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Which Tremolo Pedal?


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I'm looking for a pedal that can do, The Smith's "How Soon Is Now", and classic Fender Trem sounds. Mainly for swampy dirty blues playing. Think "Black Snake Moan" soundtrack.

How's the T-Rex?



the T-Rex is pretty good - i had the TC Electronics Vintage Trem (which is a re-badged Tremster). it definately does the vintage amp-type trem, but doesn't do extreme choppy sounds. i preferred it to the TR-2 which i've also owned.


the Catalinbread Semaphore would also fit the bill; it's very tweakable, and can cover just about any trem sound you'd want.

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None of these Trems will do "How Soon is Now" though

Except, again, maybe the Seek-Trem/Tremorama.


Seeing as it was just the tremolo from a few late 70s twin reverbs run in stereo, any sort of stereo trem set up would probably do it. A pn-2 if you're willing to pay for it.


I'm sure this will piss a few people off, but you could probably pull it off with a pair of the cheap behringer tremolo pedals run into two different channels of your amp or two separate amps.:)

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Behringer pedals are actually pretty decent. I've listened time and time again to the Verbzilla and Digiverb, but the Behringer Reverb pedal I have is just as good. I just say it for E50 so I thought I may as well pick it up since I don't need "fantastic" reverb anyway(though I almost always use some reverb, since I'm such a Goff). And I was shocked by how good some of the modes are. I have a Behringer USB sound card too for my laptop and that's pretty nifty. Good tech support too.


so I wouldn't be surprised if their Trem pedals are fantastic too. I think it's mainly Behringer's modeling stuff that isn't the greatest, which is why they get a bad rep, and the pedals aren't made from strong casing. Though I've never had a problem with that - I have a habit of breaking lots of things, but never really pedals.

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For anything time base, try to get tap tempo. If your going to be in the studio or at home, there are tones of other options. The best "amp like" trems I've heard about are Mojo Hand Sugar baby, Earthquaker Pulse Machine, Cusack TAW, Swamp Thing, and there are tons more. If your on a budget, grab a used TR-2 and get it modded. I owned a Keeley TR-2 for years.

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