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Most iPod alternatives are only 20-30gb for now. One of the older 20gb Archos Jukeboxes could be hacked (i.e. you open it up and swap the drives, it might be a little more involved but i dunno) to run up to 100gb but that requires buying the player used, then the drive, then doing some work...

Edit: not quite 80gb, but these are good.

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You'll not find an 80gb player for much cheaper than an iPod, sorry. If it's for your car, consider building your own mp3 player, then you can have like 750+gb if you want... If it's for jogging/walking/etc, you might be stuck with paying the price for the hard drive size...

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I've been using an iriver H140 since 2004. it pretty much beats the ipod in tearms of sound quality and features (I can use it for lossless recording if I plug a stereo mic). it's just less "fashionable". its discontinued and the newer irivers arent as great.

the battery lasts 12-14 hours, unless you install a newer one in, in which case it'll last almost 30 hours.

the i-audios are also very good

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Not a lot that big. You have the Zune.............yeah, right. The Creative stuff is pretty good though. I do like my iPod 30gb video though because I use it during lunch at work to watch tv shows, etc. However, I HATE ITUNES. I'm sorry iTunes sucks.

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If your gripe is with iTunes, there's plenty of alternatives out there. One cool program I found is Senuti: lets you easily copy other people's ipod's onto your computer.



What I'd really like to do is treat the iPod like a hard drive and drag and drop stuff onto it like all of the other mp3 players out there. I don't like the way that iTunes manages my music. I'd like to be able to manage it in Windows Explorer/folders and have it show up that way in iTunes. I don't really care about other peoples iPods. Also, I don't like the fact that if I delete something from iTunes, that it doesn't sync up and delete it from my iPod as well.

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What I'd really like to do is treat the iPod like a hard drive and drag and drop stuff onto it like all of the other mp3 players out there. I don't like the way that iTunes manages my music. I'd like to be able to manage it in Windows Explorer/folders and have it show up that way in iTunes. I don't really care about other peoples iPods. Also, I don't like the fact that if I delete something from iTunes, that it doesn't sync up and delete it from my iPod as well.



that is because delete in itunes with the normal delete button only deletes it from the list. You have to do a special delete key combination.

on the mac it's command+delete. Poof gone forever.

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I'm just going to say it - no matter what you get it will crap out on you eventually.

I've had friends that have had iPods crap out, I've had two Creative Zen mp3 players crap out on me, and now my latest, a Micro$oft Zune, seems to be the preferred mp3 player of nazis everywhere.

Both of my Creative players had the same issue (two different hard drive models, same problem). After about 6 months, they started to jumble songs up. It was like the songs I put on got chopped up and rearranged randomly. It was almost 6 months TO THE DAY for both.

Now, the Zune I find even worse. Micro$oft is insane - absolute {censored}ing control freaks. I had an issue where my computer wouldn't recognize my Zune anymore. I checked everywhere in the instructions as well as on the Zune website. Nothing. So, I called the free service line.

Of course, the automated operator is made to sound "hip" and "trendy." What fun. I finally get to an actual person. Before he lets me ask my question, he wants to know my name, phone number, address, and then wants me to register with them. Just to ask a question. I explained that I just needed help with what I assumed was a simple problem - not to sign up for something. I also asked why exactly he needed to take all this information to help me with an MP3 player. :freak:

He refuses to help me unless I give him the information. What in the hell is that? I give him my name and refuse to give him the other stuff. He tells me to go and do a search on their site - which I explain that I already had done. He directs me to a specific article that remotely has to do with my issue then hangs up on me. Nice guy.

So, since my Zune is useless without being able to be connected to the computer to charge and add/remove music, I follow the instructions in the article he directed me to. Wow. My Zune's Hard-drive is wiped clean. Wonderful. Computer STILL won't recognize it. EVEN BETTER.

I ended up having to completely reinstall EVERYTHING related to the Zune program and the actual device. Drivers, the program, updates, drivers for the device, device updates, etc. Then, I had to get all of my music back into the program. My computer's a bit older, so moving 7GB around isn't exactly speedy. After all that I finally got it working.

So, my advice to you, as someone who has had a good amount of experience with mp3 players, is this;



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