Fuzz

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i like it yes.

stock, it wont self oscillate. but with a resistor change it will.

yes its worth $35.

a few bad points though are :

-pretty bad bypass and the switch is just crap.

-low impedance input, only about 100k, which is far too low to run straight from a guitar without losing something. either put it your fx loop or have some sort of buffer before it.

-the input buffer distorts easily. and not in a nice way.

-eats batteries.


all that said, its still a very nice sounding delay. very analogue sounding.

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One of my favourite basic delay pedals. It doesn't do anything fancy, but it works just fine if you're after a decent delay that won't get in the way of the original signal (you can dial in the amount of treble in the repeats, so it sits beside the guitar in the mix, rather than on top of it). As dmk mentioned, it doesn't work well straight from the guitar, due to a too low input impedance. With a buffered (Boss or similar) pedal in front of it, though, it works just fine.


Like any digital delay, it needs adapter power to work reliably. It actually draws a bit less than a Boss DD-3 (38mA as opposed to 55mA), but I'd still not take the risk of it going out in the middle of a gig.


Also, the input/output jacks are mounted directly to the circuit board, without any support from the box, so it will most likely not stand up to abuse as well as a Boss pedal. If you have yours on a pedalboard (constantly plugged in) it shouldn't be a problem, but if you're setting up/tearing down everything at every gig, it might not be the most reliable.



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I love it!! The hi-cut filter can take you from analog echo to digital sounding delays.


It's reliable. I gig with mine all the time. (I use a 1-spot adaptor instead of batteries) In fact, I like it so much I'll be re-housing it soon, to upgrade some of the parts. Specifically, the knobs input/output and the footswitch (to be true bypass).


$35 shipped is a helluva deal man. I'll gladly buy it for that price if you won't. Let me know the source. :)

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I like it, but my DL4 does it all. It sounds good, nice and warm.


I didn't think the bypass was that bad, but the input impedance thing is a problem. There is a mod out on teh internets for that.


As previously mentioned, it won't self-oscillate- I wasn't aware of the mod, but if it's out there, it's worth doing. If it's switchable, all the better.


All digital delays eat batteries, so that's hardly something you can hold against the Dan Echo in particular.

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If someone can point me towards the Dan Echo mods that'd be fantastic. I can't find anything looking on Google.


Also, what is an "impedance problem?" What does it sound like and how can it be fixed? And, also what is meant by a pedal "buffer"? Is that related to the impedance issue?



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They're worth $35.00. However, they are digital, not analog, and will never self-oscillate. They eat batteries and should be plugged into a walwart of some kind. They do not sound pristine regardless of the Hi-Cut setting. The jacks are set in plastic and are pretty flimsy. The jacks also have a tendancy to come loose and make whirring noise. I've had to shim mine so they don't do this. I mainly use mine for rockabilly slap, and it's excellent for that. I've gone through two of them, however, because they're made crappily and won't stand up to professional use for any reasonable length of time. I've gone back to my ancient (and still reliable) Ibanez AD-9. The Dan-Echo is a cool cheap pedal for home use on a board. I wouldn't gig with it w/o a backup.

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Thanks for the replies!


I got it from ebay BIN. I have found some good deals searching "newly listed" items instead of "ending soonest". That's where the sweet BINs are at. The cheapest one on ebay now is like $55 shipped.

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they are digital, not analog, and will never self-oscillate



yes they are digital.

but i can tell you for sure they will self oscillate. i cant remember which resistor to change off the top of my head, buts its something i did to mine, along with an fx loop.

i'll have a look tomorrow and take some pic's or something to tell you the exact resistor to change.

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I got mine in early 1999. In that first year, it went back for warranty repairs twice. If you're using any sort of high-output pickups, the input would distort.


It was relegated to acoustic guitar duty until I replaced it with a V-Amp2.


I never tried to make it self-oscillate but it didn't seem like it would be able to do it.

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Just remove r10 and replace with a jumper you should have self oscillation...

Picture of the board at this link




Awesome. If it's that simple, it wouldn't be too difficult to make it switchable. Just a SPDT switch ought to do it.

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Just remove r10 and replace with a jumper you should have self oscillation...

Picture of the board at this link



i found that with just a jumper it runs away into just horrible over the top rip your head off loudness.

fun though :D

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Do you like it?

Does it self oscilate?

Is it worth $35 shipped?


Short answer:




Hell yes :thu:


Long answer: everyone else has pretty much covered it. Its a sweet pedal, but run it off a PSU because it eats batteries. Does a decent imitation of an analogue delay, and the echo function is really cool too.


One of the best budget pedals out there.



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