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Fender Super Sonic Amp


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if its the one im thinking of, its incredible.

i played a blonde head and 2x12 cab. its got the two mode switch, a bassman and something else.

the best clean tone you could want and a lot of available gain. best distortion ive heard on a fender. the head i played was around $1500, i think.

very nice amp. i didnt see or hear anything i didnt like.:)

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The clean channel is nice on the Vibro setting but the Bassman sounding is thin and bright IMO.


The distortion channel doesnt sound all that great either... The voicing has the weird emphasis in the mids and its got that ratty hair on top thats typical of Fender distortion. Although its a much better gain channel than say the Evil Twin.


Fender Tone Master has an incredible gian channel. But they are expensive these days.


However, Fender does have the EVH 5150 III now. Which IMO is a superior amp across the board. :)

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I toyed around with one for a while and I found it almost impossible to get a true clean tone, with the fender sparkle. It was always somewhat dirty. If that's what you're going for it's a really good amp for the money for sure, and very badass looking in blonde. But if you want the cleanest clean, not so much.

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I tried one a couple times and was very unimpressed. The cleans were done 100x better by the actual models that it was modeling (I played them right next to it to compare) and the dirty channel was not that good IMO. It had that strange "hair" that was talked about. Overall very disa[opinting. I'd heard they were supposed to rule too, so maybe I was expecting too much.

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Maybe I would be better off keeping my Fender Prosonic.

The day after this photo was taken, the owner of the SuperSonic returned it to GC. The cleans where lack luster, the dirt was thin with no girth, yes we broke in the speaker and even tried my well broken in Weber's with it :cry:

My Blues Deluxe Reissue slayed it using a pedal for dirt, the ProSonic sealed it's fate with the owner. I have to admit, the demo at Fender sounded exceptionally good. Don't believe the hype, your ProSonic is twice the amp that the SuperSonic is (IMHO) :thu:



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Any thoughts on this amp?? Any users??

KJ, the amp that would probably make you happy would be an Allen/master volume modded Bassman amp.I've got one that I've been using as my main amp for about a month now. I'm running it through a Mesa 1x12 open-back cab loaded with a 4 ohm Celestion V-30 speaker. The normal channel has the AA-864 circuitry,and the bass side is modded to the Tweed/Plexi. My local amp guy does the Allen/MV mods. You could buy a used late 60's or very early 70's bassman and send him the chassis to do the mod. Here's some clips of the amp. The first 3 clips are of the amp with it's own natural overdrive, and the last clip an overdrive pedal was used.



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Gee I guess I'm the ONLY bonified owner of this amp. The negative reviews above surprise me. I have Strats but I mainly use Gibsons w/humbuckers. I love the {censored} out of this amp. It's like 3 amps in one and I've run a {censored}load of pedals thru it, ran it with no pedals and just enjoying the hell out of the amp and a Gibson and an occasional Strat. I paid $900 new for mine - what can I say - our drummer works at a music store :)

Is the clean as clean as say a Fender Twin Reverb - no. But I like a touch of grit even when I'm playing on the clean setting - and quite frankly dirt, boost and overdrive pedals love the clean side just fine.

Maybe it's because I've had mine for about a year now and I have spent alot of hours with her - I felt it was worth what I paid for it and more and that's why I kept it. :cool:

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Gee I guess I'm the ONLY bonified owner of this amp. The negative reviews above surprise me. I have Strats but I mainly use Gibsons w/humbuckers. I love the {censored} out of this amp. It's like 3 amps in one and I've run a {censored}load of pedals thru it, ran it with no pedals and just enjoying the hell out of the amp and a Gibson and an occasional Strat. I paid $900 new for mine - what can I say - our drummer works at a music store

Is the clean as clean as say a Fender Twin Reverb - no. But I like a touch of grit even when I'm playing on the clean setting - and quite frankly dirt, boost and overdrive pedals love the clean side just fine.

Maybe it's because I've had mine for about a year now and I have spent alot of hours with her - I felt it was worth what I paid for it and more and that's why I kept it.

You are not alone.:wave:

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yeah, i totally dont get the people saying they dont like the cleans and the gain has a weird tone to it...

hmm...upon closer inspection the referenced comments were by amp forum guys...maybe emgs arent best for anything other than $5000 heads? no built in chorus? maybe this amp isnt intended for (insert lame subgenre name)core?

not trying to start forum arguments, but this amp really does sound great.:)

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yeah, i totally dont get the people saying they dont like the cleans and the gain has a weird tone to it...

hmm...upon closer inspection the referenced comments were by amp forum guys...maybe emgs arent best for anything other than $5000 heads? no built in chorus? maybe this amp isnt intended for (insert lame subgenre name)core?

not trying to start forum arguments, but this amp really does sound great.


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i didn't like it. i felt like fender was trying to cram too much into it. it did sound good, but not any better than any other fender reissue.


i ended up getting an Allen Encore, which is basically a Vibrolux Reverb with a master volume. it can sound like both the Vibrolux and the Bassman settings on the Supersonic. makes me wonder why they relagated the Vibrolux to such a trebly sound.

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