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The "Admit it, if you were a kid in the 70's, you probably loved KISS" thread

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At the ages of 7 and 8, I didn't feel much pressure to be "cool." But yes, I did listen to AM. I don't think I even knew that FM existed until I was about 10. I'm glad I had my childhood and not yours :poke:

lol! Yes, it was the 60's when I was 7-8! At that age, I don't think I even knew what music was other than the what my parents were watching on the Lawrence Welk Show! I probably didn't become aware of music until I was 10 or 11.

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When I was about 5, I found Rock and Roll Over, Destroyer, and Love Gun in a cabinet in the hallway. It was '87 and I wasn't much of a fan of the hairspray rock. These records were like comic books with soundtracks to me. I eventually got all the pre-Dynasty albums on cassette as well as Lick It Up and Anamalized (mistake). My first concert was KISS in '91 which was one of the last tours with Eric Carr before he died. I saw them again, in full make up, in 2000. Neither are the best concert I've seen, but probably rank 1 and 2 for best stage show. I lost interest in KISS after high school, when I began looking for more substance in my music and I really started getting fed up with Gene's... well with Gene. I still have a good number of their cd's, but they just sit in a box, waiting for me to get the itch to hear Parasite or She.

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There's an interview with Eddie Kramer where he spills the beans that "KISS Alive" was not so live at all - they had to replace everything but the drum parts, cos the playing was so bad! Gives Peter Criss some cred...

[quote name=aeon;32825312
I did love' date=' and still have, my Micronauts, however. :thu:


Micronauts, geez there's some memories! My Nana used to get me those from overseas and it was weird, cos no-one else in New Zealand had heard of them. And no-one in school liked KISS either. Oh dear it's all coming back...:cry:

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I grew up in the 90s, I remember when Kiss had that revival and had no idea what the big deal was. For my generation, it was all Marilyn Manson. That was our KISS. Big boots, lots of color, hard rocking, guaranteed to piss off your parents. Dude looked like a Mad Max villain.





You don't have to be from the 70s to know that's awesome. Fortunately, Ninja Turtles aren't as expensive - yet. I'm stocking up on all the cool ones I want, like this thing...




or this...



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This is going to stir some trouble, but I consider it rather stereotypical to claim that all people are dictated by what was around them when they were a child.

I hate it when people say "if you were born in 'such&such' year, you LOVED this movie, and watched 'such&such' TV show, and dressed up as 'such&such' band, and played 'such&such' game" etc. etc. etc. I hate that generational bull{censored}e. It's even worse when you get nostalgia freaks that cling to their childhood stuck in a rut. The worst offenders are the ones that form a cult that call themselves "Children of the 1980s" (*pukes in mouth*....) rather than the crap psychological term 'Generation X". They just cannot move on in life- they think they are so special and unique out of the whole of civilisation that has existed, and what, because of whatever was playing on the telly or what mass-marketing they sheepishly lapped up? How bloody shallow is that?
I'll say right now there is nothing wrong with enjoying something that you liked as a child, nothing at all. But enjoy it in the NOW, not stuck in the past. Like it for what it IS, not what is WAS BACK THEN.

I don't mind KISS, at times. I consider them as a joke band, and for that, it can be entertaining.

I was a kid in the 1990s, and quite frankly I couldn't give a stuff for most of the bands that existed then. I just like what I like, not what happens to be around me while growing up.
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Good point Petejt, I actually got into Kiss right at the very end of the 70's and hit my teens during the early 80's :facepalm:which I maintain was the single worst decade to grow up in, musically and otherwise. And anyone who says otherwise is a liar!

Most people though, being the sheeple that they are will have been swept up by whatever fad and trend was current at the time of their youth. Such is pop culture.

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