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Who uses a phasor and why?

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I'm not well so cut me a little slack, I could just be having a major senior moment.


Anyway I am bored and just dusted off the remainder of what was my effects board...one of the remaining effect pedals is an old DOD FX20 III phasor (two knob) however for the life of me I can't remember what tunes I used it for?


I know a phasor is a modulation effect, but what classic rock songs use a phasor?


Who uses one and why?


Sorry it's been awhile since I've used modulation.

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First ones that come to mind?

Breathe - Pink Floyd

No Quarter - Led Zeppelin

Shattered - The Rolling Stones



The riff for Have a Cigar is pure analog phased goodness. It's the one tone that makes it worth buying a Phase 90. I can't stand what the damn pedal does to my tone, and it's really not the best sounding phaser, but that one sound it does better than any other phaser I've tried.

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i have a couple of DOD phasor's, the 201 and two knob FX20 (cream coloured) and a 201 clone, the Tonefactor Nebula.


they're the best phasers i've found on my decently lenghty search. for the money the FX20 goes for i wouldn't ever sell it.


they just swirl theright amount. the FX20 excels at the slow rate stuff for me. it goes about as slow as a USA small stone, whereas the 201 is better at faster 'vibe' rates.


i only really use phaser effects clean, usually with delay and reverb. i can get lost in the swirl sometimes. the effect is similar to smoking a lot of weed and then gettting really engrossed in the sound. phaser beats any other modulation for me.

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I don't really listen to classic rock.

Two songs that come to mind immediately are:

Smashing Pumpkins -- Love (actually that might be a flanger, but whatever)

The Cardigans -- My Favorite Game


And you can use some of them to cop filter sweeps reasonably well.

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Various Smashing Pumpkin songs. Some Joy Division and Bauhaus songs(or at least Flanger sounds that sound like a Phaser).


Anyway, why does a "Classic Song" have to use it?


My Moon Phaser doesnt' much sound like a classic Phaser. That's one of the reasons I got it. I like itb ecome it's a moon phaser. It gives me dreamy textures and sounds beautiful after a FUZZ.

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Thank you for the replies people.


gambit I wouldn't get anything worthwhile for this pedal (I love the cream color) and the pedal looks very cool....probably why I never bothered selling it off.


Anyway with the replies I received to this thread it's all come back to me now...maybe I should try smoking a little weed to try and bring more of my lost guitar playing memories?


Thanks again folks

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I use my MXR Phase 90 to usually color my clean tones on certain songs.



yeah me too

and for some solos!! i love it how it sounds right before my distortion, it's not a very dramatic effect when placed there, but it gives it a nice effect =D

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