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Who here doesn't use a pedal board?


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I don't chain pedals one after another - in fact, usually the most I'd have at any one time is 2 (one for dirt and one for some modulation). I get by pretty well with batteries.


I don't play live shows in a band so maybe that's why I don't feel the need for a lot of options on tap at once. I usually just need a pedal or 2 to achieve a specific tone/effect. When I do see pics of huge pedal boards I think that there's got to be some "loss of tone" going on even when pedals are bypassed but maybe it's not that bad.



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I just have mine spread out on the floor. Whenever I get together with people to jam I just grab a couple of favorites (usually Hot Silicon, Polychorus and DM3) and go.


I would probably put a board together if I were in a band and had to move them regularly... but as it stands right now the slew of pedals on the floor works fine for me.

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:wave: me!!!


but i am considering it...not because I want to but because it's becoming a neccessary evil because of the time it takes me to set up/pack away. problem is i'm still experimenting with the chain, what effects I need etc, and I'm just about to buy a new amp, which might change my opinion on certain pedals, so i'm holding out as long as I can..when I'm pretty sure about my set up I'll make one to fit my needs and cable tie them down.

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^Yeah im gonna do that if i ever need one. I've had pieces of wood under my pedals to look like a board but i didnt like it so i just thought id put it in one line.


that's my big problem with pedal boards, I can't handle that stepping over one row to get to the ones at the back..I'm gonna do mine a special shape just for my pedals to hopefully avoid that....I'll post it when it's done and everyone will go "wtf, that's so stupid" just you wait and see!!!! :lol:

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i've never used one and with 20+ effects its really giving me the {censored}s lately.... so i found these old leather phone company cases (like brief cases / suit cases ) that are screaming to be made in to a case for my pedals. i also found an aluminum case (flight case style) at the same place.i'm goin there today to get one or the other.......or both,whatever.



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Haven't had a board in about a month since I was getting new pedals. I might finally be able to do a board again. Got a lot of cool things I want to use. For the time without the board though, I have jsut been using 1 or 2 pedals at a time. Really helped me focus on my playing.

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I only use one pedal, my floor processor. I still put it on a board and here's why-


If I keep it secure on a board with the built in power strip, I know that I won't accidentally kick it around which could damage the power cord. I've seen several shows where guys have unplugged their power or guitar cables, knocked over pedals and such. I don't want to rip out the power source and be stuck with nothing ya know?


Plus, I keep the board ready in my gear case. Pull it out, put it on stage and play. When the set's over I unplug it and stash it back in the case and get the heck off stage :thu:

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I've got one, but I've ditched my power supply for batteries. Does that count?


I cut a piece of scrap plywood to laptop computer-size, sprayed it black, glued/stapled a piece of black fuzzy doormat to it, and got a computer bag from goodwill.


Total outlay:


The computer bag is great, too. You can use the file folders to store cables, and the little organizer pouches for strings and tools. There's even a spot for business cards. :idea:

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I don't chain pedals one after another - in fact, usually the most I'd have at any one time is 2 (one for dirt and one for some modulation). I get by pretty well with batteries.

I don't play live shows in a band so maybe that's why I don't feel the need for a lot of options on tap at once. I usually just need a pedal or 2 to achieve a specific tone/effect. When I do see pics of huge pedal boards I think that there's got to be some "loss of tone" going on even when pedals are bypassed but maybe it's not that bad.



I do AND I don't. Depends on the situation. ;)

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i don't at the moment but am gonna be making one soon as not having one makes setting up at shows hella stressful. I use 5 pedals and a tuner with a power supply as well as a synth/sampler that i need to set up and i'm always worried i'm gonna leave sth behind/break sth. Haven't got one yet as they seem crazy expensive for what they are so diy is for me!!

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