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Boss reverb pedals


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My Holy Grail has passed on and I am looking at a new/used option to replace it. Something with standard decent sounding Fender amp like (spring) reverbs but also the ability to go big and wet...


What are the RV2, 3, 5s like? I can get them cheap 2nd hand... other options include new Verbzilla or Digiverb but I am keen to hear peoples opinion son the Boss stuff



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I'd avoid the 5

it's kind of sterile compared to the other twp

it suffers from poor A/D/A conversion too

I know it's not the answer you were lookign for but I'd look at something other than Boss for reverb.

I'm fond of both the Digitech Digiverb and the Tech 21 reverb, both cheaper and far nicer than the RV-5

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i imagine everything sounds wondermous with your tin ears


Ouch. You didn't like it? Sometimes it has this weird clanging thing going on, but it doesn't bother me that much.. only when I stop playing and it rings and does the clang deal. And it only does that sometimes. :idk: For everything it does, and seeing as I got it for $75, I'm very pleased.

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Ouch. You didn't like it? Sometimes it has this weird clanging thing going on, but it doesn't bother me that much.. only when I stop playing and it rings and does the clang deal. And it only does that sometimes.
For everything it does, and seeing as I got it for $75, I'm very pleased.



mine was metallic and pingy....i rank it just above the DOD supra distortion in my least favorite pedals list.

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I have RV5 and in general I would say it's an OK pedal, not awesome but not bad as well.

Long verbs are good, especially the modulation like murch33 said. Spring is :rolleyes: (but I'm spoiled, I own DRRI and a pedal can't beat that), room reverb is just hall with shorter times, again :rolleyes:


...it doesn't suck your tone badly and the noise level is reasonable.



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