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Drugs/cigs are such a waste of money


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I didn't go "cold turkey". I was smoking 2+ packs a day, for 17 years. I wound up having to go to the emergency room, and getting admitted into the hospital for a week about 2 months ago.

I couldn't leave the room, so they gave me nicotine patches. When I got out, I just continued with the patches. I've been off them for a couple weeks now, though. It's wierd...I still crave nicotine here and there. I thought the physical cravings would have been gone by now...They are milder all the time though, and nothing I can't handle.

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I have a friend that smoked pot twice, and never smoked again, other 4 friends I have smoke pot almost everyday, now they're so {censored}in lazy... and I know they will try other harder drugs after pot doesnt make any effect on them due to smoking always.


I never tried any drug, Im affraid I like it and {censored} up my life, and dont want to become dependent of drugs, I drink once in a while, dont love drinking but I dont hate it.


I agree drugs and cigs are a waste of money... why paying to kill the nerve cells?

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I have a friend that smoked pot twice, and never smoked again, other 4 friends I have smoke pot almost everyday, now they're so {censored}in lazy... and I know they will try other harder drugs after pot doesnt make any effect on them due to smoking always.

I never tried any drug, Im affraid I like it and {censored} up my life, and dont want to become dependent of drugs, I drink once in a while, dont love drinking but I dont hate it.

14 years in, here, and it still works fine. Where'd you get the idea that it wouldn't "make any effect on them due to smoking always" someday?

Hell, you think Willie'd still be smoking the {censored} after all these years if it wasn't doing anything for him?:lol:

It's funny the way you say "I never tried any drug", then go on to mention that you "drink once in a while".

Do you know what the word "drug" means?

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when I said it would stop making effect because they smoke almost always, its like the first time you drink you get drunk with a glass of beer, if you drink a lot you get used to it and it doesnt make the same effect as it did the first time you tried it. I thought it was like that with drugs (and by drugs I mean marihuana, cocaine, LSD, heroine, though I know alcohol is a drug...)

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I never tried any drug, Im affraid I like it and {censored} up my life, and dont want to become dependent of drugs, I drink once in a while, dont love drinking but I dont hate it.

I agree drugs and cigs are a waste of money... why paying to kill the nerve cells?



It depends on the drug, but most don't "damage" anything. Only ones that are going to do that are heroin, coke, and other hard drugs. LSD, Mushrooms, Marijuana, and lots of others are perfectly safe. Know your source, etc.


Educate yourself before you spread misinformation.


And you have tried a drug--alcohol. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it isn't a drug. Alcohol is far more debilitating, addictive, and physically dangerous than any of the three drugs I mentioned. Marijuana is soft compared to a drug you can literally die from (alcohol).


And just like you can control your alcohol consumption, you can control your consumption of other drugs like weed and shrooms.

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I agree drugs and cigs are a waste of money... why paying to kill the nerve cells?



ever heard the phrase we only use 10% of our brain? plenty of room left to kill. in all seriousness, getting high all day every day ain't worth it if you can't function normally. as far as your friends stepping up to harder drugs, i would bet on 75% of them will. will they come back to normal? maybe. i don't have many left that can just smoke a joint and hang out. it is only a gateway drug for people that seek a new high. the first time is the best, and then your chasing that. i didn't seek a new high. i'm fine getting drunk as hell and stoned, others aren't. its good to be scared, it makes you hold out a little longer. i didn't drink until i was 20. not to glorify it, but i smoked a lot of dope.

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when I said it would stop making effect because they smoke almost always, its like the first time you drink you get drunk with a glass of beer, if you drink a lot you get used to it and it doesnt make the same effect as it did the first time you tried it. I thought it was like that with drugs (and by drugs I mean marihuana, cocaine, LSD, heroine, though I know alcohol is a drug...)



I'm going to guess English isn't your first language, correct? If this is the case, no worries, your point is getting across just fine, I believe.


If you've "never tried any drug", why are you being so presumptuous as to tell those of us with experience what the tolerance process is like.


Alcohol is a SIGNIFICANTLY harder drug than marijuana, btw.

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It depends on the drug, but most don't "damage" anything. Only ones that are going to do that are heroin, coke, and other hard drugs. LSD, Mushrooms, Marijuana, and lots of others are perfectly safe. Know your source, etc.

Educate yourself before you spread misinformation.

And you have tried a drug--alcohol. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it isn't a drug. Alcohol is far more debilitating, addictive, and physically dangerous than any of the three drugs I mentioned. Marijuana is soft compared to a drug you can literally die from (alcohol).

And just like you can control your alcohol consumption, you can control your consumption of other drugs like weed and shrooms.



mmm... I can't agree that LSD and Marijuana are perfectly safe, I have 2'friends' that have smoked pot for the last 15 years, one of them can't even leave his house, the other looks 10 years older than me and talks like he only has half a brain left. It has damaged them without a doubt....I don't know how or why, but it's a fact as I see it.

I also went to school with a guy who walked onto a railway line and killed himself whilst taking LSD. I think to say they are 'perfectly safe' is a little misleading.


the whole 'hard' and 'soft' thing is bull{censored}...do you really think breathing in pot smoke isn't doing your lungs any harm????

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mmm... I can't agree that LSD and Marijuana are perfectly safe, I have 2'friends' that have smoked pot for the last 15 years, one of them can't even leave his house, the other looks 10 years older than me and talks like he only has half a brain left. It has damaged them without a doubt....I don't know how or why, but it's a fact as I see it.

I also went to school with a guy who walked onto a railway line and killed himself whilst taking LSD. I think to say they are 'perfectly safe' is a little misleading.

the whole 'hard' and 'soft' thing is bull{censored}...do you really think breathing in pot smoke isn't doing your lungs any harm????



Why bother arguing the point with them? They'll never get it because they don't want too because that means changing. I agree with you though.

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mmm... I can't agree that LSD and Marijuana are perfectly safe, I have 2'friends' that have smoked pot for the last 15 years, one of them can't even leave his house, the other looks 10 years older than me and talks like he only has half a brain left. It has damaged them without a doubt....I don't know how or why, but it's a fact as I see it.

I also went to school with a guy who walked onto a railway line and killed himself whilst taking LSD. I think to say they are 'perfectly safe' is a little misleading.

the whole 'hard' and 'soft' thing is bull{censored}...do you really think breathing in pot smoke isn't doing your lungs any harm????..



this sounds a little dramatic....


anyways,from this biased source that i happen to believe has good info:



"Many people think smoking marijuana is just as harmful as

smoking tobacco, but this is not true. Those who hold that

marijuana is equivalent to tobacco are misinformed. Due to the

efforts of various federal agencies to discourage use of

marijuana in the 1970's the government, in a fit of "reefer

madness," conducted several biased studies designed to return

results that would equate marijuana smoking with tobacco smoking,

or worse.

For example the Berkeley carcinogenic tar studies of the

late 1970's concluded that "marijuana is one-and-a-half times as

carcinogenic as tobacco." This finding was based solely on the

tar content of cannabis leaves compared to that of tobacco, and

did not take radioactivity into consideration. (Cannabis tars do

not contain radioactive materials.) In addition, it was not

considered that:

1) Most marijuana smokers smoke the bud, not the leaf, of

the plant. The bud contains only 33% as much tar as tobacco.

2) Marijuana smokers do not smoke anywhere near as much as

tobacco smokers, due to the psychoactive effects of cannabis.

3) Not one case of lung cancer has ever been successfully

linked to marijuana use.

4) Cannabis, unlike tobacco, does not cause any narrowing of

the small air passageways in the lungs.

In fact, marijuana has been shown to be an expectorant and

actually dilates the air channels it comes in contact with. This

is why many asthma sufferers look to marijuana to provide relief.

Doctors have postulated that marijuana may, in this respect, be

more effective than all of the prescription drugs on the market.

Studies even show that due to marijuana's ability to clear

the lungs of smog, pollutants, and cigarette smoke, it may

actually reduce your risk of emphysema, bronchitis, and lung

cancer. Smokers of cannabis have been shown to outlive non-

smokers in some areas by up to two years. Medium to heavy

tobacco smokers will live seven to ten years longer if they also

smoke marijuana.

Cannabis is also radically different from tobacco in that it

does not contain nicotine and is not addictive. The psychoactive

ingredient in marijuana, THC, has been accused of causing brain

and genetic damage, but these studies have all been disproven.

In fact, the DEA's own Administrative Law Judge Francis Young has

declared that "marijuana in its natural form is far safer than

many foods we commonly consume."

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I'm going to guess English isn't your first language, correct? If this is the case, no worries, your point is getting across just fine, I believe.

If you've "never tried any drug", why are you being so presumptuous as to tell those of us with experience what the tolerance process is like.

Alcohol is a SIGNIFICANTLY harder drug than marijuana, btw.



no, English isnt my first language... (I live in Argentina). I heard that alcohol caused more damage than marihuana... but alcohol is legal and almost everyone drinks, so its more difficult to say "NO" to it. I was wrong alcohol is a drug too, like cafeine, I love cafeine.

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Dying and being "perfectly safe" are different, last time I checked.

Grateful Dead Spring tour 1992. There were 'shrooms going around that were poison. People died. Hippies, but the
sucked. It was
people DIED in a few different cities.

Woodstock 1969. The brown acid was



Yeah, dying and being "perfectly safe" are indeed different. Opposite, I'd say...I never said "perfectly safe" anyway.


If you say that there were shrooms going around "that were poisonous", wouldn't that contradict your earlier implication that all shrooms were poisonous? I know that some mushrooms are poisonous...most of us know that.


Are any of the deaths from 15 years ago documented as being directly caused by psilocybin, though, and not some other breed of mushroom being passed off as psilocybin?


Once more, I'm not saying it couldn't happen...just that I've never heard of it. Your having to reach back 15 years for a vague account of some "hippies on Dead tour" doesn't exactly convince me...


As for the "brown acid", I thought the story on that was that it wasn't dangerous or poison, just "bad" acid. There was something in the original speech to that effect, but that doesn't have anything to do with mushrooms, anyway.

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Thanks. I worked with Greg Lake for a number of years. Toured Japan in fact. Hooked up with Steve Hackett, and recorded what was dubbed "The Toyko Tapes."

Those were fun times. Brought me back to the days of old Crimson.



think ive heard of it. Thats Lakes? wow, figures.


man moog, i thought you were like a teenager. sorry..

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Can we atleast agree that huffing is bad :) I think huffers have the worst burn out factor of any drug abuser I've ever met. People that are hard core into huffing usually end up as bad or worse than pill heads.


I don't think I've ever met anyone gone stupid just from smoking weed

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